How to use VMware Spring Cloud Gateway route filters with the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan


The Basic, Standard, and Enterprise plans will be deprecated starting from mid-March, 2025, with a 3 year retirement period. We recommend transitioning to Azure Container Apps. For more information, see the Azure Spring Apps retirement announcement.

The Standard consumption and dedicated plan will be deprecated starting September 30, 2024, with a complete shutdown after six months. We recommend transitioning to Azure Container Apps. For more information, see Migrate Azure Spring Apps Standard consumption and dedicated plan to Azure Container Apps.

This article applies to: ❌ Basic/Standard ✔️ Enterprise

This article explains how to use VMware Spring Cloud Gateway route filters with the Azure Spring Apps Enterprise plan to route requests to your applications.

VMware Spring Cloud Gateway is a commercial VMware Tanzu component based on the open-source Spring Cloud Gateway project. Spring Cloud Gateway handles cross-cutting concerns for API development teams, such as single sign-on (SSO), access control, rate-limiting, resiliency, security, and more. You can accelerate API delivery using modern cloud native patterns, and any programming language you choose for API development.

VMware Spring Cloud Gateway includes the following features:

  • Dynamic routing configuration, independent of individual applications that can be applied and changed without recompilation.
  • Commercial API route filters for transporting authorized JSON Web Token (JWT) claim to application services.
  • Client certificate authorization.
  • Rate-limiting approaches.
  • Circuit breaker configuration.
  • Support for accessing application services via HTTP Basic Authentication credentials.

To integrate with API Portal for VMware Tanzu, VMware Spring Cloud Gateway automatically generates OpenAPI version 3 documentation after any route configuration additions or changes. For more information, see Use API Portal for VMware Tanzu.


Use filters

You use filters in your Spring Cloud Gateway configuration to act on the incoming request or outgoing response to a route configuration.

For example, you can use a filter to add an HTTP header or to deny access based on an authorization token.

Use open source filters

Spring Cloud Gateway OSS includes several GatewayFilter factories used to create filters for routes. The following sections describe these factories.


The AddRequestHeader factory adds a header to the downstream request's headers for all matching requests.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name
  • value

The following example configures an AddRequestHeader factory that adds the header X-Request-red:blue to the downstream request's headers for all matching requests:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "AddRequestHeader=X-Request-red, blue"

The AddRequestHeader factory has access to the URI variables used to match a path or host. You can use URI variables in the value, and the variables are expanded at runtime.

The following example configures an AddRequestHeader factory that uses a variable:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "AddRequestHeader=X-Request-red, blue-{segment}"


The AddRequestHeadersIfNotPresent factory adds headers if they aren't present in the original request.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • headers: A comma-separated list of key-value pairs (header name, header value).

The following example configures an AddRequestHeadersIfNotPresent factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The AddRequestParameter factory adds a parameter to the downstream request's query string for all matching requests.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name
  • value

The following example configures an AddRequestParameter factory that adds a red=blue parameter to the downstream request's query string for all matching requests:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "AddRequestParameter=red, blue"

The AddRequestParameter factory has access to the URI variables used to match a path or host. You can use URI variables in the value, and the variables are expanded at runtime.

The following example configures an AddRequestParameter factory that uses a variable:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "AddRequestParameter=foo, bar-{segment}"


The AddResponseHeader factory adds a header to the downstream response's headers for all matching requests.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name
  • value

The following example configures an AddResponseHeader factory that adds a X-Response-Red:Blue header to the downstream response's headers for all matching requests:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "AddResponseHeader=X-Response-Red, Blue"

The AddResponseHeader factory has access to the URI variables used to match a path or host. You can use URI variables in the value, and the variables are expanded at runtime.

The following example configures an AddResponseHeader factory that uses a variable:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "AddResponseHeader=foo, bar-{segment}"


The CircuitBreaker factory wraps routes in a circuit breaker.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name: The circuit breaker name.
  • fallbackUri: The reroute URI, which can be a local route or external handler.
  • status codes (optional): The colon-separated list of status codes to match, in number or text format.
  • failure rate (optional): The threshold above which the circuit breaker opens. The default value is 50%.
  • duration (optional): The time to wait before closing again. The default value is 60 seconds.

The following example configures a CircuitBreaker factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The DeDupeResponseHeader factory removes duplicate values of response headers.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name: A space-separated list of header names.
  • strategy (optional): The accepted values are RETAIN_FIRST, RETAIN_LAST, and RETAIN_UNIQUE. The default value is RETAIN_FIRST.

The following example configures a DeDupeResponseHeader factory that removes duplicate values of Access-Control-Allow-Credentials and Access-Control-Allow-Origin response headers when both values are added by the gateway CORS logic and the downstream logic:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "DeDupeResponseHeader=Access-Control-Allow-Credentials Access-Control-Allow-Origin"


The FallbackHeaders factory adds any circuit breaker exception to a header. This filter requires the use of the CircuitBreaker filter in another route.

There are no parameters for this factory.

The following example configures a FallbackHeaders factory with the exception type, message, and (if available) root cause exception type and message that the FallbackHeaders filter adds to the request:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
        "predicates": [
        "filters": [

You can overwrite the names of the headers in the configuration by setting the values of the following parameters (mentioned with their default values):

  • executionExceptionTypeHeaderName ("Execution-Exception-Type")
  • executionExceptionMessageHeaderName ("Execution-Exception-Message")
  • rootCauseExceptionTypeHeaderName ("Root-Cause-Exception-Type")
  • rootCauseExceptionMessageHeaderName ("Root-Cause-Exception-Message")


The JSONToGRPCFilter factory converts a JSON payload to a gRPC request.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • protoDescriptor: A proto descriptor file.

You can generate this file by using protoc and specifying the --descriptor_set_out flag, as shown in the following example:

protoc --proto_path=src/main/resources/proto/ \
    --descriptor_set_out=src/main/resources/proto/hello.pb \


The streaming parameter isn't supported.

The following example configures a JSONToGRPCFilter factory using the output from protoc:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The LocalResponseCache factory overrides the local response cache configuration for specific routes when the global cache is activated.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • size: The maximum allowed size of the cache entries for this route before cache eviction begins (in KB, MB, and GB).
  • timeToLive: The allowed lifespan of a cache entry before expiration. Use the duration suffix s for seconds, m for minutes, or h for hours.

The following example configures a LocalResponseCache factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The MapRequestHeader factory adds a header to the downstream request with updated values from the incoming HTTP request's header.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • fromHeader
  • toHeader

This factory creates a new named header (toHeader), and the value is extracted out of an existing named header (fromHeader) from the incoming HTTP request. If the input header doesn't exist, the filter has no effect. If the new named header already exists, its values are augmented with the new values.

The following example configures a MapRequestHeader factory that adds the X-Request-Red:<values> header to the downstream request with updated values from the incoming HTTP request's Blue header:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "MapRequestHeader=Blue, X-Request-Red"


The PrefixPath factory adds a prefix to the path of all requests.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • prefix

The following example configures a PrefixPath factory that adds the prefix /api to the path of all requests, so that a request to /catalog is sent to /api/catalog:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The PreserveHostHeader factory sets a request attribute that the routing filter inspects to determine whether to send the original host header or the host header determined by the HTTP client.

There are no parameters for this factory.

The following example configures a PreserveHostHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RedirectTo factory adds a redirect to the original URL.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • status: A 300 series redirect HTTP code, such as 301.
  • url: The value of the Location header. Must be a valid URI. For relative redirects, you should use uri: no://op as the URI of your route definition.

The following example configures a RedirectTo factory that sends a status 302 with a Location: header to perform a redirect:

        "uri": "",
        "filters": [


The RemoveJsonAttributesResponseBody factory removes the JSON attributes and their values from JSON response bodies.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • attribute names: A comma-separated list of the names of attributes to remove from a JSON response.
  • delete recursively (optional, boolean): A configuration that removes the attributes only at root level (false), or recursively (true). The default value is false.

The following example configures a RemoveJsonAttributesResponseBody factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RemoveRequestHeader factory removes a header from the downstream request.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • name: The name of the header to be removed.

The following listing configures a RemoveRequestHeader factory that removes the X-Request-Foo header before it's sent downstream:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RemoveRequestParameter factory removes a parameter before it's sent downstream.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • name: The name of the query parameter to be removed.

The following example configures a RemoveRequestParameter factory that removes the red parameter before it's sent downstream:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RemoveResponseHeader factory removes a header from the response before it's returned to the gateway client.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • name: The name of the header to be removed.

The following listing configures a RemoveResponseHeader factory that removes the X-Response-Foo header from the response before it's returned to the gateway client:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RequestHeaderSize factory determines the size of the request header.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • maxSize: The maximum data size allowed by the request header, including key and value.
  • errorHeaderName: The name of the response header containing an error message. By default, the name of the response header is errorMessage.

The following listing configures a RequestHeaderSize factory that sends a status 431 if the size of any request header is greater than 1000 bytes:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RewriteLocationResponseHeader factory modifies the value of the Location response header, usually to get rid of backend-specific details.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • stripVersionMode: This parameter has the following possible values: NEVER_STRIP, AS_IN_REQUEST, and ALWAYS_STRIP. The default value is AS_IN_REQUEST.

    • NEVER_STRIP: The version isn't stripped, even if the original request path contains no version.
    • AS_IN_REQUEST: The version is stripped only if the original request path contains no version.
    • ALWAYS_STRIP: The version is always stripped, even if the original request path contains version.
  • hostValue: This parameter is used to replace the host:port portion of the response Location header when provided. If it isn't provided, the value of the Host request header is used.

  • protocolsRegex: A valid regex String, against which the protocol name is matched. If it isn't matched, the filter doesn't work. The default value is http|https|ftp|ftps.

  • locationHeaderName

The following listing configures a RewriteLocationResponseHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "RewriteLocationResponseHeader=AS_IN_REQUEST, Location, ,"

In this example, for a request value of POST, the Location response header value of is rewritten as


The RewritePath factory uses Java regular expressions for a flexible way to rewrite the request path.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • regexp
  • replacement

The following listing configures a RewritePath factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "RewritePath=/red/?(?<segment>.*), /$\\{segment}"

In this example, for a request path of /red/blue, this configuration sets the path to /blue before making the downstream request.


The RewriteResponseHeader factory uses Java regular expressions for a flexible way to rewrite the response header value.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name
  • regexp
  • replacement

The following example configures a RewriteResponseHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "RewriteResponseHeader=X-Response-Red, , password=[^&]+, password=***"

In this example, for a header value of /42?user=ford&password=omg!what&flag=true, the configuration is set to /42?user=ford&password=***&flag=true after making the downstream request.


The SetPath factory offers a simple way to manipulate the request path by allowing templated segments of the path. This filter uses the URI templates from Spring Framework and allows multiple matching segments.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • template

The following example configures a SetPath factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [

In this example, for a request path of /red/blue, this configuration sets the path to /blue before making the downstream request.


The SetRequestHeader factory replaces (rather than adding) all headers with the given name.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name
  • value

The following listing configures a SetRequestHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "SetRequestHeader=X-Request-Red, Blue"

In this example, the downstream server responded with X-Request-Red:1234, and it's replaced with X-Request-Red:Blue.

The SetRequestHeader factory has access to the URI variables used to match a path or host. You can use URI variables in the value, and the variables are expanded at runtime.

The following example configures an SetRequestHeader factory that uses a variable:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "SetRequestHeader=foo, bar-{segment}"


The SetResponseHeader factory replaces (rather than adding) all headers with the given name.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • name
  • value

The following listing configures a SetResponseHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "SetResponseHeader=X-Response-Red, Blue"

In this example, the downstream server responded with X-Response-Red:1234, and it's replaced with X-Response-Red:Blue.

The SetResponseHeader factory has access to the URI variables used to match a path or host. You can use URI variables in the value, and the variables are expanded at runtime.

The following example configures an SetResponseHeader factory that uses a variable:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
            "SetResponseHeader=foo, bar-{segment}"


The SetStatus factory configures the response status of the server request.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • status: A valid Spring HttpStatus value, which can an integer value such as 404, or the string representation of the enumeration, such as NOT_FOUND.

The following listing configures a SetStatus factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [
        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The StripPrefix factory removes the prefix from the request before sending it downstream.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • parts: The number of parts in the path to strip from the request before sending it downstream. The default value is 1.

The following example configures a StripPrefix factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [

In this example, a request is made through the gateway to /name/blue/red. The request made to nameservice appears as nameservice/red.


The Retry factory determines the number of retries attempted.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • retries: The number of retries that should be attempted.
  • statuses: The HTTP status codes that should be retried, represented by using org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.
  • methods: The HTTP methods that should be retried, represented by using org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.
  • series: The series of status codes to be retried, represented by using org.springframework.http.HttpStatus.Series.
  • exceptions: The list of thrown exceptions that should be retried.
  • backoff: The configured exponential backoff for the retries. Retries are performed after a backoff interval of firstBackoff * (factor ^ n), where n is the iteration. If maxBackoff is configured, the maximum backoff applied is limited to maxBackoff. If basedOnPreviousValue is true, the backoff is calculated by using prevBackoff * factor.

The following defaults are configured for the Retry filter, when enabled:

  • retries: three times.
  • series: 5XX series.
  • methods: GET method.
  • exceptions: IOException and TimeoutException.
  • backoff: disabled.

The following example configures a Retry factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RequestSize factory can restrict a request from reaching the downstream service when the request size is greater than the permissible limit.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • maxSize: A DataSize type where values are defined as a number followed by an optional DataUnit suffix such as KB or MB. The default suffix value is B for bytes. It's the permissible size limit of the request defined in bytes.

The following example configures a RequestSize factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [

In this example, when the request is rejected due to size, the RequestSize factory sets the response status to 413 Payload Too Large with another header errorMessage.

The following example shows an errorMessage:

errorMessage : Request size is larger than permissible limit. Request size is 6.0 MB where permissible limit is 5.0 MB


The TokenRelay factory forwards an OAuth2 access token to downstream resources. This filter is configured as a boolean value in the route definition rather than an explicit filter.

The following example configures a TokenRelay factory:

        "predicates": [
        "tokenRelay": true

Use commercial filters

Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes also provides many custom GatewayFilter factories. The following sections describe these factories.


The AllowedRequestCookieCount factory determines whether a matching request is allowed to proceed based on the number of cookies.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • amount: The number of allowed cookies.

The following example configures a AllowedRequestCookieCount factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The AllowedRequestHeadersCount factory determines whether a matching request is allowed to proceed based on the number of headers.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • amount: The number of allowed headers.

The following example configures a AllowedRequestHeadersCount factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The AllowedRequestQueryParamsCount factory determines whether a matching request is allowed to proceed based on the number query parameters.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • amount: The number of allowed parameters.

The following example configures a AllowedRequestQueryParamsCount factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The BasicAuth factory adds a BasicAuth Authorization header to requests.

There are no parameters for this factory.

The following example configures a BasicAuth factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The ClaimHeader factory copies data from a JWT claim into an HTTP header.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • Claim name: The case sensitive name of the claim to pass.
  • Header name: The name of the HTTP header.

The following example configures a ClaimHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The ClientCertificateHeader factory validates the X-Forwarded-Client-Cert header certificate.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • domain pattern: The X-Forwarded-Client-Cert value according to Kubernetes's ability to recognize the client certificate's CA.
  • certificate fingerprint(optional): The TLS/SSL certificate fingerprint.

The following example configures a ClientCertificateHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The Cors factory activates the CORS validations on a route.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters that are organized as key-value pairs for CORS options:

  • allowedOrigins
  • allowedMethods
  • allowedHeaders
  • maxAge
  • allowCredentials
  • allowedOriginPatterns

The following example configures a Cors factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The JsonToXml factory transforms JSON response body into XML response body.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • wrapper: The root tag name for the XML response if another root tag is required to generate valid XML. The default value is response.

The following example configures a JsonToXml factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RateLimit factory determines whether a matching request is allowed to proceed based on request volume.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • request limit: The maximum number of requests accepted during the window.
  • window duration: The window duration in milliseconds. Alternatively, you can use the s, m or h suffixes to specify the duration in seconds, minutes, or hours.
  • partition source (optional): The location of the partition key (claim, header, or IPs).
  • partition key (optional): The value used to partition request counters.

The following example configures a RateLimit factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [

The following examples show other RateLimit configurations:



The RestrictRequestHeaders factory determines whether a matching request is allowed to proceed based on the headers.

If there are any HTTP headers that aren't in the case-insensitive headerList configuration, then a response of 431 Forbidden error is returned to the client.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • headerList: The case-insensitive list of names of allowed headers.

The following example configures a RestrictRequestHeaders factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RewriteAllResponseHeaders factory rewrites multiple response headers at once.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • pattern to match: The regular expression to match against header values.
  • replacement: The replacement value.

The following example configures a RewriteAllResponseHeaders factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RewriteResponseBody factory modifies the body of a response.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters that are organized as a comma-separated list of key-value pairs, where each pair accepts the form pattern to match:replacement:

  • pattern to match: The regular expression to match against text in the response body.
  • replacement: The replacement value.

The following example configures a RewriteResponseBody factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The RewriteJsonAttributesResponseBody factory rewrites JSON attributes using JSONPath notation.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters that are organized as a comma-separated list of key-value pairs, where each pair accepts the form jsonpath:replacement:

  • jsonpath: The JSONPath expression to match against the response body.
  • replacement: The replacement value.

The following example configures a RewriteJsonAttributesResponseBody factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The Roles factory authorizes requests that contain one of the configured roles.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • roles: A comma-separated list of authorized roles.

The following example configures a Roles factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The Scopes factory authorizes requests that contain one of the configured OAuth scopes.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • scopes: A comma-separated list of authorized OAuth scopes.

The following example configures a Scopes factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The StoreIPAddress factory is used for extension development only and in the context of the application.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameter:

  • attribute name: The name used to store the IP as an exchange attribute.

The following example configures a StoreIPAddress factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [

SSO login

The SSO login factory redirects to authenticate if there's no valid authorization token. This factory is configured as a boolean value in the route definition rather than an explicit filter.

The following example configures a SSO login factory:

        "predicates": [
        "ssoEnabled": true


The StoreHeader factory stores a header value in the context of the application. This filter is used for extension development only.

This factory accepts the following configuration parameters:

  • headers: A list of headers to check. The first one found is used.
  • attribute name: The name used to store the header value as an exchange attribute.

The following example configures a StoreHeader factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [


The XmlToJson factory transforms XML response body into JSON response body.

There are no parameters for this factory.

The following example configures a XmlToJson factory:

        "predicates": [
        "filters": [

Next steps