Enable and use DiskANN extension (Preview)

DiskANN is a scalable approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm for efficient vector search at any scale. It offers high recall, high queries per second, and low query latency, even for billion-point datasets. Those characteristics make it a powerful tool for handling large volumes of data.

To learn more about DiskANN, see DiskANN: Vector Search for Web Scale Search and Recommendation.

The pg_diskann extension adds support for using DiskANN for efficient vector indexing and searching.

Enable pg_diskann

To use the pg_diskann extension on your Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance, you need to allow the extension at the instance level. Then you need to create the extension on each database in which you want to use the functionality provided by the extension.


This preview feature is only available for newly deployed Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instances.

Because pg_diskann has a dependency on the vector extension, either you allow and create the vector extension in the same database, and the run the following command:


Or you can skip explicitly allowing and creating the vector extension, and run instead the previous command appending the CASCADE clause. That clause PostgreSQL to implicitly run CREATE EXTENSION on the extension that it depends. To do so, run the following command:


To drop the extension from the database to which you're currently connected, run the following command:


Use the diskann index access method

Once the extension is installed, you can create a diskann index on a table column that contains vector data. For example, to create an index on the embedding column of the demo table, use the following command:

 embedding public.vector(3)
 -- other columns

-- insert dummy data
INSERT INTO demo (embedding) VALUES
('[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]'),
('[4.0, 5.0, 6.0]'),
('[7.0, 8.0, 9.0]');

-- create a diskann index by using Cosine distance operator
CREATE INDEX demo_embedding_diskann_idx ON demo USING diskann (embedding vector_cosine_ops)

Once the index is created, you can run queries to find the nearest neighbors.

Following query finds the 5 nearest neighbors to the vector [2.0, 3.0, 4.0]:

SELECT id, embedding
FROM demo
ORDER BY embedding <=> '[2.0, 3.0, 4.0]'

Postgres automatically decides when to use the DiskANN index. If it chooses not to use the index in a scenario in which you want it to use it, execute the following command:

-- Explicit Transcation block to force use for DiskANN index.

SET LOCAL enable_seqscan TO OFF;
-- Similarity search queries


Setting enable_seqscan to off, it discourages the planner from using the query planner's use of sequential scan plan if there are other methods available. Because it's disable using the SET LOCAL command, the setting takes effect for only the current transaction. After a COMMIT or ROLLBACK, the session level setting takes effect again. Notice that if the query involves other tables, the setting also discourages the use of sequential scans in all of them.

Speed up index build with parallelization

To speed up the creation of the index, you can use parallel workers. The number of workers can be specified through the parallel_workers storage parameter of the CREATE TABLE statement, when creating the table. And it can be adjusted later using the SET clause of the ALTER TABLE statement.

	embedding public.vector(3)
) WITH (parallel_workers = 4);
ALTER TABLE demo SET (parallel_workers = 8);

Then, CREATE INDEX command uses the specified number of parallel workers, depending on the available resources, to build the index.

CREATE INDEX demo_embedding_diskann_idx ON demo USING diskann (embedding vector_cosine_ops)


The leader process cannot participate in parallel index builds.

If you want to create the index by using parallel workers, you also need to set max_parallel_workers, max_worker_processes, and max_parallel_maintenance_workers parameters accordingly. For more information about these parameters, see parameters that control resource usages and asynchronous behavior.

You can set these parameters at different granularity levels. For example, to set them at session level, you can run the following statements:

-- Set the parameters
SET max_parallel_workers = 8;
SET max_worker_processes = 8; -- Note: Requires server restart
SET max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 4;

To learn about other options to configure these parameters in Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server, see Configure server parameters.


The max_worker_processes parameter requires a server restart to take effect.

If the configuration of those parameters and the available resources on the server don't permit launching the parallel workers, PostgreSQL automatically falls back to create the index in the nonparallel mode.

Configuration parameters

When creating a diskann index, you can specify various parameters to control its behavior.

Index parameters

  • max_neighbors: Maximum number of edges per node in the graph (Defaults to 32). A higher value can improve the recall up to a certain point.
  • l_value_ib: Size of the search list during index build (Defaults to 100). A higher value makes the build slower, but the index would be of higher quality.
CREATE INDEX demo_embedding_diskann_custom_idx ON demo USING diskann (embedding vector_cosine_ops)
 max_neighbors = 48,
 l_value_ib = 100

Extension parameters

  • diskann.iterative_search: Controls the search behavior.

    Configurations for diskann.iterative_search:

    • relaxed_order (default): Lets diskann iteratively search the graph in batches of diskann.l_value_is, until the desired number of tuples, possibly limited by LIMIT clause, are yielded. Might cause the results to be out of order.

    • strict_order: Similar to relaxed_order, lets diskann iteratively search the graph, until the desired number of tuples are yielded. However, it ensures that the results are returned in strict order sorted by distance.

    • off: Uses noniterative search functionality, which means that it attempts to fetch diskann.l_value_is tuples in one step. Noniterative search can only return a maximum of diskann.l_value_is vectors for a query, regardless of the LIMIT clause or the number of tuples that match the query.

    To change the search behavior to strict_order, for all queries executed in the current session, run the following statement:

    SET diskann.iterative_search TO 'strict_order';

    To change it so that it only affects all queries executed in the current transaction, run the following statement:

    SET LOCAL diskann.iterative_search TO 'strict_order';
    -- All your queries
  • diskann.l_value_is: L value for index scanning (Defaults to 100). Increasing the value improves recall but might slow down queries.

    To change the L value for index scanning to 20, for all queries executed in the current session, run the following statement:

    SET diskann.l_value_is TO 20;

    To change it so that it only affects all queries executed in the current transaction, run the following statement:

    SET LOCAL diskann.l_value_is TO 20;
    -- All your queries
Dataset size (rows) Parameter type Name Recommended value
<1M Index build l_value_ib 100
<1M Index build max_neighbors 32
<1M Query time diskann.l_value_is 100
1M-50M Index build l_value_ib 100
1M-50M Index build max_neighbors 64
1M-50M Query time diskann.l_value_is 100
>50M Index build l_value_ib 100
>50M Index build max_neighbors 96
>50M Query time diskann.l_value_is 100


These parameters might vary depending on the specific dataset and use case. Users might have to experiment with different parameter values, to find the optimal settings for their particular scenario.


With PostgreSQL 12 and newer, you can use pg_stat_progress_create_index to check the progress of the CREATE INDEX or REINDEX operations.

SELECT phase, round(100.0 * blocks_done / nullif(blocks_total, 0), 1) AS "%" FROM pg_stat_progress_create_index;

To learn more about the possible phases through which a CREATE INDEX or REINDEX operation goes through, see CREATE INDEX phases.

Selecting the index access function

The vector type allows you to perform three types of searches on the stored vectors. You need to select the correct access function for your index, so that the database can consider your index when executing your queries.

pg_diskann supports following distance operators

  • vector_l2_ops: <-> Euclidean distance
  • vector_cosine_ops: <=> Cosine distance
  • vector_ip_ops: <#> Inner Product


Error: diskann index needs to be upgraded to version 2...:

When you encounter this error, you can resolve by:

  • Executing REINDEX or REDINDEX CONCURRENTLY statement on the index.

  • Because REINDEX might take a long time, the extension also provides a user-defined function called upgrade_diskann_index(), which upgrades your index faster, when possible.

    To upgrade your index, run the following statement:

    SELECT upgrade_diskann_index('demo_embedding_diskann_custom_idx');

    To upgrade all diskann indexes in the database to the current version, run the following statement:

    SELECT upgrade_diskann_index(pg_class.oid)
    FROM pg_class
    JOIN pg_am ON (pg_class.relam = pg_am.oid)
    WHERE pg_am.amname = 'diskann';