ISSOAdmin Members


The following table shows the IISOAdmin members.

Public Methods

Member Description
Icon that represents the CreateApplication method. CreateApplication Creates an application in the Single Sign-On (SSO) server database.
Icon that represents the CreateFieldInfo method. CreateFieldInfo Creates field information for an application.
Icon that represents the DeleteApplication method. DeleteApplication Deletes an application from the SSO server database.
Icon that represents the GetApplicationInfo method. GetApplicationInfo Gets the application information from the SSO server database.
Icon that represents the GetGlobalInfo method. GetGlobalInfo Returns the global SSO server configuration information from the SSO server database.
Icon that represents the PurgeCacheForApplication method. PurgeCacheForApplication Purges the cached credentials for an application on all SSO servers.
Icon that represents the UpdateApplication method. UpdateApplication Updates the application information in the SSO server database.

See Also

ISSOAdmin Interface (COM)