ReceiveLocation (ReceiveLocations Node)
The ReceiveLocation node of the ReceiveLocations node of a binding file contains specific information about a receive location that is exported with the binding file.
Nodes in the ReceiveLocation node
The following table lists the properties that can be set for this node of a binding file:
Name | Node Type | Data Type | Description | Restrictions | Comments |
Name | Attribute | xs:string | Specifies the name of the receive location. | Not required | Default value: empty |
Description | Element | xs:string | Specifies a description for the receive location. | Required | Default value: empty |
Address | Element | xs:string | Specifies the address of the receive location. | Required | Default value: empty |
PublicAddress | Element | xs:string | Specifies the public address of the receive location. | Not required | Default value: empty |
Primary | Element | xs:boolean | Specifies whether the receive location is primary. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationServiceWindowEnabled | Element | xs:boolean | Specifies whether the service window is enabled. | Required | Default value: none Specify true if the service window is enabled; otherwise, specify false. |
ReceiveLocationFromTime | Element | xs:dateTime | Specifies the start time of the service window. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationToTime | Element | xs:dateTime | Specifies the end time of the service window. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationStartDateEnabled | Element | xs:boolean | Specifies whether the start date for the service window is enabled. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationStartDate | Element | xs:dateTime | Specifies the start date of the service window. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationEndDateEnabled | Element | xs:boolean | Specifies whether the end date for the service window is enabled. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationEndDate | Element | xs:dateTime | Specifies the end date of the service window. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationTransportType | Record | ProtocolType (ComplexType) | Specifies the transport type for this receive location | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveLocationTransportTypeData | Element | xs:string | Specifies the transport type properties for the receive location. | Not required | Default value: empty See Configuration Properties for Integrated BizTalk Adapters for adapter specific information about the properties that can be stored in this string. |
ReceivePipeline | Record | PipelineRef (ComplexType) | Specifies the receive pipeline for the receive location. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceivePipelineData | Element | xs:string | Specifies the custom configuration specific to the receive pipeline used for this receive location. | Required | Default value: empty |
SendPipeline | Record | PipelineRef (ComplexType) | Specifies the send pipeline for a two way receive location. Note: In BizTalk Server send pipelines for two-way receives are specified at the receive location rather than at the receive port. Unless otherwise specified in the binding file, a receive location will automatically inherit the send pipeline from the receive port it belongs to. | Required | Default value: none |
SendPipelineData | Element | xs:string | Specifies the custom configuration specific to the send pipeline used for this receive location. | Required | Default value: empty |
EncryptionCert | Record | CertificateInfo (ComplexType) | Specifies the encryption certificate associated with the receive location. | Not required | Default value: none |
Enable | Element | xs:boolean | Specifies whether the receive location is enabled or not. | Required | Default value: none |
ReceiveHandler | Record | ReceiveHandlerRef (ComplexType) | Specifies the receive handler to use for this receive location. | Not required | Default value: none |