Azure permissions for Mixed reality
This article lists the permissions for the Azure resource providers in the Mixed reality category. You can use these permissions in your own Azure custom roles to provide granular access control to resources in Azure. Permission strings have the following format: {Company}.{ProviderName}/{resourceType}/{action}
Blend your physical and digital worlds to create immersive, collaborative experiences.
Action | Description |
Microsoft.MixedReality/register/action | Registers a subscription for the Mixed Reality resource provider. |
Microsoft.MixedReality/unregister/action | Unregisters a subscription for the Mixed Reality resource provider. |
Microsoft.MixedReality/register/action | Register the subscription for Microsoft.MixedReality |
Microsoft.MixedReality/unregister/action | Unregister the subscription for Microsoft.MixedReality |
Microsoft.MixedReality/locations/checknameavailability/read | Checks for name availability |
Microsoft.MixedReality/operations/read | List available operations for Microsoft Mixed Reality |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/delete | Delete a remote rendering account |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/listkeys/action | List keys of a remote rendering account |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/read | Read the properties of a remote rendering account |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/regeneratekeys/action | Regenerate the keys of a remote rendering account |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/write | Update the properties of a remote rendering account |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/keys/read | Read keys of a remote rendering account |
Microsoft.MixedReality/remoteRenderingAccounts/providers/Microsoft.Insights/metricDefinitions/read | Gets the available metrics for Microsoft.MixedReality/remoteRenderingAccounts |
DataAction | Description |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/convert/action | Start asset conversion |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/managesessions/action | Start sessions |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/convert/read | Get asset conversion properties |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/convert/delete | Stop asset conversion |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/diagnostic/read | Connect to the Remote Rendering inspector |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/managesessions/read | Get session properties |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/managesessions/delete | Stop sessions |
Microsoft.MixedReality/RemoteRenderingAccounts/render/read | Connect to a session |