MSBTS_GroupSetting (WMI)


Represents a logical grouping of Microsoft® BizTalk® Servers.


class MSBTS_GroupSetting : MSBTS_Setting


MSBTS_GroupSetting defines the following properties:

Property Description
AllowTrackingSettingsImport Gets or sets whether tracking settings will be imported while importing binding files. Available starting with BizTalk Server 2020.
AnalyticsEnabled Enables or disables analytics for the BizTalk group. For more information, see Update the BizTalk group settings.
AnalyticsTargetProviderConfig This property is used to configure the analytics target when analytics is enabled. For more information, see Update the BizTalk group settings.
AnalyticsTargetProviderId This property is used to configure the analytics target when analytics is enabled. For more information, see Update the BizTalk group settings.
AuditingEnabled Enables or disables auditing for the BizTalk group. Available starting with BizTalk Server 2020.
BamDBName Gets or sets the name of the BAM SQL database.
BamDBServerName Gets or sets the name of the SQL server where BAM database is located.
BizTalkAdministratorGroup Gets the name of the BizTalk Administrator Windows Group.
BizTalkB2BOperatorGroup Gets the name of the BizTalk B2B Operators Windows Group.
BizTalkOperatorGroup Gets the name of the BizTalk Operators Windows Group.
BizTalkReadOnlyUserGroup Gets the name of the BizTalk ReadOnly User Windows Group.
Caption (Inherited from CIM_Setting) For more information, see CIM_Setting class (CIMWin32 WMI Providers).
ConfigurationCacheRefreshInterval Gets or sets how often BizTalk Server refreshes the cache of the messaging configuration objects, in seconds.
Description (Inherited from CIM_Setting) For more information, see CIM_Setting class (CIMWin32 WMI Providers).
GlobalTrackingOption Gets the level of tracking that the BizTalk server should perform.
LMSFragmentSize Gets or sets the fragment size, in bytes, for large message support.
LMSThreshold Gets the threshold size, in bytes, for large message support.
MajorVersion Gets the major version number of the BizTalk Server installed. For internal use only.
MaxAuditEntries Gets or sets the maximum number of entries in audit log table when AuditingEnabled is set to TRUE. Available starting with BizTalk Server 2020.
MgmtDbName Gets the database name of the initial catalog part of the BizTalk Management database connection string.
MgmtDbServerName Gets the data source part of the BizTalk Management database connection string.
MinorVersion Gets the minor version number of the installed BizTalk Management server. This member supports the BizTalk Server infrastructure, and isn't intended to be used directly from your code.
Name Gets the name of the group.
PerfCounterCacheRefreshInterval Gets or sets the interval at which performance counters are refreshed, in seconds.
ReceiverFaultToleranceEnabled Enables or disables receive location fault tolerance. Available starting with BizTalk Server 2020.
ReceiverFaultToleranceRetryInterval Gets or sets how often the server attempts to recover receive location from failures when ReceiverFaultToleranceEnabled is set to TRUE. Available starting with BizTalk Server 2020.
RuleEngineDBName Gets or sets the name of the RuleEngine SQL Server database.
RuleEngineDBServerName Gets or sets the name of the SQL server where RuleEngine database is located.
SettingID (Inherited from CIM_Setting) For more information, see CIM_Setting class (CIMWin32 WMI Providers).
SignCertComment Gets or sets a comment field that can be use to associate some friendly name with a signing certificate.
SignCertThumbprint Gets or sets the thumbprint of the signing certificate used to sign outbound documents sent by any host in the group.
SSOServerName Gets the name of the machine where Single Sign On (SSO) server resides on.
SubscriptionDBName Gets the name of the master subscription SQL database.
SubscriptionDBServerName Gets the name of the server running Microsoft SQL Server where the master subscription database is located.
TrackingAnalysisDBName Gets or sets the name of the tracking SQL analysis database. This property is deprecated.
TrackingAnalysisDBServerName Contains the name of the tracking SQL analysis server. This property is deprecated.
TrackingDBName Gets the name of the tracking SQL database.
TrackingDBServerName Gets the name of the server running SQL Server where the tracking database is located.

MSBTS_GroupSetting defines the following methods:

Method Description
RegisterLocalServer Sets up the Windows NT registry of the local computer to point to this organization.
UnRegisterLocalServer Removes the local Windows NT registry keys that store organization information.


GroupSetting is the management abstraction for global BizTalk Server properties.


Header: Declared in BTSWMISchema2K.mof or BTSWMISchemaXP.mof.

Namespace: Included in root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer.