Monitor Azure NAT Gateway

Azure Monitor collects and aggregates metrics and logs from your system to monitor availability, performance, and resilience, and notify you of issues affecting your system. You can use the Azure portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI, REST API, or client libraries to set up and view monitoring data.

Different metrics and logs are available for different resource types. This article describes the types of monitoring data you can collect for this service and ways to analyze that data.

Collect data with Azure Monitor

This table describes how you can collect data to monitor your service, and what you can do with the data once collected:

Data to collect Description How to collect and route the data Where to view the data Supported data
Metric data Metrics are numerical values that describe an aspect of a system at a particular point in time. Metrics can be aggregated using algorithms, compared to other metrics, and analyzed for trends over time. [- Collected automatically at regular intervals.
- You can route some platform metrics to a Log Analytics workspace to query with other data. Check the DS export setting for each metric to see if you can use a diagnostic setting to route the metric data.]
Metrics explorer Azure NAT Gateway metrics supported by Azure Monitor
Resource log data Logs are recorded system events with a timestamp. Logs can contain different types of data, and be structured or free-form text. You can route resource log data to Log Analytics workspaces for querying and analysis. Create a diagnostic setting to collect and route resource log data. Log Analytics Azure NAT Gateway resource log data supported by Azure Monitor
Activity log data The Azure Monitor activity log provides insight into subscription-level events. The activity log includes information like when a resource is modified or a virtual machine is started. - Collected automatically.
- Create a diagnostic setting to a Log Analytics workspace at no charge.
Activity log

For the list of all of the data supported by Azure Monitor, see:

Built in monitoring for Azure NAT Gateway

Azure Monitor Network Insights allows you to visualize your Azure infrastructure setup and to review all metrics for your NAT gateway resource from a preconfigured metrics dashboard. These visual tools help you diagnose and troubleshoot any issues with your NAT gateway resource.

For more information on NAT Gateway Insights, see Network Insights.

Use Azure Monitor tools to analyze the data

These Azure Monitor tools are available in the Azure portal to help you analyze monitoring data:

  • Some Azure services have a built-in monitoring dashboard in the Azure portal. These dashboards are called insights, and you can find them in the Insights section of Azure Monitor in the Azure portal.

  • Metrics explorer allows you to view and analyze metrics for Azure resources. For more information, see Analyze metrics with Azure Monitor metrics explorer.

  • Log Analytics allows you to query and analyze log data using the Kusto query language (KQL). For more information, see Get started with log queries in Azure Monitor.

  • The Azure portal has a user interface for viewing and basic searches of the activity log. To do more in-depth analysis, route the data to Azure Monitor logs and run more complex queries in Log Analytics.

  • Application Insights monitors the availability, performance, and usage of your web applications, so you can identify and diagnose errors without waiting for a user to report them.
    Application Insights includes connection points to various development tools and integrates with Visual Studio to support your DevOps processes. For more information, see Application monitoring for App Service.

Tools that allow more complex visualization include:

  • Dashboards that let you combine different kinds of data into a single pane in the Azure portal.
  • Workbooks, customizable reports that you can create in the Azure portal. Workbooks can include text, metrics, and log queries.
  • Grafana, an open platform tool that excels in operational dashboards. You can use Grafana to create dashboards that include data from multiple sources other than Azure Monitor.
  • Power BI, a business analytics service that provides interactive visualizations across various data sources. You can configure Power BI to automatically import log data from Azure Monitor to take advantage of these visualizations.

Export Azure Monitor data

You can export data out of Azure Monitor into other tools using:

To get started with the Azure Monitor REST API, see Azure monitoring REST API walkthrough.

Use Kusto queries to analyze log data

You can analyze Azure Monitor Log data using the Kusto query language (KQL). For more information, see Log queries in Azure Monitor.

Use Azure Monitor alerts to notify you of issues

Azure Monitor alerts allow you to identify and address issues in your system, and proactively notify you when specific conditions are found in your monitoring data before your customers notice them. You can alert on any metric or log data source in the Azure Monitor data platform. There are different types of Azure Monitor alerts depending on the services you're monitoring and the monitoring data you're collecting. See Choosing the right type of alert rule.

For examples of common alerts for Azure resources, see Sample log alert queries.

Implementing alerts at scale

For some services, you can monitor at scale by applying the same metric alert rule to multiple resources of the same type that exist in the same Azure region. Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) provides a semi-automated method of implementing important platform metric alerts, dashboards, and guidelines at scale.

Get personalized recommendations using Azure Advisor

For some services, if critical conditions or imminent changes occur during resource operations, an alert displays on the service Overview page in the portal. You can find more information and recommended fixes for the alert in Advisor recommendations under Monitoring in the left menu. During normal operations, no advisor recommendations display.

For more information on Azure Advisor, see Azure Advisor overview.