FinOps best practices for Web

This article outlines a collection of proven FinOps practices for web services. It provides strategies for optimizing costs, improving efficiency, and using Azure Resource Graph (ARG) queries to gain insights into your web resources. By following these practices, you can ensure that your web services are cost-effective and aligned with your organization's financial goals.

App Service

The following sections provide ARG queries for App Service. These queries help you gain insights into your App Service resources and ensure they're configured with the appropriate settings. By analyzing App Service plans and surfacing recommendations from Azure Advisor, you can optimize your App Service resources for cost efficiency.

Query: Web Application Status

This ARG query retrieves the status and basic information of web applications within your Azure environment.




| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Web/sites'
| project
    WebAppName = name,
    Type = kind,
    Status = tostring(properties.state),
    WebAppLocation = location,
    AppServicePlan = tostring(properties.serverFarmId),
    WebAppRG = resourceGroup,
    SubscriptionId = subscriptionId
| order by id asc

Query: App Service plan details

This ARG query retrieves detailed information about Azure App Service Plans within your Azure environment.


Resource management


| where type == "microsoft.web/serverfarms"  and sku.tier !~ 'Free'
| project
    planId = tolower(tostring(id)),
    skuname = tostring(,
    skutier = tostring(sku.tier),
    workers = tostring(properties.numberOfWorkers),
    maxworkers = tostring(properties.maximumNumberOfWorkers),
    webRG = resourceGroup,
    Sites = tostring(properties.numberOfSites),
    SubscriptionId = subscriptionId
| join kind=leftouter (
    | where type == "microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings"
    | project
        planId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceUri)),
        PredictiveAutoscale = properties.predictiveAutoscalePolicy.scaleMode,
        AutoScaleProfiles = properties.profiles,
) on planId

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