VM watch: Enhancing VM health monitoring (preview)

VM watch is a standardized, lightweight, and adaptable service offering for virtual machines (VMs) and virtual machine scale sets. It runs health checks within a VM at configurable intervals and sends the results via a uniform data model to Azure. The AI operations (AIOps) engines for production monitoring in Azure consume these health results for regression detection and prevention.

VM watch is delivered via the Application Health VM extension to provide ease of deployment and manageability for customers. In addition, VM watch is offered at no extra cost.

Monitoring specifics for VM watch

  • Ease of adoption: VM watch is available through the Application Health VM extension.
  • Flexible deployment: You can enable VM watch by using an Azure Resource Manager template (ARM template), PowerShell, or the Azure CLI.
  • Compatibility: VM watch operates seamlessly in both Linux and Windows environments. It's suitable for individual VMs and virtual machine scale sets alike.
  • Resource governance: VM watch provides efficient monitoring without affecting system performance. Resource caps on the CPU and memory utilization of the VM watch process help protect VMs.
  • Out-of-the-box readiness: VM watch comes equipped with a suite of default tests that you can configure for your scenarios.


Signal name Type Description
Outbound connectivity Check Verify the network outbound connectivity from the Azure VM.
DNS Resolution Check Verify if one or more DNS names can be resolved.
TCPSynRetransmits (Linux Only) Metric The number of times the system retransmits a TCP SYN and SYN/ACK packet before giving up on establishing a connection.
SegmentsRetransmitted Metric The number of transmitted TCP segments that contain one or more previously transmitted octets.
NormalizedSegmentsRetransmitted Metric SegmentsRetransmitted / (SegmentsSent + SegmentsRetransmitted)
ConnectionResets Metric The number of times that TCP connections made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE_WAIT state.
NormalizedConnectionResets Metric The percentage of connections that were reset during the last measurement interval.
FailedConnectionAttempts Metric The number of times that TCP connections made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN_SENT state or the SYN_RCVD state.
NormalizedFailedConnectionAttempts Metric FailedConnectionAttempts / (ActiveConnectionOpenings + PassiveConnectionOpenings)
ActiveConnectionOpenings Metric The number of times that TCP connections made a direct transition to the SYN_SENT state from the CLOSED state.
PassiveConnectionOpenings Metric The number of times that TCP connections made a direct transition to the SYN_RCVD state from the LISTEN state.
CurrentConnections Metric The number of connections established.
SegmentsReceived Metric The number of segments received, including segments received in error.
SegmentsSent Metric The number of segments sent, including segments on current connections but excluding segments that contain only retransmitted octets.


Signal name Type Description
Azure Disk I/O Check Verify file creation, write, and read. Delete operations on each drive mounted to the VM.
FreeSpaceInBytes Metric The free disk space of the target mount point.
UsedSpaceInBytes Metric The used disk space of the target mount point.
CapacityInBytes Metric The disk space capacity of the target mount point.
UsedPercent Metric The percentage of used disk space for the target mount point.
WriteOps Metric The write operations per second for the target disk/partition.
ReadOps Metric The read operations per second for the target disk/partition.


Signal name Type Description
ProcessCPUCoreUsage Metric An instantaneous measurement of the percentage of a single CPU core that the target process is using (100 = 100%, a whole core).
ProcessCPUMachineUsage Metric The percentage of the machine's total CPU that this process is using.
MachineTotalCpuUsage Metric The VM's total instantaneous CPU utilization.


Signal name Type Description
ProcessRSSPercent Metric Process RSS / (Machine Total Memory * 100%)
ProcessPageFaults Metric The number of page faults since the process started.
MachineMemoryTotalInBytes Metric The VM's total Memory in Bytes.
MachineMemoryUsedPercent Metric Machine Used Memory / (Machine Total Memory * 100%)
TotalPageFaults Metric The total number of page faults for all running processes since they started.


Signal name Type Description
Process Creation Check Start a lightweight process to validate that process creation is possible.
Running Process(es) Check Verify if the target process or processes are running.
UpTime Metric How long the target process has been up and running since the last process startup.


Signal name Type Description
IMDS Check Verify that the user can reach an Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) endpoint from within the VM. VM information is returned from the IMDS endpoint query.


Signal name Type Description
Clock Skew Check Verify the clock skew between the remote Network Time Protocol (NTP) server and the Azure VM. For a Windows VM, fall back to check if the Windows Time service is synced with w32tm if the remote NTP server is inaccessible.


Signal name Type Description
System Errors Metric Collect the number of errors from the system-level event log (Windows only) where the SystemData <=2 (including LOG_ALWAYS, Critical, Error). The measurementTarget is defined as the Source_EventId of the EventLog using default Windows locale. Each collection is limited to more than 10 different measurement targets.


Signal name Type Description
Azure Storage blob connectivity Check Verify the connectivity to the Azure Storage blob and download the blob by using MSI or a shared access signature (SAS) token.


Signal name Type Description
Hardware Health Monitor EventLog Collect hardware health info from the Windows event log. Currently, only disk-related critical events are collected, including events with ID 7, 500, 504, 505, 512, and 549.
Hardware Health Nvidia Smi EventLog Collect GPU stats including memory and GPU usage, temp and others by running nvidia-smi command (Linux Ubuntu only)