Bicep resource definition
The containerApps/authConfigs resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs resource, add the following Bicep to your template.
resource symbolicname 'Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs@2023-11-02-preview' = {
parent: resourceSymbolicName
name: 'string'
properties: {
encryptionSettings: {
containerAppAuthEncryptionSecretName: 'string'
containerAppAuthSigningSecretName: 'string'
globalValidation: {
excludedPaths: [
redirectToProvider: 'string'
unauthenticatedClientAction: 'string'
httpSettings: {
forwardProxy: {
convention: 'string'
customHostHeaderName: 'string'
customProtoHeaderName: 'string'
requireHttps: bool
routes: {
apiPrefix: 'string'
identityProviders: {
apple: {
enabled: bool
login: {
scopes: [
registration: {
clientId: 'string'
clientSecretSettingName: 'string'
azureActiveDirectory: {
enabled: bool
isAutoProvisioned: bool
login: {
disableWWWAuthenticate: bool
loginParameters: [
registration: {
clientId: 'string'
clientSecretCertificateIssuer: 'string'
clientSecretCertificateSubjectAlternativeName: 'string'
clientSecretCertificateThumbprint: 'string'
clientSecretSettingName: 'string'
openIdIssuer: 'string'
validation: {
allowedAudiences: [
defaultAuthorizationPolicy: {
allowedApplications: [
allowedPrincipals: {
groups: [
identities: [
jwtClaimChecks: {
allowedClientApplications: [
allowedGroups: [
azureStaticWebApps: {
enabled: bool
registration: {
clientId: 'string'
customOpenIdConnectProviders: {
{customized property}: {
enabled: bool
login: {
nameClaimType: 'string'
scopes: [
registration: {
clientCredential: {
clientSecretSettingName: 'string'
method: 'ClientSecretPost'
clientId: 'string'
openIdConnectConfiguration: {
authorizationEndpoint: 'string'
certificationUri: 'string'
issuer: 'string'
tokenEndpoint: 'string'
wellKnownOpenIdConfiguration: 'string'
facebook: {
enabled: bool
graphApiVersion: 'string'
login: {
scopes: [
registration: {
appId: 'string'
appSecretSettingName: 'string'
gitHub: {
enabled: bool
login: {
scopes: [
registration: {
clientId: 'string'
clientSecretSettingName: 'string'
google: {
enabled: bool
login: {
scopes: [
registration: {
clientId: 'string'
clientSecretSettingName: 'string'
validation: {
allowedAudiences: [
twitter: {
enabled: bool
registration: {
consumerKey: 'string'
consumerSecretSettingName: 'string'
login: {
allowedExternalRedirectUrls: [
cookieExpiration: {
convention: 'string'
timeToExpiration: 'string'
nonce: {
nonceExpirationInterval: 'string'
validateNonce: bool
preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins: bool
routes: {
logoutEndpoint: 'string'
tokenStore: {
azureBlobStorage: {
sasUrlSettingName: 'string'
enabled: bool
tokenRefreshExtensionHours: int
platform: {
enabled: bool
runtimeVersion: 'string'
Property Values
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedAudiences |
The configuration settings of the allowed list of audiences from which to validate the JWT token. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
groups |
The list of the allowed groups. |
string[] |
identities |
The list of the allowed identities. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Apple provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Apple registration. |
AppleRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
appId |
The App ID of the app used for login. |
string |
appSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the app secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
encryptionSettings |
The configuration settings of the secrets references of encryption key and signing key for ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
EncryptionSettings |
globalValidation |
The configuration settings that determines the validation flow of users using Service Authentication/Authorization. |
GlobalValidation |
httpSettings |
The configuration settings of the HTTP requests for authentication and authorization requests made against ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
HttpSettings |
identityProviders |
The configuration settings of each of the identity providers used to configure ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
IdentityProviders |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow of users using ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
Login |
platform |
The configuration settings of the platform of ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
AuthPlatform |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>true</code> if the Authentication / Authorization feature is enabled for the current app; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
runtimeVersion |
The RuntimeVersion of the Authentication / Authorization feature in use for the current app. The setting in this value can control the behavior of certain features in the Authentication / Authorization module. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Azure Active Directory provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
isAutoProvisioned |
Gets a value indicating whether the Azure AD configuration was auto-provisioned using 1st party tooling. This is an internal flag primarily intended to support the Azure Management Portal. Users should not read or write to this property. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory login flow. |
AzureActiveDirectoryLogin |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory app registration. |
AzureActiveDirectoryRegistration |
validation |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory token validation flow. |
AzureActiveDirectoryValidation |
Name |
Description |
Value |
disableWWWAuthenticate |
<code>true</code> if the www-authenticate provider should be omitted from the request; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
loginParameters |
Login parameters to send to the OpenID Connect authorization endpoint when a user logs in. Each parameter must be in the form "key=value". |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of this relying party application, known as the client_id. This setting is required for enabling OpenID Connection authentication with Azure Active Directory or other 3rd party OpenID Connect providers. More information on OpenID Connect: |
string |
clientSecretCertificateIssuer |
An alternative to the client secret thumbprint, that is the issuer of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret Certificate Thumbprint. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretCertificateSubjectAlternativeName |
An alternative to the client secret thumbprint, that is the subject alternative name of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret Certificate Thumbprint. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretCertificateThumbprint |
An alternative to the client secret, that is the thumbprint of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret of the relying party application. |
string |
openIdIssuer |
The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this application. When using Azure Active Directory, this value is the URI of the directory tenant, e.g.{tenant-guid}/. This URI is a case-sensitive identifier for the token issuer. More information on OpenID Connect Discovery: |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedAudiences |
The list of audiences that can make successful authentication/authorization requests. |
string[] |
defaultAuthorizationPolicy |
The configuration settings of the default authorization policy. |
DefaultAuthorizationPolicy |
jwtClaimChecks |
The configuration settings of the checks that should be made while validating the JWT Claims. |
JwtClaimChecks |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Azure Static Web Apps provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Azure Static Web Apps registration. |
AzureStaticWebAppsRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
sasUrlSettingName |
The name of the app secrets containing the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
convention |
The convention used when determining the session cookie's expiration. |
'FixedTime' 'IdentityProviderDerived' |
timeToExpiration |
The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the custom Open ID provider provider should not be enabled; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectLogin |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedApplications |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory allowed applications. |
string[] |
allowedPrincipals |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory allowed principals. |
AllowedPrincipals |
Name |
Description |
Value |
containerAppAuthEncryptionSecretName |
The secret name which is referenced for EncryptionKey. |
string |
containerAppAuthSigningSecretName |
The secret name which is referenced for SigningKey. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Facebook provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
graphApiVersion |
The version of the Facebook api to be used while logging in. |
string |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Facebook provider. |
AppRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
convention |
The convention used to determine the url of the request made. |
'Custom' 'NoProxy' 'Standard' |
customHostHeaderName |
The name of the header containing the host of the request. |
string |
customProtoHeaderName |
The name of the header containing the scheme of the request. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the GitHub provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the GitHub provider. |
ClientRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
excludedPaths |
The paths for which unauthenticated flow would not be redirected to the login page. |
string[] |
redirectToProvider |
The default authentication provider to use when multiple providers are configured. This setting is only needed if multiple providers are configured and the unauthenticated client action is set to "RedirectToLoginPage". |
string |
unauthenticatedClientAction |
The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app. |
'AllowAnonymous' 'RedirectToLoginPage' 'Return401' 'Return403' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Google provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Google provider. |
ClientRegistration |
validation |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory token validation flow. |
AllowedAudiencesValidation |
Name |
Description |
Value |
forwardProxy |
The configuration settings of a forward proxy used to make the requests. |
ForwardProxy |
requireHttps |
<code>false</code> if the authentication/authorization responses not having the HTTPS scheme are permissible; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
routes |
The configuration settings of the paths HTTP requests. |
HttpSettingsRoutes |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiPrefix |
The prefix that should precede all the authentication/authorization paths. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apple |
The configuration settings of the Apple provider. |
Apple |
azureActiveDirectory |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active directory provider. |
AzureActiveDirectory |
azureStaticWebApps |
The configuration settings of the Azure Static Web Apps provider. |
AzureStaticWebApps |
customOpenIdConnectProviders |
The map of the name of the alias of each custom Open ID Connect provider to the configuration settings of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
IdentityProvidersCustomOpenIdConnectProviders |
facebook |
The configuration settings of the Facebook provider. |
Facebook |
gitHub |
The configuration settings of the GitHub provider. |
GitHub |
google |
The configuration settings of the Google provider. |
Google |
twitter |
The configuration settings of the Twitter provider. |
Twitter |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedClientApplications |
The list of the allowed client applications. |
string[] |
allowedGroups |
The list of the allowed groups. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedExternalRedirectUrls |
External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app. Note that the query string part of the URL is ignored. This is an advanced setting typically only needed by Windows Store application backends. Note that URLs within the current domain are always implicitly allowed. |
string[] |
cookieExpiration |
The configuration settings of the session cookie's expiration. |
CookieExpiration |
nonce |
The configuration settings of the nonce used in the login flow. |
Nonce |
preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins |
<code>true</code> if the fragments from the request are preserved after the login request is made; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
routes |
The routes that specify the endpoints used for login and logout requests. |
LoginRoutes |
tokenStore |
The configuration settings of the token store. |
TokenStore |
Name |
Description |
Value |
logoutEndpoint |
The endpoint at which a logout request should be made. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
scopes |
A list of the scopes that should be requested while authenticating. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
name |
The resource name |
string (required) |
parent |
In Bicep, you can specify the parent resource for a child resource. You only need to add this property when the child resource is declared outside of the parent resource.
For more information, see Child resource outside parent resource. |
Symbolic name for resource of type: containerApps |
properties |
AuthConfig resource specific properties |
AuthConfigProperties |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nonceExpirationInterval |
The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire. |
string |
validateNonce |
<code>false</code> if the nonce should not be validated while completing the login flow; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting that contains the client secret for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
string |
method |
The method that should be used to authenticate the user. |
'ClientSecretPost' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
authorizationEndpoint |
The endpoint to be used to make an authorization request. |
string |
certificationUri |
The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token. |
string |
issuer |
The endpoint that issues the token. |
string |
tokenEndpoint |
The endpoint to be used to request a token. |
string |
wellKnownOpenIdConfiguration |
The endpoint that contains all the configuration endpoints for the provider. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nameClaimType |
The name of the claim that contains the users name. |
string |
scopes |
A list of the scopes that should be requested while authenticating. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientCredential |
The authentication credentials of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectClientCredential |
clientId |
The client id of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
string |
openIdConnectConfiguration |
The configuration settings of the endpoints used for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectConfig |
Name |
Description |
Value |
azureBlobStorage |
The configuration settings of the storage of the tokens if blob storage is used. |
BlobStorageTokenStore |
enabled |
<code>true</code> to durably store platform-specific security tokens that are obtained during login flows; otherwise, <code>false</code>. The default is <code>false</code>. |
bool |
tokenRefreshExtensionHours |
The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API. The default is 72 hours. |
int |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Twitter provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Twitter provider. |
TwitterRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
consumerKey |
The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in. This setting is required for enabling Twitter Sign-In. Twitter Sign-In documentation: |
string |
consumerSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in. |
string |
ARM template resource definition
The containerApps/authConfigs resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs resource, add the following JSON to your template.
"type": "Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs",
"apiVersion": "2023-11-02-preview",
"name": "string",
"properties": {
"encryptionSettings": {
"containerAppAuthEncryptionSecretName": "string",
"containerAppAuthSigningSecretName": "string"
"globalValidation": {
"excludedPaths": [ "string" ],
"redirectToProvider": "string",
"unauthenticatedClientAction": "string"
"httpSettings": {
"forwardProxy": {
"convention": "string",
"customHostHeaderName": "string",
"customProtoHeaderName": "string"
"requireHttps": "bool",
"routes": {
"apiPrefix": "string"
"identityProviders": {
"apple": {
"enabled": "bool",
"login": {
"scopes": [ "string" ]
"registration": {
"clientId": "string",
"clientSecretSettingName": "string"
"azureActiveDirectory": {
"enabled": "bool",
"isAutoProvisioned": "bool",
"login": {
"disableWWWAuthenticate": "bool",
"loginParameters": [ "string" ]
"registration": {
"clientId": "string",
"clientSecretCertificateIssuer": "string",
"clientSecretCertificateSubjectAlternativeName": "string",
"clientSecretCertificateThumbprint": "string",
"clientSecretSettingName": "string",
"openIdIssuer": "string"
"validation": {
"allowedAudiences": [ "string" ],
"defaultAuthorizationPolicy": {
"allowedApplications": [ "string" ],
"allowedPrincipals": {
"groups": [ "string" ],
"identities": [ "string" ]
"jwtClaimChecks": {
"allowedClientApplications": [ "string" ],
"allowedGroups": [ "string" ]
"azureStaticWebApps": {
"enabled": "bool",
"registration": {
"clientId": "string"
"customOpenIdConnectProviders": {
"{customized property}": {
"enabled": "bool",
"login": {
"nameClaimType": "string",
"scopes": [ "string" ]
"registration": {
"clientCredential": {
"clientSecretSettingName": "string",
"method": "ClientSecretPost"
"clientId": "string",
"openIdConnectConfiguration": {
"authorizationEndpoint": "string",
"certificationUri": "string",
"issuer": "string",
"tokenEndpoint": "string",
"wellKnownOpenIdConfiguration": "string"
"facebook": {
"enabled": "bool",
"graphApiVersion": "string",
"login": {
"scopes": [ "string" ]
"registration": {
"appId": "string",
"appSecretSettingName": "string"
"gitHub": {
"enabled": "bool",
"login": {
"scopes": [ "string" ]
"registration": {
"clientId": "string",
"clientSecretSettingName": "string"
"google": {
"enabled": "bool",
"login": {
"scopes": [ "string" ]
"registration": {
"clientId": "string",
"clientSecretSettingName": "string"
"validation": {
"allowedAudiences": [ "string" ]
"twitter": {
"enabled": "bool",
"registration": {
"consumerKey": "string",
"consumerSecretSettingName": "string"
"login": {
"allowedExternalRedirectUrls": [ "string" ],
"cookieExpiration": {
"convention": "string",
"timeToExpiration": "string"
"nonce": {
"nonceExpirationInterval": "string",
"validateNonce": "bool"
"preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins": "bool",
"routes": {
"logoutEndpoint": "string"
"tokenStore": {
"azureBlobStorage": {
"sasUrlSettingName": "string"
"enabled": "bool",
"tokenRefreshExtensionHours": "int"
"platform": {
"enabled": "bool",
"runtimeVersion": "string"
Property Values
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedAudiences |
The configuration settings of the allowed list of audiences from which to validate the JWT token. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
groups |
The list of the allowed groups. |
string[] |
identities |
The list of the allowed identities. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Apple provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Apple registration. |
AppleRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
appId |
The App ID of the app used for login. |
string |
appSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the app secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
encryptionSettings |
The configuration settings of the secrets references of encryption key and signing key for ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
EncryptionSettings |
globalValidation |
The configuration settings that determines the validation flow of users using Service Authentication/Authorization. |
GlobalValidation |
httpSettings |
The configuration settings of the HTTP requests for authentication and authorization requests made against ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
HttpSettings |
identityProviders |
The configuration settings of each of the identity providers used to configure ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
IdentityProviders |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow of users using ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
Login |
platform |
The configuration settings of the platform of ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
AuthPlatform |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>true</code> if the Authentication / Authorization feature is enabled for the current app; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
runtimeVersion |
The RuntimeVersion of the Authentication / Authorization feature in use for the current app. The setting in this value can control the behavior of certain features in the Authentication / Authorization module. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Azure Active Directory provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
isAutoProvisioned |
Gets a value indicating whether the Azure AD configuration was auto-provisioned using 1st party tooling. This is an internal flag primarily intended to support the Azure Management Portal. Users should not read or write to this property. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory login flow. |
AzureActiveDirectoryLogin |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory app registration. |
AzureActiveDirectoryRegistration |
validation |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory token validation flow. |
AzureActiveDirectoryValidation |
Name |
Description |
Value |
disableWWWAuthenticate |
<code>true</code> if the www-authenticate provider should be omitted from the request; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
loginParameters |
Login parameters to send to the OpenID Connect authorization endpoint when a user logs in. Each parameter must be in the form "key=value". |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of this relying party application, known as the client_id. This setting is required for enabling OpenID Connection authentication with Azure Active Directory or other 3rd party OpenID Connect providers. More information on OpenID Connect: |
string |
clientSecretCertificateIssuer |
An alternative to the client secret thumbprint, that is the issuer of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret Certificate Thumbprint. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretCertificateSubjectAlternativeName |
An alternative to the client secret thumbprint, that is the subject alternative name of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret Certificate Thumbprint. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretCertificateThumbprint |
An alternative to the client secret, that is the thumbprint of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret of the relying party application. |
string |
openIdIssuer |
The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this application. When using Azure Active Directory, this value is the URI of the directory tenant, e.g.{tenant-guid}/. This URI is a case-sensitive identifier for the token issuer. More information on OpenID Connect Discovery: |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedAudiences |
The list of audiences that can make successful authentication/authorization requests. |
string[] |
defaultAuthorizationPolicy |
The configuration settings of the default authorization policy. |
DefaultAuthorizationPolicy |
jwtClaimChecks |
The configuration settings of the checks that should be made while validating the JWT Claims. |
JwtClaimChecks |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Azure Static Web Apps provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Azure Static Web Apps registration. |
AzureStaticWebAppsRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
sasUrlSettingName |
The name of the app secrets containing the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
convention |
The convention used when determining the session cookie's expiration. |
'FixedTime' 'IdentityProviderDerived' |
timeToExpiration |
The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the custom Open ID provider provider should not be enabled; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectLogin |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedApplications |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory allowed applications. |
string[] |
allowedPrincipals |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory allowed principals. |
AllowedPrincipals |
Name |
Description |
Value |
containerAppAuthEncryptionSecretName |
The secret name which is referenced for EncryptionKey. |
string |
containerAppAuthSigningSecretName |
The secret name which is referenced for SigningKey. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Facebook provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
graphApiVersion |
The version of the Facebook api to be used while logging in. |
string |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Facebook provider. |
AppRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
convention |
The convention used to determine the url of the request made. |
'Custom' 'NoProxy' 'Standard' |
customHostHeaderName |
The name of the header containing the host of the request. |
string |
customProtoHeaderName |
The name of the header containing the scheme of the request. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the GitHub provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the GitHub provider. |
ClientRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
excludedPaths |
The paths for which unauthenticated flow would not be redirected to the login page. |
string[] |
redirectToProvider |
The default authentication provider to use when multiple providers are configured. This setting is only needed if multiple providers are configured and the unauthenticated client action is set to "RedirectToLoginPage". |
string |
unauthenticatedClientAction |
The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app. |
'AllowAnonymous' 'RedirectToLoginPage' 'Return401' 'Return403' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Google provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Google provider. |
ClientRegistration |
validation |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory token validation flow. |
AllowedAudiencesValidation |
Name |
Description |
Value |
forwardProxy |
The configuration settings of a forward proxy used to make the requests. |
ForwardProxy |
requireHttps |
<code>false</code> if the authentication/authorization responses not having the HTTPS scheme are permissible; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
routes |
The configuration settings of the paths HTTP requests. |
HttpSettingsRoutes |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiPrefix |
The prefix that should precede all the authentication/authorization paths. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apple |
The configuration settings of the Apple provider. |
Apple |
azureActiveDirectory |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active directory provider. |
AzureActiveDirectory |
azureStaticWebApps |
The configuration settings of the Azure Static Web Apps provider. |
AzureStaticWebApps |
customOpenIdConnectProviders |
The map of the name of the alias of each custom Open ID Connect provider to the configuration settings of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
IdentityProvidersCustomOpenIdConnectProviders |
facebook |
The configuration settings of the Facebook provider. |
Facebook |
gitHub |
The configuration settings of the GitHub provider. |
GitHub |
google |
The configuration settings of the Google provider. |
Google |
twitter |
The configuration settings of the Twitter provider. |
Twitter |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedClientApplications |
The list of the allowed client applications. |
string[] |
allowedGroups |
The list of the allowed groups. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedExternalRedirectUrls |
External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app. Note that the query string part of the URL is ignored. This is an advanced setting typically only needed by Windows Store application backends. Note that URLs within the current domain are always implicitly allowed. |
string[] |
cookieExpiration |
The configuration settings of the session cookie's expiration. |
CookieExpiration |
nonce |
The configuration settings of the nonce used in the login flow. |
Nonce |
preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins |
<code>true</code> if the fragments from the request are preserved after the login request is made; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
routes |
The routes that specify the endpoints used for login and logout requests. |
LoginRoutes |
tokenStore |
The configuration settings of the token store. |
TokenStore |
Name |
Description |
Value |
logoutEndpoint |
The endpoint at which a logout request should be made. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
scopes |
A list of the scopes that should be requested while authenticating. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiVersion |
The api version |
'2023-11-02-preview' |
name |
The resource name |
string (required) |
properties |
AuthConfig resource specific properties |
AuthConfigProperties |
type |
The resource type |
'Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nonceExpirationInterval |
The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire. |
string |
validateNonce |
<code>false</code> if the nonce should not be validated while completing the login flow; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting that contains the client secret for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
string |
method |
The method that should be used to authenticate the user. |
'ClientSecretPost' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
authorizationEndpoint |
The endpoint to be used to make an authorization request. |
string |
certificationUri |
The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token. |
string |
issuer |
The endpoint that issues the token. |
string |
tokenEndpoint |
The endpoint to be used to request a token. |
string |
wellKnownOpenIdConfiguration |
The endpoint that contains all the configuration endpoints for the provider. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nameClaimType |
The name of the claim that contains the users name. |
string |
scopes |
A list of the scopes that should be requested while authenticating. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientCredential |
The authentication credentials of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectClientCredential |
clientId |
The client id of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
string |
openIdConnectConfiguration |
The configuration settings of the endpoints used for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectConfig |
Name |
Description |
Value |
azureBlobStorage |
The configuration settings of the storage of the tokens if blob storage is used. |
BlobStorageTokenStore |
enabled |
<code>true</code> to durably store platform-specific security tokens that are obtained during login flows; otherwise, <code>false</code>. The default is <code>false</code>. |
bool |
tokenRefreshExtensionHours |
The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API. The default is 72 hours. |
int |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Twitter provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Twitter provider. |
TwitterRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
consumerKey |
The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in. This setting is required for enabling Twitter Sign-In. Twitter Sign-In documentation: |
string |
consumerSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in. |
string |
Usage Examples
The containerApps/authConfigs resource type can be deployed with operations that target:
For a list of changed properties in each API version, see change log.
To create a Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs resource, add the following Terraform to your template.
resource "azapi_resource" "symbolicname" {
type = "Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs@2023-11-02-preview"
name = "string"
body = jsonencode({
properties = {
encryptionSettings = {
containerAppAuthEncryptionSecretName = "string"
containerAppAuthSigningSecretName = "string"
globalValidation = {
excludedPaths = [
redirectToProvider = "string"
unauthenticatedClientAction = "string"
httpSettings = {
forwardProxy = {
convention = "string"
customHostHeaderName = "string"
customProtoHeaderName = "string"
requireHttps = bool
routes = {
apiPrefix = "string"
identityProviders = {
apple = {
enabled = bool
login = {
scopes = [
registration = {
clientId = "string"
clientSecretSettingName = "string"
azureActiveDirectory = {
enabled = bool
isAutoProvisioned = bool
login = {
disableWWWAuthenticate = bool
loginParameters = [
registration = {
clientId = "string"
clientSecretCertificateIssuer = "string"
clientSecretCertificateSubjectAlternativeName = "string"
clientSecretCertificateThumbprint = "string"
clientSecretSettingName = "string"
openIdIssuer = "string"
validation = {
allowedAudiences = [
defaultAuthorizationPolicy = {
allowedApplications = [
allowedPrincipals = {
groups = [
identities = [
jwtClaimChecks = {
allowedClientApplications = [
allowedGroups = [
azureStaticWebApps = {
enabled = bool
registration = {
clientId = "string"
customOpenIdConnectProviders = {
{customized property} = {
enabled = bool
login = {
nameClaimType = "string"
scopes = [
registration = {
clientCredential = {
clientSecretSettingName = "string"
method = "ClientSecretPost"
clientId = "string"
openIdConnectConfiguration = {
authorizationEndpoint = "string"
certificationUri = "string"
issuer = "string"
tokenEndpoint = "string"
wellKnownOpenIdConfiguration = "string"
facebook = {
enabled = bool
graphApiVersion = "string"
login = {
scopes = [
registration = {
appId = "string"
appSecretSettingName = "string"
gitHub = {
enabled = bool
login = {
scopes = [
registration = {
clientId = "string"
clientSecretSettingName = "string"
google = {
enabled = bool
login = {
scopes = [
registration = {
clientId = "string"
clientSecretSettingName = "string"
validation = {
allowedAudiences = [
twitter = {
enabled = bool
registration = {
consumerKey = "string"
consumerSecretSettingName = "string"
login = {
allowedExternalRedirectUrls = [
cookieExpiration = {
convention = "string"
timeToExpiration = "string"
nonce = {
nonceExpirationInterval = "string"
validateNonce = bool
preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins = bool
routes = {
logoutEndpoint = "string"
tokenStore = {
azureBlobStorage = {
sasUrlSettingName = "string"
enabled = bool
tokenRefreshExtensionHours = int
platform = {
enabled = bool
runtimeVersion = "string"
Property Values
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedAudiences |
The configuration settings of the allowed list of audiences from which to validate the JWT token. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
groups |
The list of the allowed groups. |
string[] |
identities |
The list of the allowed identities. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Apple provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Apple registration. |
AppleRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
appId |
The App ID of the app used for login. |
string |
appSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the app secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
encryptionSettings |
The configuration settings of the secrets references of encryption key and signing key for ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
EncryptionSettings |
globalValidation |
The configuration settings that determines the validation flow of users using Service Authentication/Authorization. |
GlobalValidation |
httpSettings |
The configuration settings of the HTTP requests for authentication and authorization requests made against ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
HttpSettings |
identityProviders |
The configuration settings of each of the identity providers used to configure ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
IdentityProviders |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow of users using ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
Login |
platform |
The configuration settings of the platform of ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. |
AuthPlatform |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>true</code> if the Authentication / Authorization feature is enabled for the current app; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
runtimeVersion |
The RuntimeVersion of the Authentication / Authorization feature in use for the current app. The setting in this value can control the behavior of certain features in the Authentication / Authorization module. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Azure Active Directory provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
isAutoProvisioned |
Gets a value indicating whether the Azure AD configuration was auto-provisioned using 1st party tooling. This is an internal flag primarily intended to support the Azure Management Portal. Users should not read or write to this property. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory login flow. |
AzureActiveDirectoryLogin |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory app registration. |
AzureActiveDirectoryRegistration |
validation |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory token validation flow. |
AzureActiveDirectoryValidation |
Name |
Description |
Value |
disableWWWAuthenticate |
<code>true</code> if the www-authenticate provider should be omitted from the request; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
loginParameters |
Login parameters to send to the OpenID Connect authorization endpoint when a user logs in. Each parameter must be in the form "key=value". |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of this relying party application, known as the client_id. This setting is required for enabling OpenID Connection authentication with Azure Active Directory or other 3rd party OpenID Connect providers. More information on OpenID Connect: |
string |
clientSecretCertificateIssuer |
An alternative to the client secret thumbprint, that is the issuer of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret Certificate Thumbprint. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretCertificateSubjectAlternativeName |
An alternative to the client secret thumbprint, that is the subject alternative name of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret Certificate Thumbprint. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretCertificateThumbprint |
An alternative to the client secret, that is the thumbprint of a certificate used for signing purposes. This property acts as a replacement for the Client Secret. It is also optional. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret of the relying party application. |
string |
openIdIssuer |
The OpenID Connect Issuer URI that represents the entity which issues access tokens for this application. When using Azure Active Directory, this value is the URI of the directory tenant, e.g.{tenant-guid}/. This URI is a case-sensitive identifier for the token issuer. More information on OpenID Connect Discovery: |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedAudiences |
The list of audiences that can make successful authentication/authorization requests. |
string[] |
defaultAuthorizationPolicy |
The configuration settings of the default authorization policy. |
DefaultAuthorizationPolicy |
jwtClaimChecks |
The configuration settings of the checks that should be made while validating the JWT Claims. |
JwtClaimChecks |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Azure Static Web Apps provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
registration |
The configuration settings of the Azure Static Web Apps registration. |
AzureStaticWebAppsRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
sasUrlSettingName |
The name of the app secrets containing the SAS URL of the blob storage containing the tokens. |
string (required) |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientId |
The Client ID of the app used for login. |
string |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the client secret. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
convention |
The convention used when determining the session cookie's expiration. |
'FixedTime' 'IdentityProviderDerived' |
timeToExpiration |
The time after the request is made when the session cookie should expire. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the custom Open ID provider provider should not be enabled; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectLogin |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedApplications |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory allowed applications. |
string[] |
allowedPrincipals |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory allowed principals. |
AllowedPrincipals |
Name |
Description |
Value |
containerAppAuthEncryptionSecretName |
The secret name which is referenced for EncryptionKey. |
string |
containerAppAuthSigningSecretName |
The secret name which is referenced for SigningKey. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Facebook provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
graphApiVersion |
The version of the Facebook api to be used while logging in. |
string |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Facebook provider. |
AppRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
convention |
The convention used to determine the url of the request made. |
'Custom' 'NoProxy' 'Standard' |
customHostHeaderName |
The name of the header containing the host of the request. |
string |
customProtoHeaderName |
The name of the header containing the scheme of the request. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the GitHub provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the GitHub provider. |
ClientRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
excludedPaths |
The paths for which unauthenticated flow would not be redirected to the login page. |
string[] |
redirectToProvider |
The default authentication provider to use when multiple providers are configured. This setting is only needed if multiple providers are configured and the unauthenticated client action is set to "RedirectToLoginPage". |
string |
unauthenticatedClientAction |
The action to take when an unauthenticated client attempts to access the app. |
'AllowAnonymous' 'RedirectToLoginPage' 'Return401' 'Return403' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Google provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
login |
The configuration settings of the login flow. |
LoginScopes |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Google provider. |
ClientRegistration |
validation |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active Directory token validation flow. |
AllowedAudiencesValidation |
Name |
Description |
Value |
forwardProxy |
The configuration settings of a forward proxy used to make the requests. |
ForwardProxy |
requireHttps |
<code>false</code> if the authentication/authorization responses not having the HTTPS scheme are permissible; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
routes |
The configuration settings of the paths HTTP requests. |
HttpSettingsRoutes |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apiPrefix |
The prefix that should precede all the authentication/authorization paths. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
apple |
The configuration settings of the Apple provider. |
Apple |
azureActiveDirectory |
The configuration settings of the Azure Active directory provider. |
AzureActiveDirectory |
azureStaticWebApps |
The configuration settings of the Azure Static Web Apps provider. |
AzureStaticWebApps |
customOpenIdConnectProviders |
The map of the name of the alias of each custom Open ID Connect provider to the configuration settings of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
IdentityProvidersCustomOpenIdConnectProviders |
facebook |
The configuration settings of the Facebook provider. |
Facebook |
gitHub |
The configuration settings of the GitHub provider. |
GitHub |
google |
The configuration settings of the Google provider. |
Google |
twitter |
The configuration settings of the Twitter provider. |
Twitter |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedClientApplications |
The list of the allowed client applications. |
string[] |
allowedGroups |
The list of the allowed groups. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
allowedExternalRedirectUrls |
External URLs that can be redirected to as part of logging in or logging out of the app. Note that the query string part of the URL is ignored. This is an advanced setting typically only needed by Windows Store application backends. Note that URLs within the current domain are always implicitly allowed. |
string[] |
cookieExpiration |
The configuration settings of the session cookie's expiration. |
CookieExpiration |
nonce |
The configuration settings of the nonce used in the login flow. |
Nonce |
preserveUrlFragmentsForLogins |
<code>true</code> if the fragments from the request are preserved after the login request is made; otherwise, <code>false</code>. |
bool |
routes |
The routes that specify the endpoints used for login and logout requests. |
LoginRoutes |
tokenStore |
The configuration settings of the token store. |
TokenStore |
Name |
Description |
Value |
logoutEndpoint |
The endpoint at which a logout request should be made. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
scopes |
A list of the scopes that should be requested while authenticating. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
name |
The resource name |
string (required) |
parent_id |
The ID of the resource that is the parent for this resource. |
ID for resource of type: containerApps |
properties |
AuthConfig resource specific properties |
AuthConfigProperties |
type |
The resource type |
"Microsoft.App/containerApps/authConfigs@2023-11-02-preview" |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nonceExpirationInterval |
The time after the request is made when the nonce should expire. |
string |
validateNonce |
<code>false</code> if the nonce should not be validated while completing the login flow; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientSecretSettingName |
The app setting that contains the client secret for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
string |
method |
The method that should be used to authenticate the user. |
'ClientSecretPost' |
Name |
Description |
Value |
authorizationEndpoint |
The endpoint to be used to make an authorization request. |
string |
certificationUri |
The endpoint that provides the keys necessary to validate the token. |
string |
issuer |
The endpoint that issues the token. |
string |
tokenEndpoint |
The endpoint to be used to request a token. |
string |
wellKnownOpenIdConfiguration |
The endpoint that contains all the configuration endpoints for the provider. |
string |
Name |
Description |
Value |
nameClaimType |
The name of the claim that contains the users name. |
string |
scopes |
A list of the scopes that should be requested while authenticating. |
string[] |
Name |
Description |
Value |
clientCredential |
The authentication credentials of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectClientCredential |
clientId |
The client id of the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
string |
openIdConnectConfiguration |
The configuration settings of the endpoints used for the custom Open ID Connect provider. |
OpenIdConnectConfig |
Name |
Description |
Value |
azureBlobStorage |
The configuration settings of the storage of the tokens if blob storage is used. |
BlobStorageTokenStore |
enabled |
<code>true</code> to durably store platform-specific security tokens that are obtained during login flows; otherwise, <code>false</code>. The default is <code>false</code>. |
bool |
tokenRefreshExtensionHours |
The number of hours after session token expiration that a session token can be used to call the token refresh API. The default is 72 hours. |
int |
Name |
Description |
Value |
enabled |
<code>false</code> if the Twitter provider should not be enabled despite the set registration; otherwise, <code>true</code>. |
bool |
registration |
The configuration settings of the app registration for the Twitter provider. |
TwitterRegistration |
Name |
Description |
Value |
consumerKey |
The OAuth 1.0a consumer key of the Twitter application used for sign-in. This setting is required for enabling Twitter Sign-In. Twitter Sign-In documentation: |
string |
consumerSecretSettingName |
The app setting name that contains the OAuth 1.0a consumer secret of the Twitter application used for sign-in. |
string |