Quickstart: Create your first Q# program

Learn how to write a basic Q# program that demonstrates entanglement, a key concept of quantum computing.

When two or more qubits are entangled, they share quantum information, which means whatever happens to one qubit also happens to the other. In this quickstart, you create a particular two-qubit entangled state called a Bell pair. In a Bell pair, if you measure one qubit in the $\ket{0}$ state, you know the other qubit is also in the $\ket{0}$ state without measuring it. For more information, see Quantum entanglement.

In this quickstart, you:

  • Create a Q# file.
  • Allocate a pair of qubits.
  • Entangle the qubits.


Create a Q# file

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Select File > New Text File.
  3. Save the file as Entanglement.qs. The .qs extension denotes a Q# program.

Write your Q# code

In your Entanglement.qs file, follow these steps to entangle and measure a pair of qubits.

Define a namespace

Each Q# program starts with a user-defined namespace, which helps you organize related functionality. For this quickstart, your namespace is BellPair:

namespace BellPair {
    // Your code goes here.

Open a quantum library

The QDK includes the Q# standard library with predefined functions and operations for your quantum programs. To use them, you must first open the relevant library.

In your BellPair namespace, use an open statement to import the Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics library. This gives you access to all its functions and operations, including DumpMachine(), which you later use to display the entangled state.

    open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;

Define an operation

After opening the relevant libraries, define your quantum operation and its input and output values. For this quickstart, your operation is EntangleQubits. This is where you'll write the remaining Q# code to allocate, manipulate, and measure two qubits.

EntangleQubits takes no parameters and returns two Result values, Zero or One, which represent the results of the qubit measurements:

    operation EntangleQubits() : (Result, Result) {
        // Your entanglement code goes here.

Allocate two qubits

The EntangleQubits operation is currently empty, so the next step is to allocate two qubits, q1 and q2. In Q#, you allocate qubits using the use keyword:

        // Allocate two qubits, q1 and q2, in the 0 state.
        use (q1, q2) = (Qubit(), Qubit());


In Q#, qubits are always allocated in the $\ket{0}$ state.

Put one qubit into superposition

The qubits q1 and q2 are in the $\ket{0}$ state. To prepare the qubits for entanglement, you must put one of them into an even superposition, where it has a 50% chance of being measured as $\ket{0}$ or $\ket{1}$.

You put a qubit into superposition by applying the Hadamard, H, operation:

        // Put q1 into an even superposition.

The resulting state of q1 is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\ket{0}+\ket{1})$, which is an even superposition of $\ket{0}$ and $\ket{1}$.

Entangle the qubits

You're now ready to entangle the qubits using the controlled-NOT, CNOT, operation. CNOT is a control operation that takes two qubits, one acting as the control and the other as the target.

For this quickstart, you set q1 as the control qubit and q2 as the target qubit. This means CNOT flips the state of q2 when the state of q1 is $\ket{1}$.

        // Entangle q1 and q2, making q2 depend on q1.
        CNOT(q1, q2);

The resulting state of both qubits is the Bell pair $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\ket{00}+\ket{11})$.


If you want to learn how the Hadamard and CNOT operations transform the state of the qubits, see Creating entanglement with quantum operations.

Display the entangled state

Before measuring the qubits, it's important to verify that your previous code successfully entangles them. You can use the DumpMachine operation, which is part of the Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics library, to output the current state of your Q# program:

        // Show the entangled state of the qubits.

Measure the qubits

Now that you verified the qubits are entangled, you can use the M operation to measure them. Measuring q1 and q2 collapses their quantum states into Zero or One with even probability.

In Q#, you use the let keyword to declare a new variable. To store the measurement results of q1 and q2, declare the variables m1 and m2, respectively:

        // Measure q1 and q2 and store the results in m1 and m2.
        let (m1, m2) = (M(q1), M(q2));

Reset the qubits

Before being released at the end of each Q# program, qubits must be in the $\ket{0}$ state. You do this using the Reset operation:

        // Reset q1 and q2 to the 0 state.

Return the measurement results

Finally, to complete the EntangleQubits operation and observe the entangled state, return the measurement results of m1 and m2:

        // Return the measurement results.
        return (m1, m2);


If you want to learn more about a Q# function or operation, hover over it.

Screenshot of the details that appear when you hover the 'H' operation in Visual Studio Code.

Run your Q# code

Congratulations! You wrote a Q# program that entangles two qubits and creates a Bell pair. Before running your program, use the @EntryPoint() attribute to tell the Q# compiler where to start executing the program. Every Q# program must contain one @EntryPoint(). In this case, place @EntryPoint() before the EntangleQubits operation.

Your final Q# program should look like this:

namespace BellPair {
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Diagnostics;
    operation EntangleQubits() : (Result, Result) {  
        // Allocate two qubits, q1 and q2, in the 0 state.
        use (q1, q2) = (Qubit(), Qubit());

        // Put q1 into an even superposition.
        // It now has a 50% chance of being measured as 0 or 1.

        // Entangle q1 and q2, making q2 depend on q1.
        CNOT(q1, q2);

        // Show the entangled state of the qubits.

        // Measure q1 and q2 and store the results in m1 and m2.
        let (m1, m2) = (M(q1), M(q2));

        // Reset q1 and q2 to the 0 state.

        // Return the measurement results.
        return (m1, m2);

To run your program and view the result of both qubits, select Run under @EntryPoint() or press Ctrl+F5:

Screenshot of the Q# file in Visual Studio Code showing where to find the 'Run' command.

You can run the program several times, each with a different result in the debug console. This demonstrates the probabilistic nature of quantum measurements and the entanglement of the qubits.

For example, if the result is Zero, your debug console should look like this:


 Basis | Amplitude      | Probability | Phase
  |00⟩ |  0.7071+0.0000𝑖 |    50.0000% |   0.0000
  |11⟩ |  0.7071+0.0000𝑖 |    50.0000% |   0.0000

Result: "(Zero, Zero)"

Next step

To learn more about quantum entanglement with Q#, see Tutorial: Explore quantum entanglement with Q#. This tutorial expands on the concepts covered in this quickstart and helps you write a more advanced entanglement program.