Samples for the SQL adapter
Samples for Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for SQL Server are categorized into:
BizTalk Server samples
WCF service model samples
WCF channel model samples
The samples are available at BizTalk Adapter Pack 2010: SQL adapter samples. The SQL scripts for creating the objects used in the samples, such as database, tables, and procedures are included.
These samples need updated to the current version. Interested in updating them? If yes, then add your updated samples to our public GitHub repo at
The following list describes the samples.
BizTalk Server samples
Sample Directory Name | Description |
ExecuteStoredProcedure | Demonstrates how to invoke a stored procedure in SQL Server database using the adapter with BizTalk Server . |
SelectTable | Demonstrates how to perform a Select operation on a SQL Server database table using the adapter with BizTalk Server. |
CompositeOperations | Demonstrates how to perform composite operations on a SQL Server database using the adapter with BizTalk Server. |
TypedPolling | Demonstrates how to perform strongly-typed polling on a SQL Server database using the adapter with BizTalk Server. |
FILESTREAMOperation | Demonstrates how to perform FILESTREAM operations on a SQL Server 2008 database using the adapter with BizTalk Server. |
IncrementalNotification | Demonstrates how to receive incremental notification from a SQL Server database using the adapter with BizTalk Server. |
Employee_PurchaseOrder | Sample based on Tutorial 2: Employee - Purchase Order Process using the SQL adapter. |
WCF service model samples
Sample Directory Name | Description |
EmployeeBasicOps | Demonstrates how to perform Insert, Select, Update, and Delete operation on a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
ExecuteReader | Demonstrates how to invoke an ExecuteReader operation on a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
Execute_StoredProc | Demonstrates how to invoke a stored procedure in SQL Server database using the adapter. |
Execute_TypedStoredProcedure | Demonstrates how to invoke a strongly-typed stored procedure in SQL Server database using the adapter. |
Records_FILESTREAM_Op | Demonstrates how to update FILESTREAM data in a SQL Server database table using the adapter. |
ScalarFunction_ServiceModel | Demonstrates how to invoke scalar functions in a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
TableFunction_ServiceModel | Demonstrates how to invoke table-valued functions in a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
Polling_ServiceModel | Demonstrates how to receive polling-based data-changed messages from a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
TypedPolling_ServiceModel | Demonstrates how to receive strongly-typed polling-based data-changed messages from a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
Notification_ServiceModel | Demonstrates how to receive query notifications from a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
WCF channel model samples
Sample Directory Name | Description |
EmployeeInsertOp | Demonstrates how to perform an Insert operation on a SQL Server database using the adapter. |
Polling_ChannelModel | Demonstrates how to receive polling-based data-changed messages from a SQL Server database using the adapter. |