Creating a Custom Resolver

The Resolver and Adapter Provider Framework implementation in ​Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit uses a pipeline component named Dispatcher and pipelines named ItineraryReceive and ItinerarySend.

The Dispatcher pipeline component has four properties: Validate, Enabled, EndPoint, and MapName. The EndPoint property can contain resolver connection strings with values such as the following, where UDDI:\\ represents the resolution type to use (the root moniker).


Other supported monikers include XPATH:\\, STATIC:\\, and BRE:\\. Each moniker type uses a specific class that implements the IResolveProvider interface. You can create your own custom resolvers for other moniker types and register them for use by the dynamic resolution system.

The moniker equates to a resolver connection string. Individual schemas define the parameters and their root moniker. A resolver takes the resolver connection string, validates it, and uses the result to query and populate a Dictionary object that can be used for routing, transformation, itinerary selection, or some other purpose specific to your service.

Resolver Configuration

You must register all resolvers in the Esb.config configuration file. The following XML shows an example of the configuration file content.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <section name="esb" type="Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Configuration.ESBConfigurationSection, Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c62dd63c784d6e22"/>
          <!-- Other Section Definitions Here -->

          <resolvers cacheManager= "Resolver Providers Cache Manager"  absoluteExpiration="3600">
               <resolver name="UDDI" type="Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Resolver.UDDI.ResolveProvider, Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Resolver.UDDI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c62dd63c784d6e22">
                         <add name="cacheTimeoutValue" value="120" />
                         <add name="cacheName" value="UDDI Cache Manager" />
               <resolver name="XPATH" type="Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Resolver.XPATH.ResolveProvider, Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Resolver.XPATH, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c62dd63c784d6e22"/>
               <!-- Other Resolver Definitions Here -->
          <!-- Other ESB Configuration Settings Here -->
     <!-- Other Configuration Sections Here -->

The resolverConfig section under each resolver node allows you to configure additional properties that your resolver may require to operate in a specific environment. To have access to the configuration, your resolver must expose a constructor that takes in a parameter of type Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Configuration.Resolver. In your resolver implementation, configuration properties can then be accessed using the ReadResolverConfigByKey method of the ResolverConfigHelper class; to do this, pass in the parameter originally passed to the constructor, and then pass in the name of the value in question. If no name-value pairs are specified in the resolverConfig node, the default parameterless constructor will be used to instantiate your resolver.

Two Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) 3 resolvers have been defined in the configuration: UDDI 3 and UDDI 3-SOASOFTWARE. Both of these resolvers use the same underlying assembly, but they provide different configurations for supporting different UDDI 3.0–compliant registries with different Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) formats and security requirements. If you need to configure an additional moniker for a UDDI 3.0–compliant registry besides those already supported, the following configuration properties can be used:

The IResolveProvider Interface

All resolvers must implement the IResolveProvider interface. The IResolveProvider interface, located in the Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Resolver project, consists of three overloads of the Resolve method that return an instance of the Dictionary class, which contains resolution facts provided by the instance of concrete resolver class. The following code example shows the signature of these method overloads.

// <summary>
// This is the main interface that is called from the
// ResolverMgr class.
// This interface supports being called from a Microsoft BizTalk
// Server pipeline component.
// </summary>
// <param name="config">Configuration string entered into
// pipeline component as argument</param>
// <param name="resolver">Moniker representing the resolver
// to load</param>.
// <param name="message">IBaseMessage passed from pipeline</param>.
// <param name="pipelineContext">IPipelineContext passed from
// pipeline</param>.
// <returns>Dictionary object fully populated</returns>.
        Dictionary<string, string> Resolve(string config, string resolver,
              IBaseMessage message, IPipelineContext pipelineContext);

// <summary>
// This is the main interface that is called from the ResolverMgr
// class.
// This interface supports being called from a Web service interface.
// </summary>
// <param name="config">Configuration string entered into Web
// service as argument</param>.
// <param name="resolver">Moniker representing the resolver
// to load</param>.
// <param name="message">XML document passed from Web
// service</param>.
// <returns>Dictionary object fully populated</returns>.
        Dictionary<string,string> Resolve(string config, string resolver, System.Xml.XmlDocument message);

// <summary>
// This is the main interface that is called from the
// ResolverMgr class.
// This interface supports being called from an orchestration.
// </summary>
// <param name="resolverInfo">Configuration string containing
// configuration and resolver</param>.
// <param name="message">XLANGMessage passed from
// orchestration</param>.
// <returns>Dictionary object fully populated</returns>.
        Dictionary<string, string> Resolve(ResolverInfo resolverInfo, XLANGs.BaseTypes.XLANGMessage message);

The Resolution structure, located in Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Resolver project, also defines the name/value pairs stored in the Dictionary instance. The Resolution structure exposes several properties; the following table lists the most relevant of these. The CreateResolverDictionary method of the ResolutionHelper class can be used to generate a resolver dictionary that contains the most used keys, with empty string values. The Dictionary instance supports the addition of custom resolver name/value pairs through a concrete implementation of the Resolver class.

Property Data type Data type Data type
TransformType String ActionField String
Success Boolean EpmRRCorrelationTokenField String
TransportNamespace String InboundTransportLocationField String
TransportType String InterchangeIDField String
TransportLocation String ReceiveLocationNameField String
Action String ReceivePortNameField String
MessageExchangePattern String InboundTransportTypeField String
EndpointConfig String IsRequestResponseField String
TargetNamespace String DocumentSpecStrongNameField String
FixJaxRPC Boolean DocumentSpecNameField String
WindowUserField String MessageType String
CacheTimeout String OutboundTransportCLSID String
MethodNameField String

Creating a Custom Resolver

At run time, a pipeline retrieves the resolver connection string and calls the resolver manager (an instance of the ResolverMgr class). The resolver manager parses, populates, and validates the resolver connection string. It does this by doing the following:

  • It parses the connection string to determine which Resolver type to load.

  • It matches this type to a moniker defined in the configuration file (the key is the root moniker, such as UDDI).

  • It reads the assembly name of the resolver for this moniker.

  • It loads the specified assembly.

    The dynamic resolution mechanism caches all loaded implementations of the IResolveProvider interface to avoid repeated reading of configuration information and assembly loading when several incoming messages use the same resolver.

    Finally, the resolver manager executes the Resolve method of the concrete IResolveProvider implementation and returns the populated Dictionary instance.

    To create a custom resolver

  1. Create an assembly with a class that implements the IResolveProvider interface and contains a Resolve method that returns resolver facts as an instance of the Dictionary class.

  2. Register the resolver by adding it to the Esb.config configuration file using a <resolver> element that contains the root moniker as the name attribute and the fully qualified assembly name as the type attribute.

  3. (Optional) Create a schema that defines the root moniker and the query parameters, and then save it in the ESB.Schemas.Resolvers folder. The name should follow existing ESB naming conventions; this means it should use the name of the root moniker appended with "_Resolution.xsd".

  4. (Optional) Generate a class from the new schema and save it in the custom resolver assembly. This exposes typed parameters in the custom resolver.

  5. Register the new assembly in the global assembly cache.