Use Event Hubs Data Explorer to run data operations on Event Hubs

Azure Event Hubs is a scalable event processing service that ingests and processes large volumes of events and data, with low latency and high reliability. For a high-level overview of the service, see What is Event Hubs?.

Developers and Operators are often looking for an easy tool to send sample data to their event hub to test the end-to-end flow, or view events at a specific offset (or point in time) for light debugging, often after the fact. The Event Hubs Data Explorer makes these common workflows simple by eliminating the need to write bespoke client applications to test and inspect the data on the event hub.

This article highlights the functionality of Azure Event Hubs Data explorer that is made available on the Azure portal.


If your Event Hubs namespace can only be accessed via a private endpoint, access Event Hubs Data Explorer from a virtual machine in the same virtual network with the private endpoint, which ensures that the web browser has required access to the private endpoint.

Operations run on an Azure Event Hubs namespace are of two kinds.

  • Management Operations - Create, update, delete of Event Hubs namespace, and event hubs.
  • Data Operations - Send and view events from an event hub.


  • The Event Hubs Data Explorer doesn't support management operations. The event hub must be created before the data explorer can send or view events from that event hub.
  • While events payloads (known as values in Kafka) sent using the Kafka protocol is visible via the data explorer, the key for the specific event isn't visible.
  • We advise against using the Event Hubs Data Explorer for larger messages, as it can result in time-outs, depending on the message size, network latency between client and Service Bus service etc. Instead, we recommend that you use your own client to work with larger messages, where you can specify your own time-out values.
  • The operations that a user can perform using Event Hubs Data Explorer is determined by the role-based access control (RBAC) role that the user is assigned to.


To use the Event Hubs Data Explorer tool, create an Azure Event Hubs namespace and an event hub.

Use the Event Hubs Data Explorer

To use the Event Hubs data explorer, navigate to the Event Hubs namespace on which you want to perform the data operations.

Either navigate to the Data Explorer directly where you can pick the event hub, or pick the event hub from the entities and then pick the Data Explorer from the navigation menu.

Screenshot showing the left pane nav with 'Data Explorer' selected.

Send Events

You can send either custom payloads, or precanned datasets to the selected event hub using the Send events experience.

To do so, select the send events button, which enables the right pane.

Screenshot showing the data explorer pane with 'Send events' selected.

Sending custom payload

To send a custom payload -

  1. Select Dataset - Pick Custom payload. You can also select pre-canned datasets such as Yellow Taxi data, Weather data, etc. as shown in the next section.
  2. Select the Content-Type, from either Text/Plain, JSON, or XML.
  3. Either upload a JSON file, or type out the payload in the Enter payload box.
  4. [Optional] Specify system properties.
  5. [Optional] Specify custom properties - available as key-value pair.
  6. [Optional] If you wish to send multiple payloads, check the Repeat send box, and specify the Repeat send count (that is, the number of payloads to send) and the Interval between repeat send in ms.

Once the payload details are defined, select Send to send the event payload as defined.

Screenshot showing the send event experience for custom payload.

Sending precanned dataset

To send event payloads from a precanned dataset -

  1. Select Dataset - Pick an option from the Pre canned datasets, for example, Yellow taxi, Weather data, and others.
  2. [Optional] Specify system properties.
  3. [Optional] Specify custom properties - available as key-value pairs.
  4. [Optional] If you wish to send multiple payloads, check the Repeat send box, and specify the Repeat send count (that is, the number of payloads to send) and the Interval between repeat send in ms.

Once the payload details are defined, select Send to send the event payload as defined.

Screenshot showing the send event experience for precanned payload.

View Events

Event Hubs data explorer enables viewing the events to inspect the data that fit the criteria.

To view events, you can define the below properties, or rely on the default -

Screenshot showing the data explorer menu with view events selected.

  1. PartitionID - Pick either a specific partition or select All partition IDs.
  2. Consumer Group - Pick the $Default or another consumer group, or create one on the fly.
  3. Event position - Pick the oldest position (that is, the start of the event hub), Newest position (that is, latest), Custom position (for a specific offset, sequence number or timestamp).
    1. Oldest position: Begin receiving events from the first event in the partition which wasn't expired due to the retention policy.
    2. Custom position: Add filter to specify the position in the partition to begin receiving events from.
    3. Newest position: Begin receiving events from the event that is enqueued right after the view call. Only events sent after last viewing of events are received.
  4. Advanced properties - Specify the maximum batch size and maximum wait time in seconds.

Once the above options are set, select View events to pull the events and render them on the data explorer.

Screenshot showing the grid of events.

Once the events are loaded, you can select View next events to pull events using the same query again, or Clear all to refresh the grid.

Download event payload

When viewing the events on a given event hub, the event payload can be downloaded for further review.

To download the event payload, select the specific event and select the download button displayed above the event payload body.

Screenshot showing the grid of events with selected event and highlighted download event button.