Apache Hadoop clusters with secure transfer storage accounts in Azure HDInsight
The Secure transfer required feature enhances the security of your Azure Storage account by enforcing all requests to your account through a secure connection. This feature and the wasbs scheme supported by HDInsight cluster version 3.6 or newer.
Enabling secure storage transfer after creating a cluster can result in errors using your storage account and is not recommended. It is better to create a new cluster using a storage account with secure transfer already enabled.
Storage accounts
Azure portal
By default, the secure transfer required property is enabled when you create a storage account in Azure portal.
To update an existing storage account with Azure portal, see Require secure transfer with Azure portal.
For the PowerShell cmdlet New-AzStorageAccount, ensure parameter -EnableHttpsTrafficOnly
is set to 1
To update an existing storage account with PowerShell, see Require secure transfer with PowerShell.
Azure CLI
For the Azure CLI command az storage account create, ensure parameter --https-only
is set to true
To update an existing storage account with Azure CLI, see Require secure transfer with Azure CLI.
Secure transfer errors
If you accidentally enabled the 'Require secure transfer' option after creating the HDInsight cluster, you may be seeing error messages as follow:
com.microsoft.azure.storage.StorageException: The account being accessed does not support http.
For HBase clusters only, you can try the following steps to restore the cluster functionality:
- Stop HBase from Ambari.
- Stop HDFS from Ambari.
- In Ambari, navigate to HDFS --> Configs --> Advanced --> fs.defaultFS
- Change wasb to wasbs and save it.
- If you're using the Accelerated Writes feature, the 'hbase.rootDir' under the hbase configs also needs to be changed from wasb to wasbs.
- Restart all required services.
Add more storage accounts
There are several options to add more secure transfer enabled storage accounts:
- Modify the Azure Resource Manager template in the last section.
- Create a cluster using the Azure portal and specify linked storage account.
- Use script action to add more secure transfer enabled storage accounts to an existing HDInsight cluster. For more information, see Add more storage accounts to HDInsight.
Next steps
- The use of Azure Storage (WASB) instead of Apache Hadoop HDFS as the default data store
- For information on how HDInsight uses Azure Storage, see Use Azure Storage with HDInsight.
- For information on how to upload data to HDInsight, see Upload data to HDInsight.