Batch Orchestration

Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 (BTAHL7) provides an orchestration (BatchOrchestration.dll) that you can use to process batches. This orchestration can process batches of HL7-encoded (2.X) messages and/or acknowledgments (ACKs). The orchestration is a native BTAHL7 orchestration added by BTAHL7 setup to your set of BizTalk orchestrations (as listed under Orchestrations in BizTalk Explorer).

The orchestration works with batch activation, batch termination, and batch timer messages that BTAHL7 uses to control batches. The orchestration also works with the batch control port, which is a receive port that BTAHL7 setup installs to handle batch control messages.

See Also

Batching Tutorial
BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 Components