Quickstart: Add OPC UA assets to your Azure IoT Operations Preview cluster


Azure IoT Operations Preview – enabled by Azure Arc is currently in preview. You shouldn't use this preview software in production environments.

You'll need to deploy a new Azure IoT Operations installation when a generally available release is made available. You won't be able to upgrade a preview installation.

See the Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews for legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.

In this quickstart, you manually add OPC UA assets to your Azure IoT Operations Preview cluster. These assets publish messages to the MQTT broker in your Azure IoT Operations cluster. Typically, an OT user completes these steps.

An asset is a physical device or logical entity that represents a device, a machine, a system, or a process. For example, a physical asset could be a pump, a motor, a tank, or a production line. A logical asset that you define can have properties, stream telemetry, or generate events.

OPC UA servers are software applications that communicate with assets. OPC UA tags are data points that OPC UA servers expose. OPC UA tags can provide real-time or historical data about the status, performance, quality, or condition of assets.

In this quickstart, you use the operations experience web UI to create your assets. You can also use the Azure CLI to complete some of these tasks.


Complete Quickstart: Run Azure IoT Operations Preview in GitHub Codespaces with K3s before you begin this quickstart.

To sign in to the operations experience, you need a work or school account in the tenant where you deployed Azure IoT Operations. If you're currently using a Microsoft account (MSA), you need to create a Microsoft Entra ID with at least contributor permissions for the resource group that contains your Kubernetes - Azure Arc instance. To learn more, see Known Issues > Create Entra account.

What problem will we solve?

The data that OPC UA servers expose can have a complex structure and can be difficult to understand. Azure IoT Operations provides a way to model OPC UA assets as tags, events, and properties. This modeling makes it easier to understand the data and to use it in downstream processes such as the MQTT broker and data processor pipelines.

Sign into the operations experience

To create asset endpoints, assets and subscribe to OPC UA tags and events, use the operations experience.

Browse to the operations experience in your browser and sign in with your Microsoft Entra ID credentials.

Screenshot that shows the unassigned instances node in the operations experience.


You must use a work or school account to sign in to the operations experience. To learn more, see Known Issues > Create Entra account.

Select your site

A site is a collection of Azure IoT Operations instances. Sites typically group instances by physical location and make it easier for OT users to locate and manage assets. Your IT administrator creates sites and assigns Azure IoT Operations instances to them. Because you're working with a new deployment, there are no sites yet. You can find the cluster you created in the previous quickstart by selecting Unassigned instances. In the operations experience, an instance represents a cluster where you deployed Azure IoT Operations.

Select your instance

Select the instance where you deployed Azure IoT Operations in the previous quickstart:

Screenshot of Azure IoT Operations instance list.


If you don't see any instances, you might not be in the right Microsoft Entra ID tenant. You can change the tenant from the top right menu in the operations experience.

Add an asset endpoint

When you deployed Azure IoT Operations in the previous article, you included a built-in OPC PLC simulator. In this step, you add an asset endpoint that enables you to connect to the OPC PLC simulator.

To add an asset endpoint:

  1. Select Asset endpoints and then Create asset endpoint:

    Screenshot that shows the asset endpoints page in the operations experience.

  2. Enter the following endpoint information:

    Field Value
    Asset endpoint name opc-ua-connector-0
    OPC UA server URL opc.tcp://opcplc-000000:50000
    User authentication mode Anonymous
  3. To save the definition, select Create.

    This configuration deploys a new asset endpoint called opc-ua-connector-0 to the cluster. You can use kubectl to view the asset endpoints:

    kubectl get assetendpointprofile -n azure-iot-operations

Configure the simulator

These quickstarts use the OPC PLC simulator to generate sample data. To enable the quickstart scenario, you need to configure your asset endpoint to connect without mutual trust established. This configuration is not recommended for production or pre-production environments:

  1. To configure the asset endpoint for the quickstart scenario, run the following command:

    kubectl patch AssetEndpointProfile opc-ua-connector-0 -n azure-iot-operations --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"additionalConfiguration":"{\"applicationName\":\"opc-ua-connector-0\",\"security\":{\"autoAcceptUntrustedServerCertificates\":true}}"}}'


    Don't use this configuration in production or pre-production environments. Exposing your cluster to the internet without proper authentication might lead to unauthorized access and even DDOS attacks.

    To learn more, see Deploy the OPC PLC simulator section.

  2. To enable the configuration changes to take effect immediately, first find the name of your aio-opc-supervisor pod by using the following command:

    kubectl get pods -n azure-iot-operations

    The name of your pod looks like aio-opc-supervisor-956fbb649-k9ppr.

  3. Restart the aio-opc-supervisor pod by using a command that looks like the following example. Use the aio-opc-supervisor pod name from the previous step:

    kubectl delete pod aio-opc-supervisor-956fbb649-k9ppr -n azure-iot-operations

After you define an asset, a connector for OPC UA pod discovers it. The pod uses the asset endpoint that you specify in the asset definition to connect to an OPC UA server. You can use kubectl to view the discovery pod that was created when you added the asset endpoint. The pod name looks like aio-opc-opc.tcp-1-8f96f76-kvdbt:

kubectl get pods -n azure-iot-operations

When the OPC PLC simulator is running, dataflows from the simulator, to the connector for OPC UA, and finally to the MQTT broker.

Manage your assets

After you select your instance in operations experience, you see the available list of assets on the Assets page. If there are no assets yet, this list is empty:

Screenshot of Azure IoT Operations empty asset list.

Create an asset

To create an asset, select Create asset. Then enter the following asset information:

Field Value
Asset Endpoint opc-ua-connector-0
Asset name thermostat
Description A simulated thermostat asset

Remove the existing Custom properties and add the following custom properties. Be careful to use the exact property names, as the Power BI template in a later quickstart queries for them:

Property name Property detail
batch 102
customer Contoso
equipment Boiler
isSpare true
location Seattle

Screenshot of Azure IoT Operations asset details page.

Select Next to go to the Add tags page.

Create OPC UA tags

Add two OPC UA tags on the Add tags page. To add each tag, select Add tag or CSV and then select Add tag. Enter the tag details shown in the following table:

Node ID Tag name Observability mode
ns=3;s=FastUInt10 temperature None
ns=3;s=FastUInt100 Tag 10 None

The Observability mode is one of the following values: None, Gauge, Counter, Histogram, or Log.

You can select Manage default settings to change the default sampling interval and queue size for each tag.

Screenshot of Azure IoT Operations add tag page.

Select Next to go to the Add events page and then Next to go to the Review page.


Review your asset and tag details and make any adjustments you need before you select Create:

Screenshot of Azure IoT Operations create asset review page.

Verify data is flowing

Verify data is flowing to the MQTT broker by using the mosquitto_sub tool. In this example, you run the mosquitto_sub tool inside your Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Run the following command to deploy a pod that includes the mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub tools that are useful for interacting with the MQTT broker in the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/explore-iot-operations/main/samples/quickstarts/mqtt-client.yaml

    The following snippet shows the YAML file that you applied:

    # Important: do not use in production environments
    # Creates a pod with mosquitto-clients and mqttui utilities in your cluster
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: mqtt-client
      # The namespace must match the IoT MQ BrokerListener's namespace
      # Otherwise use the long hostname: aio-mq-dmqtt-frontend.azure-iot-operations.svc.cluster.local
      namespace: azure-iot-operations
      # Use the "mqtt-client" service account which comes with default deployment
      # Otherwise create it with `kubectl create serviceaccount mqtt-client -n azure-iot-operations`
      serviceAccountName: mqtt-client
        # Install mosquitto and mqttui utilities on Alpine linux
      - image: alpine
        name: mqtt-client
        command: ["sh", "-c"]
        args: ["apk add mosquitto-clients mqttui && sleep infinity"]
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 200Mi
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 100Mi
        - name: mq-sat
          mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
        - name: trust-bundle
          mountPath: /var/run/certs
      - name: mq-sat
          - serviceAccountToken:
              path: mq-sat
              audience: aio-mq # Must match audience in BrokerAuthentication
              expirationSeconds: 86400
      - name: trust-bundle
          name: aio-ca-trust-bundle-test-only # Default root CA cert


    This configuration isn't secure. Don't use this configuration in a production environment.

  2. When the mqtt-client pod is running, run the following command to create a shell environment in the pod you created:

    kubectl exec --stdin --tty mqtt-client -n azure-iot-operations -- sh
  3. At the shell in the mqtt-client pod, run the following command to connect to the MQTT broker using the mosquitto_sub tool subscribed to the data/thermostat topic:

    mosquitto_sub --host aio-mq-dmqtt-frontend --port 8883 --topic "azure-iot-operations/data/#" -v --debug --cafile /var/run/certs/ca.crt -D CONNECT authentication-method 'K8S-SAT' -D CONNECT authentication-data $(cat /var/run/secrets/tokens/mq-sat)

    This command continues to run and displays messages as they arrive on the data/thermostat topic until you press Ctrl+C to stop it.

To verify that the thermostat asset you added is publishing data, view the telemetry in the azure-iot-operations/data topic:

Client $server-generated/05a22b94-c5a2-4666-9c62-837431ca6f7e received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'azure-iot-operations/data/thermostat', ... (152 bytes))
{"temperature":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:17.1858435Z","Value":4558},"Tag 10":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:17.1858869Z","Value":4558}}
Client $server-generated/05a22b94-c5a2-4666-9c62-837431ca6f7e received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'azure-iot-operations/data/thermostat', ... (152 bytes))
{"temperature":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:18.1838125Z","Value":4559},"Tag 10":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:18.1838523Z","Value":4559}}
Client $server-generated/05a22b94-c5a2-4666-9c62-837431ca6f7e received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'azure-iot-operations/data/thermostat', ... (152 bytes))
{"temperature":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:19.1834363Z","Value":4560},"Tag 10":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:19.1834879Z","Value":4560}}
Client $server-generated/05a22b94-c5a2-4666-9c62-837431ca6f7e received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'azure-iot-operations/data/thermostat', ... (152 bytes))
{"temperature":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:20.1861251Z","Value":4561},"Tag 10":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:20.1861709Z","Value":4561}}
Client $server-generated/05a22b94-c5a2-4666-9c62-837431ca6f7e received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, 'azure-iot-operations/data/thermostat', ... (152 bytes))
{"temperature":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:21.1856798Z","Value":4562},"Tag 10":{"SourceTimestamp":"2024-07-29T15:02:21.1857211Z","Value":4562}}


Data from an asset with a name that starts with boiler- is from an asset that was automatically discovered. This is not the same asset as the thermostat asset you created.

If there's no data flowing, restart the aio-opc-opc.tcp-1 pod:

  1. Find the name of your aio-opc-opc.tcp-1 pod by using the following command:

    kubectl get pods -n azure-iot-operations

    The name of your pod looks like aio-opc-opc.tcp-1-849dd78866-vhmz6.

  2. Restart the aio-opc-opc.tcp-1 pod by using a command that looks like the following example. Use the aio-opc-opc.tcp-1 pod name from the previous step:

    kubectl delete pod aio-opc-opc.tcp-1-849dd78866-vhmz6 -n azure-iot-operations

The sample tags you added in the previous quickstart generate messages from your asset that look like the following example:

    "temperature": {
        "SourceTimestamp": "2024-08-02T13:52:15.1969959Z",
        "Value": 2696
    "Tag 10": {
        "SourceTimestamp": "2024-08-02T13:52:15.1970198Z",
        "Value": 2696

Discover OPC UA data sources by using Akri services

In the previous section, you saw how to add assets manually. You can also use Akri services to automatically discover OPC UA data sources and create Akri instance custom resources that represent the discovered devices. Currently, Akri services can't detect and create assets that can be ingested into the Azure Device Registry Preview. Therefore, you can't currently manage assets discovered by Akri in the Azure portal.

When you deploy Azure IoT Operations, the deployment includes the Akri discovery handler pods. To verify these pods are running, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n azure-iot-operations | grep akri

The output from the previous command looks like the following example:

aio-akri-otel-collector-5c775f745b-g97qv       1/1     Running   3 (4h15m ago)    2d23h
aio-akri-agent-daemonset-mp6v7                 1/1     Running   3 (4h15m ago)    2d23h

Use the following command to verify that the discovery pod is running:

kubectl get pods -n azure-iot-operations | grep discovery

The output from the previous command looks like the following example:

aio-opc-asset-discovery-wzlnj                   1/1     Running     0              19m

To configure the Akri services to discover OPC UA data sources, create an Akri configuration that references your OPC UA source. Run the following command to create the configuration:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/explore-iot-operations/main/samples/quickstarts/akri-opcua-asset.yaml

The following snippet shows the YAML file that you applied:

apiVersion: akri.sh/v0
kind: Configuration
  name: akri-opcua-asset
  namespace: azure-iot-operations
    name: opcua-asset
    discoveryDetails: "opcuaDiscoveryMethod:\n  - asset:\n      endpointUrl: \"	opc.tcp://opcplc-000000:50000\"\n      useSecurity: false\n      autoAcceptUntrustedCertificates: true\n"
  brokerProperties: {}
  capacity: 1


There's currently a known issue where the configuration for the asset endpoint contains an invalid setting. To work around this issue, you need to remove the "securityMode":"none" setting from the configuration for the opc-ua-broker-opcplc-000000-50000 asset endpoint. To learn more, see Connector for OPC UA.

To verify the configuration, run the following command to view the Akri instances that represent the OPC UA data sources discovered by Akri services. You might need to wait a few minutes for the configuration to be available:

kubectl get akrii -n azure-iot-operations

The output from the previous command looks like the following example.

NAME                      CONFIG             SHARED   NODES                          AGE
akri-opcua-asset-dbdef0   akri-opcua-asset   true     ["k3d-k3s-default-server-0"]   45s

Now you can use these resources in the local cluster namespace.

To confirm that the Akri services are connected to the connector for OPC UA, copy and paste the name of the Akri instance from the previous step into the following command:

kubectl get akrii <AKRI_INSTANCE_NAME> -n azure-iot-operations -o json

The command output looks like the following example. This example excerpt from the output shows the Akri instance brokerProperties values and confirms that it's connected the connector for OPC UA.

"spec": {

        "brokerProperties": {
            "ApplicationUri": "Boiler #2",
            "AssetEndpointProfile": "{\"spec\":{\"uuid\":\"opc-ua-broker-opcplc-000000-azure-iot-operation\"……

How did we solve the problem?

In this quickstart, you added an asset endpoint and then defined an asset and tags. The assets and tags model data from the OPC UA server to make the data easier to use in an MQTT broker and other downstream processes. You use the thermostat asset you defined in the next quickstart.

Clean up resources

If you won't use this deployment further, delete the Kubernetes cluster where you deployed Azure IoT Operations and remove the Azure resource group that contains the cluster.

Next step

Quickstart: Send asset telemetry to the cloud using the data lake connector for the MQTT broker.