This article shows you how to use query acceleration to retrieve a subset of data from your storage account.
Query acceleration enables applications and analytics frameworks to dramatically optimize data processing by retrieving only the data that they require to perform a given operation. To learn more, see Azure Data Lake Storage Query Acceleration.
Install the Az module version 4.6.0 or higher.
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Open a command prompt and change directory (cd
) into your project folder For example:
cd myProject
Install the 12.5.0-preview.6
version or later of the Azure Blob storage client library for .NET package by using the dotnet add package
dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs -v 12.8.0
The examples that appear in this article parse a CSV file by using the CsvHelper library. To use that library, use the following command.
dotnet add package CsvHelper
Open the pom.xml file of your project in a text editor. Add the following dependency elements to the group of dependencies.
<!-- Request static dependencies from Maven -->
Install the Azure Data Lake Storage client library for Python by using pip.
pip install azure-storage-blob==12.4.0
Install Data Lake client library for JavaScript by opening a terminal window, and then typing the following command.
npm install @azure/storage-blob
npm install @fast-csv/parse
Add these using
statements to the top of your code file.
using Azure.Storage.Blobs;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs.Models;
using Azure.Storage.Blobs.Specialized;
Query acceleration retrieves CSV and JSON formatted data. Therefore, make sure to add using statements for any CSV or JSON parsing libraries that you choose to use. The examples that appear in this article parse a CSV file by using the CsvHelper library that is available on NuGet. Therefore, we'd add these using
statements to the top of the code file.
using CsvHelper;
using CsvHelper.Configuration;
To compile examples presented in this article, you'll also need to add these using
statements as well.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
Add these import
statements to the top of your code file.
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.apache.commons.csv.*;
Add these import statements to the top of your code file.
import sys, csv
from import BlobServiceClient, ContainerClient, BlobClient, DelimitedTextDialect, BlobQueryError
Include the storage-blob
module by placing this statement at the top of your code file.
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("@azure/storage-blob");
Query acceleration retrieves CSV and JSON formatted data. Therefore, make sure to add statements for any CSV or JSON parsing modules that you choose to use. The examples that appear in this article parse a CSV file by using the fast-csv module. Therefore, we'd add this statement to the top of the code file.
const csv = require('@fast-csv/parse');
You can use SQL to specify the row filter predicates and column projections in a query acceleration request. The following code queries a CSV file in storage and returns all rows of data where the third column matches the value Hemingway, Ernest
Function Get-QueryCsv($ctx, $container, $blob, $query, $hasheaders) {
$tempfile = New-TemporaryFile
$informat = New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader:$hasheaders
Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult -Context $ctx -Container $container -Blob $blob -InputTextConfiguration $informat -OutputTextConfiguration (New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader) -ResultFile $tempfile.FullName -QueryString $query -Force
Get-Content $tempfile.FullName
$container = "data"
$blob = "csv/csv-general/seattle-library.csv"
Get-QueryCsv $ctx $container $blob "SELECT * FROM BlobStorage WHERE _3 = 'Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961'" $false
The async method BlockBlobClient.QueryAsync
sends the query to the query acceleration API, and then streams the results back to the application as a Stream object.
static async Task QueryHemingway(BlockBlobClient blob)
string query = @"SELECT * FROM BlobStorage WHERE _3 = 'Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961'";
await DumpQueryCsv(blob, query, false);
private static async Task DumpQueryCsv(BlockBlobClient blob, string query, bool headers)
var options = new BlobQueryOptions()
InputTextConfiguration = new BlobQueryCsvTextOptions()
HasHeaders = true,
RecordSeparator = "\n",
ColumnSeparator = ",",
EscapeCharacter = '\\',
QuotationCharacter = '"'
OutputTextConfiguration = new BlobQueryCsvTextOptions()
HasHeaders = true,
RecordSeparator = "\n",
ColumnSeparator = ",",
EscapeCharacter = '\\',
QuotationCharacter = '"' },
ProgressHandler = new Progress<long>((finishedBytes) =>
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Data read: {finishedBytes}"))
options.ErrorHandler += (BlobQueryError err) => {
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error: {err.Position}:{err.Name}:{err.Description}");
// BlobDownloadInfo exposes a Stream that will make results available when received rather than blocking for the entire response.
using (var reader = new StreamReader((await blob.QueryAsync(
using (var parser = new CsvReader
(reader, new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) { HasHeaderRecord = true }))
while (await parser.ReadAsync())
Console.Out.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", parser.Parser.Record));
catch (Exception ex)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + ex.ToString());
The method BlockBlobClient.openInputStream()
sends the query to the query acceleration API, and then streams the results back to the application as a InputStream
object which can be read like any other InputStream object.
static void QueryHemingway(BlobClient blobClient) {
String expression = "SELECT * FROM BlobStorage WHERE _3 = 'Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961'";
DumpQueryCsv(blobClient, expression, true);
static void DumpQueryCsv(BlobClient blobClient, String query, Boolean headers) {
try {
BlobQuerySerialization input = new BlobQueryDelimitedSerialization()
BlobQuerySerialization output = new BlobQueryDelimitedSerialization()
Consumer<BlobQueryError> errorConsumer = System.out::println;
Consumer<BlobQueryProgress> progressConsumer = progress -> System.out.println("total bytes read: " + progress.getBytesScanned());
BlobQueryOptions queryOptions = new BlobQueryOptions(query)
/* Open the query input stream. */
InputStream stream = blobClient.openQueryInputStream(queryOptions).getValue();
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream))) {
/* Read from stream like you normally would. */
for (CSVRecord record : CSVParser.parse(reader, CSVFormat.EXCEL.withHeader())) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Exception: " + e.toString());
def query_hemingway(blob: BlobClient):
query = "SELECT * FROM BlobStorage WHERE _3 = 'Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961'"
dump_query_csv(blob, query, False)
def dump_query_csv(blob: BlobClient, query: str, headers: bool):
qa_reader = blob.query_blob(query, blob_format=DelimitedTextDialect(has_header=headers), on_error=report_error, encoding='utf-8')
# records() returns a generator that will stream results as received. It will not block pending all results.
csv_reader = csv.reader(qa_reader.records())
for row in csv_reader:
This example sends the query to the query acceleration API, and then streams the results back. The blob
object passed into the queryHemingway
helper function is of type BlockBlobClient. To learn more about how to get a BlockBlobClient object, see Quickstart: Manage blobs with JavaScript v12 SDK in Node.js.
async function queryHemingway(blob)
const query = "SELECT * FROM BlobStorage WHERE _3 = 'Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961'";
await dumpQueryCsv(blob, query, false);
async function dumpQueryCsv(blob, query, headers)
var response = await blob.query(query, {
inputTextConfiguration: {
kind: "csv",
recordSeparator: '\n',
hasHeaders: headers
outputTextConfiguration: {
kind: "csv",
recordSeparator: '\n',
hasHeaders: true
onProgress: (progress) => console.log(`Data read: ${progress.loadedBytes}`),
onError: (err) => console.error(`Error: ${err.position}:${}:${err.description}`)});
return new Promise(
function (resolve, reject) {
.on('data', row => console.log(row))
.on('error', error => {
.on('end', rowCount => resolve());
You can scope your results to a subset of columns. That way you retrieve only the columns needed to perform a given calculation. This improves application performance and reduces cost because less data is transferred over the network.
Function Get-QueryCsv($ctx, $container, $blob, $query, $hasheaders) {
$tempfile = New-TemporaryFile
$informat = New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader:$hasheaders
Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult -Context $ctx -Container $container -Blob $blob -InputTextConfiguration $informat -OutputTextConfiguration (New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader) -ResultFile $tempfile.FullName -QueryString $query -Force
Get-Content $tempfile.FullName
$container = "data"
$blob = "csv/csv-general/seattle-library-with-headers.csv"
Get-QueryCsv $ctx $container $blob "SELECT BibNum FROM BlobStorage" $true
static async Task QueryBibNum(BlockBlobClient blob)
string query = @"SELECT BibNum FROM BlobStorage";
await DumpQueryCsv(blob, query, true);
static void QueryBibNum(BlobClient blobClient)
String expression = "SELECT BibNum FROM BlobStorage";
DumpQueryCsv(blobClient, expression, true);
def query_bibnum(blob: BlobClient):
query = "SELECT BibNum FROM BlobStorage"
dump_query_csv(blob, query, True)
async function queryBibNum(blob)
const query = "SELECT BibNum FROM BlobStorage";
await dumpQueryCsv(blob, query, true);
The following code combines row filtering and column projections into the same query.
Get-QueryCsv $ctx $container $blob $query $true
Function Get-QueryCsv($ctx, $container, $blob, $query, $hasheaders) {
$tempfile = New-TemporaryFile
$informat = New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader:$hasheaders
Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult -Context $ctx -Container $container -Blob $blob -InputTextConfiguration $informat -OutputTextConfiguration (New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig -AsCsv -HasHeader) -ResultFile $tempfile.FullName -QueryString $query -Force
Get-Content $tempfile.FullName
$container = "data"
$query = "SELECT BibNum, Title, Author, ISBN, Publisher, ItemType
FROM BlobStorage
('acdvd', 'cadvd', 'cadvdnf', 'calndvd', 'ccdvd', 'ccdvdnf', 'jcdvd', 'nadvd', 'nadvdnf', 'nalndvd', 'ncdvd', 'ncdvdnf')"
static async Task QueryDvds(BlockBlobClient blob)
string query = @"SELECT BibNum, Title, Author, ISBN, Publisher, ItemType
FROM BlobStorage
('acdvd', 'cadvd', 'cadvdnf', 'calndvd', 'ccdvd', 'ccdvdnf', 'jcdvd', 'nadvd', 'nadvdnf', 'nalndvd', 'ncdvd', 'ncdvdnf')";
await DumpQueryCsv(blob, query, true);
static void QueryDvds(BlobClient blobClient)
String expression = "SELECT BibNum, Title, Author, ISBN, Publisher, ItemType " +
"FROM BlobStorage " +
"WHERE ItemType IN " +
" ('acdvd', 'cadvd', 'cadvdnf', 'calndvd', 'ccdvd', 'ccdvdnf', 'jcdvd', 'nadvd', 'nadvdnf', 'nalndvd', 'ncdvd', 'ncdvdnf')";
DumpQueryCsv(blobClient, expression, true);
def query_dvds(blob: BlobClient):
query = "SELECT BibNum, Title, Author, ISBN, Publisher, ItemType "\
"FROM BlobStorage "\
"WHERE ItemType IN "\
" ('acdvd', 'cadvd', 'cadvdnf', 'calndvd', 'ccdvd', 'ccdvdnf', 'jcdvd', 'nadvd', 'nadvdnf', 'nalndvd', 'ncdvd', 'ncdvdnf')"
dump_query_csv(blob, query, True)
async function queryDvds(blob)
const query = "SELECT BibNum, Title, Author, ISBN, Publisher, ItemType " +
"FROM BlobStorage " +
"WHERE ItemType IN " +
" ('acdvd', 'cadvd', 'cadvdnf', 'calndvd', 'ccdvd', 'ccdvdnf', 'jcdvd', 'nadvd', 'nadvdnf', 'nalndvd', 'ncdvd', 'ncdvdnf')";
await dumpQueryCsv(blob, query, true);