Quickstart: Use GitHub Actions to connect to Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server

Get started with GitHub Actions by using a workflow to deploy database updates to Azure Database for MySQL flexible server.


You'll need:

Workflow file overview

A GitHub Actions workflow is defined by a YAML (.yml) file in the /.github/workflows/ path in your repository. This definition contains the various steps and parameters that make up the workflow.

The file has two sections:

Section Tasks
Authentication 1. Generate deployment credentials.
Deploy 1. Deploy the database.

Generate deployment credentials

Create a service principal with the az ad sp create-for-rbac command in the Azure CLI. Run this command with Azure Cloud Shell in the Azure portal or by selecting the Try it button.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "myML" --role contributor \
                            --scopes /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<group-name> \

The parameter --json-auth is available in Azure CLI versions >= 2.51.0. Versions prior to this use --sdk-auth with a deprecation warning.

In the example above, replace the placeholders with your subscription ID, resource group name, and app name. The output is a JSON object with the role assignment credentials that provide access to your App Service app similar to below. Copy this JSON object for later.

    "clientId": "<GUID>",
    "clientSecret": "<GUID>",
    "subscriptionId": "<GUID>",
    "tenantId": "<GUID>",

Copy the MySQL connection string

In the Azure portal, go to your Azure Database for MySQL flexible server instance and open Settings > Connection strings. Copy the ADO.NET connection string. Replace the placeholder values for your_database and your_password.


  • For Azure Database for MySQL single server, use Uid=adminusername@servername. Note the @servername is required.
  • For Azure Database for MySQL flexible server, use Uid=adminusername without the @servername.

You'll use the connection string as a GitHub secret.

Configure GitHub secrets

  1. In GitHub, go to your repository.

  2. Go to Settings in the navigation menu.

  3. Select Security > Secrets and variables > Actions.

    Screenshot of adding a secret

  4. Select New repository secret.

  5. Paste the entire JSON output from the Azure CLI command into the secret's value field. Give the secret the name AZURE_CREDENTIALS.

  6. Select Add secret.

Add your workflow

  1. Go to Actions for your GitHub repository.

  2. Select Set up your workflow yourself.

  3. Delete everything after the on: section of your workflow file. For example, your remaining workflow might look like this.

    name: CI
        branches: [ main ]
        branches: [ main ]
  4. Rename your workflow MySQL for GitHub Actions and add the checkout and login actions. These actions check out your site code and authenticate with Azure using the AZURE_CREDENTIALS GitHub secret you created earlier.

    name: MySQL for GitHub Actions
            branches: [ main ]
            branches: [ main ]
            runs-on: windows-latest
            - uses: actions/checkout@v1
            - uses: azure/login@v1
                    creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
  5. Use the Azure MySQL Deploy action to connect to your MySQL instance. Replace MYSQL_SERVER_NAME with the name of your server. You should have a MySQL data file named data.sql at the root level of your repository.

    - uses: azure/mysql@v1
        server-name: MYSQL_SERVER_NAME
        connection-string: ${{ secrets.AZURE_MYSQL_CONNECTION_STRING }}
        sql-file: './data.sql'
  6. Complete your workflow by adding an action to sign out of Azure. Here's the completed workflow. The file appears in the .github/workflows folder of your repository.

    name: MySQL for GitHub Actions
          branches: [ main ]
          branches: [ main ]
            runs-on: windows-latest
              - uses: actions/checkout@v1
              - uses: azure/login@v1
                  creds: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
              - uses: azure/mysql@v1
                  server-name: MYSQL_SERVER_NAME
                  connection-string: ${{ secrets.AZURE_MYSQL_CONNECTION_STRING }}
                  sql-file: './data.sql'
                # Azure logout
              - name: logout
                run: |
                  az logout

Review your deployment

  1. Go to Actions for your GitHub repository.

  2. Open the first result to see detailed logs of your workflow's run.

    Screenshot of Log of GitHub Actions run.

Clean up resources

When your Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server database and repository are no longer needed, clean up the resources you deployed by deleting the resource group and your GitHub repository.

Next step