Guide to converting Web and Worker Roles to Service Fabric stateless services

This article describes how to migrate your Cloud Services (extended support) Web and Worker Roles to Service Fabric stateless services. This is the simplest migration path from Cloud Services (extended support) to Service Fabric for applications whose overall architecture is going to stay roughly the same.

Cloud Services (extended support) project to Service Fabric application project

A Cloud Service project and a Service Fabric Application project have a similar structure and both represent the deployment unit for your application - that is, they each define the complete package that is deployed to run your application. A Cloud Service project contains one or more Web or Worker Roles. Similarly, a Service Fabric Application project contains one or more services.

The difference is that the Cloud Service project couples the application deployment with a VM deployment and thus contains VM configuration settings in it, whereas the Service Fabric Application project only defines an application that will be deployed to a set of existing VMs in a Service Fabric cluster. The Service Fabric cluster itself is only deployed once, either through an Resource Manager template or through the Azure portal, and multiple Service Fabric applications can be deployed to it.

Service Fabric and Cloud Services (extended support) project comparison

Worker Role to stateless service

Conceptually, a Worker Role represents a stateless workload, meaning every instance of the workload is identical and requests can be routed to any instance at any time. Each instance is not expected to remember the previous request. State that the workload operates on is managed by an external state store, such as Azure Table Storage or Azure Cosmos DB. In Service Fabric, this type of workload is represented by a Stateless Service. The simplest approach to migrating a Worker Role to Service Fabric can be done by converting Worker Role code to a Stateless Service.

Worker Role to Stateless Service

Web Role to stateless service

Similar to Worker Role, a Web Role also represents a stateless workload, and so conceptually it too can be mapped to a Service Fabric stateless service. However, unlike Web Roles, Service Fabric does not support IIS. To migrate a web application from a Web Role to a stateless service requires first moving to a web framework that can be self-hosted and does not depend on IIS or System.Web, such as ASP.NET Core 1.

Application Supported Migration path
ASP.NET Web Forms No Convert to ASP.NET Core 1 MVC
ASP.NET MVC With Migration Upgrade to ASP.NET Core 1 MVC
ASP.NET Web API With Migration Use self-hosted server or ASP.NET Core 1
ASP.NET Core 1 Yes N/A

Entry point API and lifecycle

Worker Role and Service Fabric service APIs offer similar entry points:

Entry Point Worker Role Service Fabric service
Processing Run() RunAsync()
VM start OnStart() N/A
VM stop OnStop() N/A
Open listener for client requests N/A
  • CreateServiceInstanceListener() for stateless
  • CreateServiceReplicaListener() for stateful

Worker Role

using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime;

namespace WorkerRole1
    public class WorkerRole : RoleEntryPoint
        public override void Run()

        public override bool OnStart()

        public override void OnStop()

Service Fabric Stateless Service

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Communication.Runtime;
using Microsoft.ServiceFabric.Services.Runtime;

namespace Stateless1
    public class Stateless1 : StatelessService
        protected override IEnumerable<ServiceInstanceListener> CreateServiceInstanceListeners()

        protected override Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancelServiceInstance)

Both have a primary "Run" override in which to begin processing. Service Fabric services combine Run, Start, and Stop into a single entry point, RunAsync. Your service should begin working when RunAsync starts, and should stop working when the RunAsync method's CancellationToken is signaled.

There are several key differences between the lifecycle and lifetime of Worker Roles and Service Fabric services:

  • Lifecycle: The biggest difference is that a Worker Role is a VM and so its lifecycle is tied to the VM, which includes events for when the VM starts and stops. A Service Fabric service has a lifecycle that is separate from the VM lifecycle, so it does not include events for when the host VM or machine starts and stop, as they are not related.
  • Lifetime: A Worker Role instance will recycle if the Run method exits. The RunAsync method in a Service Fabric service however can run to completion and the service instance will stay up.

Service Fabric provides an optional communication setup entry point for services that listen for client requests. Both the RunAsync and communication entry point are optional overrides in Service Fabric services - your service may choose to only listen to client requests, or only run a processing loop, or both - which is why the RunAsync method is allowed to exit without restarting the service instance, because it may continue to listen for client requests.

Application API and environment

The Cloud Services (extended support) environment API provides information and functionality for the current VM instance as well as information about other VM role instances. Service Fabric provides information related to its runtime and some information about the node a service is currently running on.

Environment Task Cloud Services (extended support) Service Fabric
Configuration Settings and change notification RoleEnvironment CodePackageActivationContext
Local Storage RoleEnvironment CodePackageActivationContext
Endpoint Information RoleInstance
  • Current instance: RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance
  • Other roles and instance: RoleEnvironment.Roles
  • NodeContext for current Node address
  • FabricClient and ServicePartitionResolver for service endpoint discovery
Environment Emulation RoleEnvironment.IsEmulated N/A
Simultaneous change event RoleEnvironment N/A

Configuration settings

Configuration settings in Cloud Services (extended support) are set for a VM role and apply to all instances of that VM role. These settings are key-value pairs set in ServiceConfiguration.*.cscfg files and can be accessed directly through RoleEnvironment. In Service Fabric, settings apply individually to each service and to each application, rather than to a VM, because a VM can host multiple services and applications. A service is composed of three packages:

  • Code: contains the service executables, binaries, DLLs, and any other files a service needs to run.
  • Config: all configuration files and settings for a service.
  • Data: static data files associated with the service.

Each of these packages can be independently versioned and upgraded. Similar to Cloud Services (extended support), a config package can be accessed programmatically through an API and events are available to notify the service of a config package change. A Settings.xml file can be used for key-value configuration and programmatic access similar to the app settings section of an App.config file. However, unlike Cloud Services (extended support), a Service Fabric config package can contain any configuration files in any format, whether it's XML, JSON, YAML, or a custom binary format.

Accessing configuration

Cloud Services (extended support)

Configuration settings from ServiceConfiguration.*.cscfg can be accessed through RoleEnvironment. These settings are globally available to all role instances in the same Cloud Service deployment.

string value = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue("Key");

Service Fabric

Each service has its own individual configuration package. There is no built-in mechanism for global configuration settings accessible by all applications in a cluster. When using Service Fabric's special Settings.xml configuration file within a configuration package, values in Settings.xml can be overwritten at the application level, making application-level configuration settings possible.

Configuration settings are accesses within each service instance through the service's CodePackageActivationContext.

ConfigurationPackage configPackage = this.Context.CodePackageActivationContext.GetConfigurationPackageObject("Config");

// Access Settings.xml
KeyedCollection<string, ConfigurationProperty> parameters = configPackage.Settings.Sections["MyConfigSection"].Parameters;

string value = parameters["Key"]?.Value;

// Access custom configuration file:
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(configPackage.Path, "CustomConfig.json")))
    MySettings settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MySettings>(reader.ReadToEnd());

Configuration update events

Cloud Services (extended support)

The RoleEnvironment.Changed event is used to notify all role instances when a change occurs in the environment, such as a configuration change. This is used to consume configuration updates without recycling role instances or restarting a worker process.

RoleEnvironment.Changed += RoleEnvironmentChanged;

private void RoleEnvironmentChanged(object sender, RoleEnvironmentChangedEventArgs e)
   // Get the list of configuration changes
   var settingChanges = e.Changes.OfType<RoleEnvironmentConfigurationSettingChange>();
foreach (var settingChange in settingChanges) 
      Trace.WriteLine("Setting: " + settingChange.ConfigurationSettingName, "Information");

Service Fabric

Each of the three package types in a service - Code, Config, and Data - have events that notify a service instance when a package is updated, added, or removed. A service can contain multiple packages of each type. For example, a service may have multiple config packages, each individually versioned and upgradeable.

These events are available to consume changes in service packages without restarting the service instance.

this.Context.CodePackageActivationContext.ConfigurationPackageModifiedEvent +=

private void CodePackageActivationContext_ConfigurationPackageModifiedEvent(object sender, PackageModifiedEventArgs<ConfigurationPackage> e)

Startup tasks

Startup tasks are actions that are taken before an application starts. A startup task is typically used to run setup scripts using elevated privileges. Both Cloud Services (extended support) and Service Fabric support start-up tasks. The main difference is that in Cloud Services (extended support), a startup task is tied to a VM because it is part of a role instance, whereas in Service Fabric a startup task is tied to a service, which is not tied to any particular VM.

Service Fabric Cloud Services (extended support)
Configuration location ServiceDefinition.csdef
Privileges "limited" or "elevated"
Sequencing "simple", "background", "foreground"

Cloud Services (extended support)

In Cloud Services (extended support) a startup entry point is configured per role in ServiceDefinition.csdef.

        <Task commandLine="Startup.cmd" executionContext="limited" taskType="simple" >
                <Variable name="MyVersionNumber" value="" />

Service Fabric

In Service Fabric a startup entry point is configured per service in ServiceManifest.xml:

  <CodePackage Name="Code" Version="1.0.0">

A note about development environment

Both Cloud Services (extended support) and Service Fabric are integrated with Visual Studio with project templates and support for debugging, configuring, and deploying both locally and to Azure. Both Cloud Services (extended support) and Service Fabric also provide a local development runtime environment. The difference is that while the Cloud Service development runtime emulates the Azure environment on which it runs, Service Fabric does not use an emulator - it uses the complete Service Fabric runtime. The Service Fabric environment you run on your local development machine is the same environment that runs in production.

Next steps

Read more about Service Fabric Reliable Services and the fundamental differences between Cloud Services (extended support) and Service Fabric application architecture to understand how to take advantage of the full set of Service Fabric features.