SAPParameterCollection class in the SAP adapter

The following section lists the methods and properties for the SAPParameterCollection class. This is derived from System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.

Supported Properties

Name Get/Set Description
Count Get Number of parameters in the collection.
IsFixedSize Get Not supported. Returns false.
IsReadOnly Get Not supported. Returns false.
IsSynchronized Get Not supported. Returns false.
SyncRoot Get Returns the lock object.

Supported Methods

Name Description
Add(SAPParameter) Parameter cannot belong to more than one ParameterCollection.
Add(object) Object should be of SAPParameter type.
AddRange(System.Array) Adds an array of SAPParameter instances.
Clear() Clears the parameters in the collection.
Contains(object) Checks based on parameter instance.
Contains(string) Checks based on parameter name.
CopyTo(SAPParameter[], int) Copies parameter list to an array of SAPParameter types.
CopyTo(System.Array, int) Copies parameter list to an array.
GetEnumerator() Gets an enumerator for the parameters in the collection.
IndexOf(object) Index of parameter based on SAPParameter instance.
IndexOf(string) Index of parameter based on SAPParameter name.
Insert(int, object) Inserts an SAPParameter into the collection.
Remove(object) Removes an SAPParameter into the collection based on instance.
RemoveAt(int) Removes an SAPParameter into the collection at a given index.
RemoveAt(string) Removes an SAPParameter into the collection based on name.

See Also

Extend ADO.NET Interfaces with the SAP adapter