Azure Migrate application and code assessment for Java version 7 (Preview)


This article is for the next generation of Azure Migrate application and code assessment for Java, version 7.x. This version is in preview. For the previous stable version, version 6.x, see Azure Migrate application and code assessment for Java.

This article shows you how to use the Azure Migrate application and code assessment tool for Java to assess and replatform any type of Java application. The tool enables you to evaluate application readiness for replatforming and migration to Azure. This tool is offered as a command-line interface (CLI), and assesses Java application binaries and source code to identify replatforming and migration opportunities for Azure. It helps you modernize and replatform large-scale Java applications by identifying common use cases and code patterns and proposing recommended changes.

The tool discovers application technology usage through static code analysis, provides effort estimation, and accelerates code replatforming. This assessment helps you to prioritize and move Java applications to Azure. With a set of engines and rules, the tool can discover and assess different technologies such as Java 11, Java 17, Jakarta EE, Spring, Hibernate, Java Message Service (JMS), and more. The tool then helps you replatform the Java application to different Azure targets - Azure App Service, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure Container Apps - with specific Azure replatforming rules.

The tool is based on a set of components in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation project Konveyor, created and led by Red Hat.


The tool is designed to help organizations modernize their Java applications in a way that reduces costs and enables faster innovation. The tool uses advanced analysis techniques to understand the structure and dependencies of any Java application, and provides guidance on how to refactor and migrate the applications to Azure.

With it, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Discover technology usage: Quickly see which technologies an application uses. Discovery is useful if you have legacy applications with not much documentation and want to know which technologies they use.
  • Assess the code to a specific target: Assess an application for a specific Azure target. Check the effort and the modifications you have to do to replatform your applications to Azure.

Supported targets

The tool contains rules for helping you replatform your applications so you can deploy to, and use, different Azure services.

The rules used by Azure Migrate application and code assessment are grouped based on a target. A target is where or how the application runs, and general needs and expectations. When assessing an application, you can choose multiple targets. The following table describes the available targets:

Target name Description Target
Azure App Service Best practices for deploying an app to Azure App Service. azure-appservice
Azure Kubernetes Service Best practices for deploying an app to Azure Kubernetes Service. azure-aks
Azure Container Apps Best practices for deploying an app to Azure Container Apps. azure-container-apps
Cloud Readiness General best practices for making an application Cloud (Azure) ready. cloud-readiness
Linux General best practices for making an application Linux ready. linux
OpenJDK 11 General best practices for running a Java 8 application with Java 11. openjdk11
OpenJDK 17 General best practices for running a Java 11 application with Java 17. openjdk17
OpenJDK 21 General best practices for running a Java 17 application with Java 21. openjdk21

When the tool assesses for Cloud Readiness and related Azure services, it can also report useful information for potential usage of different Azure services. The following list shows a few of the services covered:

  • Azure Databases
  • Azure Service Bus
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Content Delivery Network
  • Azure Event Hubs
  • Azure Key Vault
  • Azure Front Door

Download and Install

To use the appcat CLI, you must download the package specific to your environment, and have the required dependencies in your environment. The appcat CLI runs on any environment such as Windows, Linux, or Mac, using Intel, Arm, or Apple Silicon hardware. For the JDK requirement, we recommend you use the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK.

OS Architecture Download Link Other files
Windows x64 Download sha256 / sig
macOS x64 Download sha256 / sig
Linux x64 Download sha256 / sig
Windows AArch64 / ARM64 Download sha256 / sig
macOS Apple Silicon Download sha256 / sig
Linux AArch64 / ARM64 Download sha256 / sig



To install appcat, download the appropriate zip file for your platform. After you download the file, depending on your operating system, you should find either a .tar.gz (Linux/macOS) or .zip file (Windows).

Extract the binary from the downloaded file. You should see the following folder structure:

├── appcat.exe (Windows) / appcat (Linux/macOS)
├── samples/
├── fernflower.jar
├── NOTICE.txt
├── maven.default.index
├── jdtls/
├── static-report/
├── rulesets/   
└── readme.html

Running the tool

Option 1: Run appcat from the downloaded folder

Change the directory to the extracted folder:

cd /azure-migrate-appcat-for-java-cli-<OS>-<architecture>-<release-version>-preview/
./appcat --help


The appcat binary first looks for its dependencies in the current directory, where it's running from, and falls back to the following scenario if they aren't found.

Option 2: Add the appcat binary path to your $PATH

Move the contents of the folder to the .appcat folder in the user's home directory - $HOME/.appcat on Linux/Mac and %USERPROFILE%/.appcat on Windows.

Add the .appcat folder to your PATH environment variable so you can run the tool from any folder in the terminal.

mv <path-to-extracted>/azure-migrate-appcat-for-java-cli-<OS>-<architecture>-<release-version>-preview/ $HOME/.appcat


In this context, when the appcat binary is called from a different folder than where it's installed, it looks for its dependencies in the .appcat folder in the user's home directory.



AppCAT provides two subcommands for usage:

  • analyze: Run source code analysis on input source code or a binary.
  • transform: Convert XML rules from previous versions (6 and older) to YAML format used by this version.


For macOS users: If you encounter an error stating "Apple could not verify" when trying to run the app, you can resolve this error by using the following command:

xattr -d -r /path/to/appcat_binary

For example:

xattr -d -r $HOME/.appcat/appcat

Analyze subcommand

The analyze subcommand allows you to run source code and binary analysis.

To analyze application source code, run the following command:

./appcat analyze --input=<path-to-source-code> --output=<path-to-output-directory> --target=azure-appservice --overwrite

The --input flag must point to a source code directory or a binary file, and --output must point to a directory to store the analysis results.

For more information on the analyze flags, run the following command:

./appcat analyze --help

To check the available targets for AppCAT, run the following command:

./appcat analyze --list-targets

This command produces the following output:

available target technologies:

Analyzing Multiple Applications

AppCAT is designed to analyze a single application per command execution, but if you use the --bulk option, you can analyze multiple applications in a single execution. This option generates a single static report in the output directory that includes the results for all applications.

To analyze multiple applications, run the following command:

./appcat analyze --bulk --input=<path-to-source-A> --output=<path-to-output-ABC> --target=<targetname>
./appcat analyze --bulk --input=<path-to-source-B> --output=<path-to-output-ABC> --target=<targetname>
./appcat analyze --bulk --input=<path-to-source-C> --output=<path-to-output-ABC> --target=<targetname>

Transform Subcommand

The transform subcommand allows you to convert the previous appcat XML rules used in the 6.x version into the new YAML format used by this version 7.x.

To transform rules, run the following command:

./appcat transform rules --input=<path-to-xml-rules> --output=<path-to-output-directory>

The --input flag should point to a file or directory containing XML rules, and the --output flag should point to the output directory for the converted YAML rules.



Ensure that the file permissions for scripts in the extracted folder are set to allow execution.

In the samples folder, you can find a sample web application called airsonic.war. Airsonic is a web-based media streamer, providing access to your music and enabling you to share it with friends. To learn more about Airsonic, see Airsonic.

In the samples directory, you can find the following scripts to run different types of analysis:

  • run-assessment: Provides a report with code assessment and steps for migrating Airsonic to Azure App Service on Tomcat.
  • run-assessment-transform-rules: Converts Windup XML rules to analyzer-lsp-compatible YAML rules.
  • run-assessment-custom-rules: Provides a code assessment report using custom rules (transform XML to YAML).
  • run-assessment-openjdk21: Generates a report with code assessment and steps for migrating Airsonic to OpenJDK 21.
  • run-assessment-package-only: Produces a report by assessing specific packages.

Depending on your operating system, run the appropriate script, as shown in the following example:


The reports are automatically generated and launched. You can find the reports under ../samples/report-* (Linux/macOS) or ..\samples\report-* (Windows).

Summary of the analysis

The landing page of the report lists all the technologies that are used in the application. The dashboard provides a summary of the analysis, including the number of transformation incidents, the incidents categories, or the story points.

Screenshot of the appcat summary report.

When you zoom in on the Incidents by Category pie chart, you can see the number of incidents by category: Mandatory, Optional, and Potential.

The dashboard also shows the story points. The story points are an abstract metric commonly used in Agile software development to estimate the level of effort needed to implement a feature or change. appcat uses story points to express the level of effort needed to migrate a particular application. Story points don't necessarily translate to work hours, but the value should be consistent across tasks.

Screenshot of the AppCAT summary incident report.

Assessment report

The assessment report gives an overview of the transformation issues that would need to be solved to migrate the application to Azure.

These Issues, also called Incidents, have a severity (Mandatory, Optional, or Potential), a level of effort, and a number indicating the story points. The story points are determined by calculating the number of incidents times the effort required to address the issue.

Screenshot of the AppCAT assessment report.

Detailed information for a specific issue

For each incident, you can get more information (the issue detail, the content of the rule, and so on) just by selecting it. You also get the list of all the files affected by this incident.

Screenshot of the AppCAT issue detail report.

Then, for each file or class affected by the incident, you can jump into the source code to highlight the line of code that created the issue.

Screenshot of the AppCAT issue code report.

Release notes

This release contains the following fixes.

  • java-removals-00150 rule is now triggering correctly.

This release contains the following fixes and enhancements.

  • --analyze-known-libraries flag: Now works on Windows.
  • Directory cleanup: Extra directories created during analysis on Windows are now automatically cleaned up.
  • --json-output flag: Now operational.
  • Rules parsing error: The error unable to parse all the rules for ruleset has been resolved.
  • Insights tab descriptions: Missing rule descriptions have been added.
  • Internet connection dependency: Analysis no longer fails without an internet connection.
  • --context-lines flag: Now behaves as expected when set to 0.
  • Removed Python requirement to run the tool.

This release is based on a different set of components of the Konveyor project.

General Updates

This release contains the following fixes and includes a set of new rules.

General Updates

  • Integrated changes from the Windup upstream repository (6.3.9.Final Release).
  • Resolved broken links in rule descriptions and help text.


  • Azure Message Queue: updated and added new rules for azure-message-queue-rabbitmq and azure-message-queue-amqp.
  • Azure Service Bus: introduced a detection rule for Azure Service Bus.
  • MySQL and PostgreSQL: refined dependency detection rules.
  • Azure-AWS Rules: enhanced and improved existing rules.
  • S3 Spring Starter: added a detection rule for S3 Spring Starter.
  • RabbitMQ Spring JMS: added a detection rule for RabbitMQ Spring JMS.
  • Logging Rules: updated and refined logging-related rules.
  • Local-Storage Rule: updated and refined the local storage rule.
  • Azure File System Rule: updated and refined the Azure File System rule.


  • Updated libraries to address security vulnerabilities.

This release contains the following fixes and includes a set of new rules.

  • Resolved an issue with the localhost-java-00001 rule.
  • Introduced new rules for identifying technologies such as AWS S3, AWS SQS, Alibaba Cloud OSS, Alibaba Cloud SMS, Alibaba Scheduler X, Alibaba Cloud Seata, and Alibaba Rocket MQ.
  • Updated the azure-file-system-02000 to now support XML file extensions.
  • Upgraded various libraries to address security vulnerabilities.

Previously, a set of targets were enabled by default, making it difficult for certain customers to assess large applications with too many incidents related to less critical issues. To reduce noise in reports, users must now specify multiple targets, with the parameter --target, when executing appcat, giving them the option to select only the targets that matter.

GA (Generally Available) release of Azure Migrate application and code assessment.

Known Issues

  • The flag --overrideProviderSettings isn't supported.
  • Rules issues:
    • azure-system-config-01000, http-session-01000 rules aren't being triggered.
    • FileSystem - Java IO rule isn't being triggered.
  • Analyzing WAR files on Windows produces the following error: Failed to Move Decompiled File. An error occurs when analyzing WAR files on Windows, which is responsible for a few redundant incidents created on Windows OS.
  • Error in Watcher Error channel on Windows: Windows system assumed buffer larger than it is, events have likely been missed. This error message appears on the command line during long-running jobs on Windows.
  • Ctrl+C fails to stop ongoing analysis. To work around, manually terminate the process by explicitly killing the process.
  • In binary analysis reports, the code snippet title shows an incorrect or non-existent file path.

  • The flag --overrideProviderSettings isn't supported.
  • Rules issues:
    • azure-system-config-01000, http-session-01000, java-removals-00150 rules aren't being triggered.
    • FileSystem - Java IO rule isn't being triggered.
  • Analyzing WAR files on Windows produces the following error: Failed to Move Decompiled File. An error occurs when analyzing WAR files on Windows, which is responsible for a few redundant incidents created on Windows OS.
  • Error in Watcher Error channel on Windows: Windows system assumed buffer larger than it is, events have likely been missed. This error message appears on the command line during long-running jobs on Windows.
  • Ctrl+C fails to stop ongoing analysis. To work around, manually terminate the process by explicitly killing the process.
  • In binary analysis reports, the code snippet title shows an incorrect or non-existent file path.

  • The flag --analyze-known-libraries isn't working on Windows.
  • On Windows, the following extra folders are generated during the analysis process but aren't automatically removed after completion. You might want to remove these extra folders after the analysis finishes.
    • .metadata
    • org.eclipse.osgi
    • org.eclipse.core.runtime
    • org.eclipse.equinox.launcher
  • The flag --overrideProviderSettings isn't supported.
  • The flag --json-output isn't supported. In a future release, it generates JSON outputs for the output.yaml and dependency.yaml files.
  • Rules issues:
    • azure-system-config-01000, http-session-01000, java-removals-00150 rules aren't being triggered.
    • FileSystem - Java IO rule isn't being triggered.
    • Error unable to parse all the rules for ruleset when running analysis. This error occurs during analysis when the tool fails to parse all rules in the ruleset.
  • Analyzing WAR files on Windows produces the following error: Failed to Move Decompiled File. An error occurs when analyzing WAR files on Windows, which is responsible for a few redundant incidents created on Windows OS.
  • Missing descriptions for some rules on the Insights tab. Some tag rules are lacking descriptions, leading to blank titles appearing on the Insights tab of the report.
  • Error in Watcher Error channel on Windows: Windows system assumed buffer larger than it is, events have likely been missed. This error message appears on the command line during long-running jobs on Windows.
  • This release requires an active internet connection for dependency analysis.
  • Ctrl+C fails to stop ongoing analysis. To work around, manually terminate the process by explicitly killing the process.
  • When the flag --context-lines is set to a number 0, it doesn't work as expected. This flag allows the user to limit how much of the source code should appear on the report. Setting to a value 0 might not work as expected.


Azure Migrate application and code assessment for Java is a free, open source-based tool.