API version change log for deployment of Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/jobs
This article describes the properties that changed in each API version for microsoft.machinelearningservices/workspaces/jobs. It only covers properties that are available during deployments.
- AzureOpenAiFineTuning
- AzureOpenAiHyperParameters
- CustomModelFineTuning
- CustomModelFineTuningHyperParameters
- DataGenerationVertical
- DistillationJob
- DistillationJobOutputs
- FinetuningDetails
- FinetuningDetailsHyperParameters
- FineTuningJob
- FineTuningJobOutputs
- FineTuningVertical
- JobResources
- LabelGeneration
- PromptSettings
- TeacherModelEndpoint
- TeacherModelEndpointRequestSettings
- TeacherModelSettings
- TeacherModelSettingsTeacherModelInferenceParameters
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'parentJobName'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'dockerArgsList'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- AzureOpenAiFineTuning
- AzureOpenAiHyperParameters
- CustomModelFineTuning
- CustomModelFineTuningHyperParameters
- FineTuningJob
- FineTuningJobOutputs
- FineTuningVertical
- JobResources
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Removed property 'dockerArgsList'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'dockerArgsList'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- AzureOpenAiFineTuning
- AzureOpenAiHyperParameters
- CustomModelFineTuning
- CustomModelFineTuningHyperParameters
- FineTuningJob
- FineTuningJobOutputs
- FineTuningVertical
- JobResources
- AutoDeleteSetting
- AutologgerSettings
- AzureOpenAiFineTuning
- AzureOpenAiHyperParameters
- ComponentConfiguration
- CustomModelFineTuning
- CustomModelFineTuningHyperParameters
- FineTuningJob
- FineTuningJobOutputs
- FineTuningVertical
- JobBaseSecretsConfiguration
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- Ray
- SecretConfiguration
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Classification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- ClassificationTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'autologgerSettings'
- CustomModelJobInput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- ForecastingSettings: Removed property 'featuresUnknownAtForecastTime'
- ForecastingTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Removed property 'logTrainingMetrics'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Removed property 'logValidationLoss'
- JobBaseProperties: Removed property ''
- JobResourceConfiguration: Removed property 'locations'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Removed property 'maxInstanceCount'
- MLFlowModelJobInput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- MLTableJobInput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'trialTimeout'
- QueueSettings: Removed property 'priority'
- RandomSamplingAlgorithm: Removed property 'logbase'
- Regression: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- RegressionTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'componentConfiguration'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'resources'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'maxNodes'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TritonModelJobInput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFileJobInput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFolderJobInput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'pathOnCompute'
No properties added, updated or removed.
- AutoDeleteSetting
- AutologgerSettings
- AzureDevOpsWebhook
- AzureOpenAiFineTuning
- AzureOpenAiHyperParameters
- ComponentConfiguration
- CustomModelFineTuning
- CustomModelFineTuningHyperParameters
- FineTuningJob
- FineTuningJobOutputs
- FineTuningVertical
- JobBaseSecretsConfiguration
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- NotificationSetting
- NotificationSettingWebhooks
- Ray
- SecretConfiguration
- SparkJob
- SparkJobConf
- SparkJobEntry
- SparkJobEnvironmentVariables
- SparkJobInputs
- SparkJobOutputs
- SparkJobPythonEntry
- SparkJobScalaEntry
- SparkResourceConfiguration
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Webhook
- Classification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- ClassificationTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- CommandJob: Added property 'autologgerSettings'
- CustomModelJobInput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- Forecasting: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- ForecastingSettings: Added property 'featuresUnknownAtForecastTime'
- ForecastingTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Added property 'logTrainingMetrics'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Added property 'logValidationLoss'
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'notificationSetting'
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'secretsConfiguration'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'locations'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'maxInstanceCount'
- MLFlowModelJobInput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- MLTableJobInput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'trialTimeout'
- QueueSettings: Added property 'priority'
- RandomSamplingAlgorithm: Added property 'logbase'
- Regression: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- RegressionTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- SweepJob: Added property 'componentConfiguration'
- SweepJob: Added property 'resources'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'maxNodes'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TritonModelJobInput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFileJobInput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFolderJobInput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'pathOnCompute'
- AutoDeleteSetting
- AutologgerSettings
- AzureDevOpsWebhook
- ComponentConfiguration
- JobBaseSecretsConfiguration
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- NotificationSetting
- NotificationSettingWebhooks
- Ray
- SecretConfiguration
- SparkJob
- SparkJobConf
- SparkJobEntry
- SparkJobEnvironmentVariables
- SparkJobInputs
- SparkJobOutputs
- SparkJobPythonEntry
- SparkJobScalaEntry
- SparkResourceConfiguration
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Webhook
- Classification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- ClassificationTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'autologgerSettings'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- ForecastingSettings: Removed property 'featuresUnknownAtForecastTime'
- ForecastingTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Removed property 'logTrainingMetrics'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Removed property 'logValidationLoss'
- JobBaseProperties: Removed property ''
- JobBaseProperties: Removed property ''
- JobResourceConfiguration: Removed property 'locations'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Removed property 'maxInstanceCount'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'trialTimeout'
- QueueSettings: Removed property 'priority'
- RandomSamplingAlgorithm: Removed property 'logbase'
- Regression: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- RegressionTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'componentConfiguration'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'resources'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'maxNodes'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- SparkJob: Added property 'environmentVariables'
- SweepJob: Added property 'componentConfiguration'
- SweepJob: Added property 'resources'
- AutoDeleteSetting
- AutologgerSettings
- AzureDevOpsWebhook
- JobBaseSecretsConfiguration
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- NotificationSetting
- NotificationSettingWebhooks
- QueueSettings
- Ray
- SecretConfiguration
- SparkJob
- SparkJobConf
- SparkJobEntry
- SparkJobInputs
- SparkJobOutputs
- SparkJobPythonEntry
- SparkJobScalaEntry
- SparkResourceConfiguration
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Webhook
- AutoMLJob: Added property 'queueSettings'
- Classification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- ClassificationTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- CommandJob: Added property 'autologgerSettings'
- CommandJob: Added property 'queueSettings'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- Forecasting: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- ForecastingSettings: Added property 'featuresUnknownAtForecastTime'
- ForecastingTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Added property 'logTrainingMetrics'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Added property 'logValidationLoss'
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'notificationSetting'
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'secretsConfiguration'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'locations'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'maxInstanceCount'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'trialTimeout'
- RandomSamplingAlgorithm: Added property 'logbase'
- Regression: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- RegressionTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- SweepJob: Added property 'queueSettings'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'maxNodes'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- AutoDeleteSetting
- AutologgerSettings
- AzureDevOpsWebhook
- JobBaseSecretsConfiguration
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- NotificationSetting
- NotificationSettingWebhooks
- QueueSettings
- Ray
- SecretConfiguration
- SparkJob
- SparkJobConf
- SparkJobEntry
- SparkJobInputs
- SparkJobOutputs
- SparkJobPythonEntry
- SparkJobScalaEntry
- SparkResourceConfiguration
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Webhook
- AutoMLJob: Removed property 'queueSettings'
- Classification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- ClassificationTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'autologgerSettings'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'queueSettings'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- ForecastingSettings: Removed property 'featuresUnknownAtForecastTime'
- ForecastingTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Removed property 'logTrainingMetrics'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Removed property 'logValidationLoss'
- JobBaseProperties: Removed property ''
- JobBaseProperties: Removed property ''
- JobResourceConfiguration: Removed property 'locations'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Removed property 'maxInstanceCount'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- MLTableJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'trialTimeout'
- RandomSamplingAlgorithm: Removed property 'logbase'
- Regression: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- RegressionTrainingSettings: Removed property 'trainingMode'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'queueSettings'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'maxNodes'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- UriFileJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'assetVersion'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Removed property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- AutoDeleteSetting
- AzureDevOpsWebhook
- JobBaseSecretsConfiguration
- NotificationSettingWebhooks
- Ray
- SecretConfiguration
- Webhook
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- ForecastingSettings: Added property 'featuresUnknownAtForecastTime'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Added property 'logTrainingMetrics'
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection: Added property 'logValidationLoss'
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'secretsConfiguration'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'maxInstanceCount'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- NotificationSetting: Added property 'webhooks'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'autoDeleteSetting'
- AutoMLJob: Added property 'queueSettings'
- CommandJob: Added property 'queueSettings'
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'notificationSetting'
- JobResourceConfiguration: Added property 'locations'
- SparkJob: Added property 'queueSettings'
- SweepJob: Added property 'queueSettings'
- AllNodes
- AutologgerSettings
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- Nodes
- SparkJob
- SparkJobConf
- SparkJobEntry
- SparkJobInputs
- SparkJobOutputs
- SparkJobPythonEntry
- SparkJobScalaEntry
- SparkResourceConfiguration
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Classification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- ClassificationTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- CommandJob: Added property 'autologgerSettings'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- CustomModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- Forecasting: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- ForecastingTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- JobService: Added property 'nodes'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLFlowModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- MLTableJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'trialTimeout'
- RandomSamplingAlgorithm: Added property 'logbase'
- Regression: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- RegressionTrainingSettings: Added property 'trainingMode'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'maxNodes'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- TritonModelJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFileJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetName'
- UriFolderJobOutput: Added property 'assetVersion'
- AllNodes
- AutologgerSettings
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- Nodes
- SparkJob
- SparkJobConf
- SparkJobEntry
- SparkJobInputs
- SparkJobOutputs
- SparkJobPythonEntry
- SparkJobScalaEntry
- SparkResourceConfiguration
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Classification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'autologgerSettings'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- JobService: Removed property 'nodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'trialTimeout'
- Regression: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Removed property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Removed property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Removed property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Removed property 'sweepSettings'
- AllNodes
- AutologgerSettings
- NlpFixedParameters
- NlpParameterSubspace
- NlpSweepSettings
- Nodes
- TableFixedParameters
- TableParameterSubspace
- TableSweepSettings
- Classification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Classification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Classification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- CommandJob: Added property 'autologgerSettings'
- Forecasting: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Forecasting: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Forecasting: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- ImageSweepSettings: Removed property 'limits'
- JobService: Added property 'nodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'maxNodes'
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'trialTimeout'
- Regression: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- Regression: Added property 'searchSpace'
- Regression: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepConcurrentTrials'
- TableVerticalLimitSettings: Added property 'sweepTrials'
- TextClassification: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassification: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassification: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextClassificationMultilabel: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- TextNer: Added property 'fixedParameters'
- TextNer: Added property 'searchSpace'
- TextNer: Added property 'sweepSettings'
- AutoForecastHorizon
- AutoMLJob
- AutoMLJobEnvironmentVariables
- AutoMLJobOutputs
- AutoMLVertical
- AutoNCrossValidations
- AutoSeasonality
- AutoTargetLags
- AutoTargetRollingWindowSize
- Classification
- ClassificationTrainingSettings
- ColumnTransformer
- CustomForecastHorizon
- CustomNCrossValidations
- CustomSeasonality
- CustomTargetLags
- CustomTargetRollingWindowSize
- ForecastHorizon
- Forecasting
- ForecastingSettings
- ForecastingTrainingSettings
- ImageClassification
- ImageClassificationMultilabel
- ImageInstanceSegmentation
- ImageLimitSettings
- ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification
- ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection
- ImageModelSettingsClassification
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
- ImageObjectDetection
- ImageSweepLimitSettings
- ImageSweepSettings
- JobResourceConfiguration
- LabelCategory
- LabelCategoryClasses
- LabelClass
- LabelClassSubclasses
- LabelingDataConfiguration
- LabelingJobImageProperties
- LabelingJobInstructions
- LabelingJobLabelCategories
- LabelingJobMediaProperties
- LabelingJobProperties
- LabelingJobTextProperties
- MLAssistConfiguration
- MLAssistConfigurationDisabled
- MLAssistConfigurationEnabled
- NCrossValidations
- NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings
- Regression
- RegressionTrainingSettings
- Seasonality
- SparkJob
- SparkJobConf
- SparkJobEntry
- SparkJobInputs
- SparkJobOutputs
- SparkJobPythonEntry
- SparkJobScalaEntry
- SparkResourceConfiguration
- StackEnsembleSettings
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsColumnNameAndTypes
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsTransformerParams
- TableVerticalLimitSettings
- TargetLags
- TargetRollingWindowSize
- TextClassification
- TextClassificationMultilabel
- TextNer
- JobBaseProperties: Added property 'componentId'
- PipelineJob: Added property 'sourceJobId'
- AutoForecastHorizon
- AutoMLJob
- AutoMLJobEnvironmentVariables
- AutoMLJobOutputs
- AutoMLVertical
- AutoNCrossValidations
- AutoSeasonality
- AutoTargetLags
- AutoTargetRollingWindowSize
- Classification
- ColumnTransformer
- CronSchedule
- CustomForecastHorizon
- CustomNCrossValidations
- CustomSeasonality
- CustomTargetLags
- CustomTargetRollingWindowSize
- ForecastHorizon
- Forecasting
- ForecastingSettings
- ImageClassification
- ImageClassificationMultilabel
- ImageInstanceSegmentation
- ImageLimitSettings
- ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification
- ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection
- ImageModelSettingsClassification
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
- ImageObjectDetection
- ImageSweepLimitSettings
- ImageSweepSettings
- ImageVerticalDataSettings
- ImageVerticalValidationDataSettings
- JobBaseDetails
- NCrossValidations
- NlpVerticalDataSettings
- NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings
- NlpVerticalValidationDataSettings
- RecurrencePattern
- RecurrenceSchedule
- Regression
- ScheduleBase
- Seasonality
- StackEnsembleSettings
- TableVerticalDataSettings
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsColumnNameAndTypes
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsTransformerParams
- TableVerticalLimitSettings
- TableVerticalValidationDataSettings
- TargetLags
- TargetRollingWindowSize
- TestDataSettings
- TextClassification
- TextClassificationMultilabel
- TextNer
- TrainingDataSettings
- TrainingSettings
- AutoForecastHorizon
- AutoMLJob
- AutoMLJobEnvironmentVariables
- AutoMLJobOutputs
- AutoMLVertical
- AutoNCrossValidations
- AutoSeasonality
- AutoTargetLags
- AutoTargetRollingWindowSize
- BayesianSamplingAlgorithm
- Classification
- ColumnTransformer
- CommandJobInputs
- CommandJobLimits
- CommandJobOutputs
- CronSchedule
- CustomForecastHorizon
- CustomModelJobInput
- CustomModelJobOutput
- CustomNCrossValidations
- CustomSeasonality
- CustomTargetLags
- CustomTargetRollingWindowSize
- ForecastHorizon
- Forecasting
- ForecastingSettings
- GridSamplingAlgorithm
- ImageClassification
- ImageClassificationMultilabel
- ImageInstanceSegmentation
- ImageLimitSettings
- ImageModelDistributionSettingsClassification
- ImageModelDistributionSettingsObjectDetection
- ImageModelSettingsClassification
- ImageModelSettingsObjectDetection
- ImageObjectDetection
- ImageSweepLimitSettings
- ImageSweepSettings
- ImageVerticalDataSettings
- ImageVerticalValidationDataSettings
- JobBaseDetails
- JobBaseServices
- JobInput
- JobOutput
- JobService
- JobServiceProperties
- LiteralJobInput
- MLFlowModelJobInput
- MLFlowModelJobOutput
- MLTableJobInput
- MLTableJobOutput
- NCrossValidations
- NlpVerticalDataSettings
- NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings
- NlpVerticalLimitSettings
- NlpVerticalValidationDataSettings
- PipelineJob
- PipelineJobInputs
- PipelineJobJobs
- PipelineJobOutputs
- RandomSamplingAlgorithm
- RecurrencePattern
- RecurrenceSchedule
- Regression
- ResourceBaseProperties
- ResourceBaseTags
- ResourceConfiguration
- ResourceConfigurationProperties
- SamplingAlgorithm
- ScheduleBase
- Seasonality
- StackEnsembleSettings
- SweepJobInputs
- SweepJobLimits
- SweepJobOutputs
- TableVerticalDataSettings
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettings
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsColumnNameAndTypes
- TableVerticalFeaturizationSettingsTransformerParams
- TableVerticalLimitSettings
- TableVerticalValidationDataSettings
- TargetLags
- TargetRollingWindowSize
- TestDataSettings
- TextClassification
- TextClassificationMultilabel
- TextNer
- TrainingDataSettings
- TrainingSettings
- TritonModelJobInput
- TritonModelJobOutput
- UriFileJobInput
- UriFileJobOutput
- UriFolderJobInput
- UriFolderJobOutput
- UserIdentity
- CommandJobInputDataBindings
- CommandJobOutputDataBindings
- ComputeConfiguration
- ComputeConfigurationProperties
- InputDataBinding
- JobBase
- JobBaseProperties
- JobBaseTags
- OutputDataBinding
- SweepJobSearchSpace
- TrialComponentInputDataBindings
- TrialComponentOutputDataBindings
- CommandJob: Added property 'inputs'
- CommandJob: Added property 'limits'
- CommandJob: Added property 'outputs'
- CommandJob: Added property 'resources'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'compute'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'experimentName'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'identity'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'inputDataBindings'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'output'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'outputDataBindings'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'priority'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'status'
- CommandJob: Removed property 'timeout'
- PyTorch: Added property 'processCountPerInstance'
- PyTorch: Removed property 'processCount'
- SweepJob: Added property 'inputs'
- SweepJob: Added property 'limits'
- SweepJob: Added property 'outputs'
- SweepJob: Added property 'samplingAlgorithm'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'algorithm'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'compute'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'experimentName'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'identity'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'maxConcurrentTrials'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'maxTotalTrials'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'output'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'priority'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'status'
- SweepJob: Removed property 'timeout'
- TrialComponent: Added property 'resources'
- TrialComponent: Removed property 'inputDataBindings'
- TrialComponent: Removed property 'outputDataBindings'
- TrialComponent: Removed property 'timeout'
Oldest version tracked in change log