Attach a signed SBOM to a container image

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a build manifest that lists the components used to build a piece of software. An SBOM can be used to track the provenance of a piece of software, including container images, throughout its lifecycle. This article shows you how to create an SBOM for a container image, sign it, and attach it to the image using CLI tools. Other approaches are possible, including using a CI/CD pipeline to automate the process.


Before you being, make sure you have the following:

Sign in to your registry

Sign in to your ACR and get the access token for your registry. For example, the following commands use the Azure CLI to sign in to your registry and sets the access token for your that registry to the PASSWORD environment variable.

# Update the ACR_NAME variable with the name of your registry
PASSWORD=$(az acr login --name $ACR_NAME --expose-token --output tsv --query accessToken)


ACR and ORAS support multiple authentication options for users and system automation. This article uses individual identity, using an Azure token. For more authentication options see Authenticate with an Azure container registry.

Build and push a container image

Use az acr build to build and push a container image to your registry.


az acr build -r $ACR_NAME -t $IMAGE $IMAGE_SOURCE

Sign in with the Notation CLI

Use notation login to sign in to your registry.


When using the access token for your ACR, you must use 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 as the user name.

export USER_NAME="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
notation login -u $USER_NAME -p $PASSWORD $REGISTRY

Sign the image

Use notation sign to sign the image.


You must have a signing certificate and key pair to sign the image. For example, Build, sign, and verify container images using Notary and Azure Key Vault shows how to use Azure Key Vault to create a signing certificate and key pair.

notation sign $IMAGE

Use notation ls to list the signatures on the image.

notation ls $IMAGE

The following example output shows the signature on the image.

└── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
    └── sha256:111222333444555666777888999000aaabbbcccdddeeefff1112223334445556

Create an SBOM

Use sbom-tool to create an SBOM for the image. For example, the following commands create an SBOM for the image and store it in the ./sbom directory.

mkdir $SBOM_DIR

Attach the SBOM to the image

Use oras attach to attach the SBOM to the image. For example, the following command attaches the manifest.spdx.json file to the image.

oras attach $IMAGE $SBOM_FILE --artifact-type example/sbom

Sign the SBOM

Use oras discover to get the digest for the SBOM.

oras discover $IMAGE -o tree

The following example output shows digests for both the signature and the the image.

$ oras discover $IMAGE -o tree

├── example/sbom
│   └── sha256:fffeeedddcccbbbaaa000999888777666555444333222111fffeeedddcccbbba
└── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
    └── sha256:111222333444555666777888999000aaabbbcccdddeeefff1112223334445556

Use notation sign to sign the SBOM using the digest value of the SBOM from the previous command.

notation sign $SBOM

Use notation ls to list the signatures on the SBOM.

notation ls $SBOM

The following example shows the signature on the SBOM.

$ notation ls $SBOM

└── application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature
    └── sha256:fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321fedcba0987654321

Next Steps

See overview of each stage for more information: