API version change log for deployment of Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates
This article describes the properties that changed in each API version for Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates. It only covers properties that are available during deployments.
- properties.autoRun
- properties.autoRun.state
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.type
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.inline
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.restartCommand
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.restartTimeout
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.filters
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.targetRegions
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.versioning
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.versioning.scheme
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.versioning.major
- properties.customize.validExitCodes.uri
- distribute.scheme
- distribute.major
- managedResourceTags
- validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.type
- validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.inline
- validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.| validExitCodes | Valid exit codes for the PowerShell script. [Default
- validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.| restartCheckCommand | Command to check if restart succeeded [Default
- validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.| updateLimit | Maximum number of updates to apply at a time. Omit or specify 0 to use the default (1000) | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.| replicaCount | The number of replicas of the Image Version to be created in this region. Omit to use the default (1). | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.| continueDistributeOnFailure | If validation fails and this field is set to false, output image(s) will not be distributed. This is the default behavior. If validation fails and this field is set to true, output image(s) will still be distributed. Please use this option with caution as it may result in bad images being distributed for use. In either case (true or false), the end to end image run will be reported as having failed in case of a validation failure. [Note
- validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.| osDiskSizeGB | Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azure's default OS disk size. | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes.
- vmProfile.vnetConfig.containerInstanceSubnetId
- properties.customize.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.restartCommand
- properties.customize.restartTimeout
- properties.customize.filters
- properties.customize.storageAccountType
- properties.customize.targetRegions
- properties.versioning
- properties.versioning.scheme
- properties.versioning.major
- properties.type
- properties.uri
- versioning
- versioning.scheme
- versioning.major
- validate.inVMValidations.runAsSystem
- validate.inVMValidations.runElevated
- validate.inVMValidations.scriptUri
- validate.inVMValidations.| restartCheckCommand | Command to check if restart succeeded [Default
- validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| replicaCount | The number of replicas of the Image Version to be created in this region. Omit to use the default (1). | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| continueDistributeOnFailure | If validation fails and this field is set to false, output image(s) will not be distributed. This is the default behavior. If validation fails and this field is set to true, output image(s) will still be distributed. Please use this option with caution as it may result in bad images being distributed for use. In either case (true or false), the end to end image run will be reported as having failed in case of a validation failure. [Note
- validate.inVMValidations.| validExitCodes | Valid exit codes for the PowerShell script. [Default
- validate.inVMValidations.| osDiskSizeGB | Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azure's default OS disk size. | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.
- properties.customize.runAsSystem
- properties.customize.runElevated
- properties.customize.scriptUri
- errorHandling
- errorHandling.onCustomizerError
- errorHandling.onValidationError
- validate.inVMValidations.runAsSystem
- validate.inVMValidations.runElevated
- validate.inVMValidations.scriptUri
- validate.inVMValidations.| replicaCount | The number of replicas of the Image Version to be created in this region. Omit to use the default (1). | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| continueDistributeOnFailure | If validation fails and this field is set to false, output image(s) will not be distributed. This is the default behavior. If validation fails and this field is set to true, output image(s) will still be distributed. Please use this option with caution as it may result in bad images being distributed for use. In either case (true or false), the end to end image run will be reported as having failed in case of a validation failure. [Note
- validate.inVMValidations.| osDiskSizeGB | Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azure's default OS disk size. | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.
- validate.inVMValidations.| updateLimit | Maximum number of updates to apply at a time. Omit or specify 0 to use the default (1000) | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| replicaCount | The number of replicas of the Image Version to be created in this region. Omit to use the default (1). | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| continueDistributeOnFailure | If validation fails and this field is set to false, output image(s) will not be distributed. This is the default behavior. If validation fails and this field is set to true, output image(s) will still be distributed. Please use this option with caution as it may result in bad images being distributed for use. In either case (true or false), the end to end image run will be reported as having failed in case of a validation failure. [Note - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| validExitCodes | Valid exit codes for the PowerShell script. [Default - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| osDiskSizeGB | Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azure's default OS disk size. | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
- properties.customize.targetRegions
- properties.versioning
- properties.versioning.scheme
- properties.versioning.major
- properties.type
- properties.uri
- versioning
- versioning.scheme
- versioning.major
- type
- uri
- optimize
- optimize.vmBoot
- optimize.vmBoot.state
- validate.inVMValidations.destination
- validate.inVMValidations.sourceUri
- validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| replicaCount | The number of replicas of the Image Version to be created in this region. Omit to use the default (1). | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| continueDistributeOnFailure | If validation fails and this field is set to false, output image(s) will not be distributed. This is the default behavior. If validation fails and this field is set to true, output image(s) will still be distributed. Please use this option with caution as it may result in bad images being distributed for use. In either case (true or false), the end to end image run will be reported as having failed in case of a validation failure. [Note - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| validExitCodes | Valid exit codes for the PowerShell script. [Default - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints.| osDiskSizeGB | Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azure's default OS disk size. | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
- properties.customize.runAsSystem
- properties.customize.runElevated
- properties.customize.scriptUri
- validate.inVMValidations.| userAssignedIdentities | The set of user assigned identities associated with the resource. The userAssignedIdentities dictionary keys will be ARM resource ids in the form
- validate.inVMValidations.| continueDistributeOnFailure | If validation fails and this field is set to false, output image(s) will not be distributed. This is the default behavior. If validation fails and this field is set to true, output image(s) will still be distributed. Please use this option with caution as it may result in bad images being distributed for use. In either case (true or false), the end to end image run will be reported as having failed in case of a validation failure. [Note
- validate.inVMValidations.| osDiskSizeGB | Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azure's default OS disk size. | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.
- properties.distribute.type - Removed values: 'VHD' (required)
- properties.distribute.replicationRegions changed to not required.
- properties.distribute.storageAccountType - Added values: 'Premium_LRS'
- properties.validate.inVMValidations.type - Added values: 'File' (required)
- properties.customize.runAsSystem
- properties.customize.runElevated
- properties.customize.scriptUri
- properties.customize.validExitCodes
- properties.customize.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.restartCommand
- properties.customize.restartTimeout
- properties.customize.filters
- properties.customize.storageAccountType
- stagingResourceGroup
- validate
- validate.continueDistributeOnFailure
- validate.inVMValidations
- validate.inVMValidations.name
- validate.inVMValidations.type
- validate.inVMValidations.inline
- validate.inVMValidations.sha256Checksum
- validate.inVMValidations.validExitCodes
- validate.inVMValidations.| userAssignedIdentities | The set of user assigned identities associated with the resource. The userAssignedIdentities dictionary keys will be ARM resource ids in the form
- validate.inVMValidations.| validExitCodes | Valid exit codes for the PowerShell script. [Default
- validate.inVMValidations.| restartCheckCommand | Command to check if restart succeeded [Default
- validate.inVMValidations.| updateLimit | Maximum number of updates to apply at a time. Omit or specify 0 to use the default (1000) | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| runOutputName | The name to be used for the associated RunOutput. | string (required)
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.| continueDistributeOnFailure | If validation fails and this field is set to false, output image(s) will not be distributed. This is the default behavior. If validation fails and this field is set to true, output image(s) will still be distributed. Please use this option with caution as it may result in bad images being distributed for use. In either case (true or false), the end to end image run will be reported as having failed in case of a validation failure. [Note
- validate.inVMValidations.| osDiskSizeGB | Size of the OS disk in GB. Omit or specify 0 to use Azure's default OS disk size. | int
Constraints - validate.inVMValidations.
- sourceValidationOnly
- properties.customize.inline.scriptUri
- properties.customize.inline.sha256Checksum
- properties.customize.inline.type
- properties.customize.inline.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartTimeout
- properties.customize.inline.filters
- properties.customize.inline.storageAccountType
- properties.customize.inline.scriptUri
- properties.customize.inline.sha256Checksum
- properties.customize.inline.type
- properties.customize.inline.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartTimeout
- properties.customize.inline.filters
- properties.customize.inline.storageAccountType
- vmProfile.userAssignedIdentities
- vmProfile.vnetConfig.proxyVmSize
- properties.customize.scriptUri
- properties.customize.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.restartCommand
- properties.customize.restartTimeout
- properties.customize.filters
- properties.customize.storageAccountType
- properties.customize.scriptUri
- properties.customize.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.restartCommand
- properties.customize.restartTimeout
- properties.customize.filters
- properties.customize.storageAccountType
- distribute.excludeFromLatest
- source.planInfo
- source.planInfo.planName
- source.planInfo.planProduct
- source.planInfo.planPublisher
- vmProfile.osDiskSizeGB
- vmProfile.vnetConfig
- vmProfile.vnetConfig.subnetId
- properties.customize.inline.runElevated
- properties.customize.inline.scriptUri
- properties.customize.inline.sha256Checksum
- properties.customize.inline.validExitCodes
- properties.customize.inline.type
- properties.customize.inline.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartTimeout
- distribute.offer
- distribute.publisher
- distribute.sku
- distribute.version
- distribute.imageVersionId
- source.sha256Checksum
- source.sourceUri
- identity changed to required.
- properties.customize.type - Added values: 'WindowsUpdate' (required)
- properties.source.type - Removed values: 'ISO' (required) 'SharedImageVersion' (required)
- identity
- identity.type
- identity.userAssignedIdentities
- identity.userAssignedIdentities.{customized property}
- properties.buildTimeoutInMinutes
- properties.customize.destination
- properties.customize.sha256Checksum
- properties.customize.sourceUri
- properties.customize.inline.runElevated
- properties.customize.inline.scriptUri
- properties.customize.inline.sha256Checksum
- properties.customize.inline.validExitCodes
- properties.customize.inline.type
- properties.customize.inline.restartCheckCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartCommand
- properties.customize.inline.restartTimeout
- distribute.imageVersionId
- source.sourceUri
- source.imageVersionId
- vmProfile
- vmProfile.vmSize
- distribute.sha256Checksum
- distribute.sourceURI
- source.sourceURI
- properties.customize.type - Added values: 'File' (required)
- properties.source.type - Added values: 'SharedImageVersion' (required)
- properties.customize.inline
- distribute.sha256Checksum
- distribute.sourceURI
- distribute.offer
- distribute.publisher
- distribute.sku
- distribute.version
- source.imageId
- properties.customize.script
- properties.customize.type - Added values: 'PowerShell' (required) 'Shell' (required) 'WindowsRestart' (required)
- properties.distribute.type - Added values: 'ManagedImage' (required) 'SharedImage' (required) 'VHD' (required) - Removed values: 'managedImage' (required) 'sharedImage' (required)
- properties.source.type - Added values: 'ManagedImage' (required)
Oldest version tracked in change log