Renew an expired subscription, purchase a new one, or transfer your Azure resources

If your Visual Studio subscription expires or is removed, all the subscription benefits, including the monthly Azure dev/test individual credit are no longer available. To continue using Azure with a monthly credit, you need to renew your subscription, purchase a new subscription, and/or transfer your Azure resources to a different Azure subscription that includes the Azure dev/test individual credit.


You must transfer your resources to another Azure subscription before your current Azure subscription is disabled or you will lose access to your data.

If you don’t take one of these actions, your Azure subscription will be disabled at the time specified in your email notification. If the subscription is disabled, you can reenable it as a pay-as-you-go subscription by following these steps.

Maintain a subscription to use monthly credits

There are several ways to continue using a monthly credit for Azure. To save your Azure resources, you must transfer your resources to another Azure subscription, regardless of which of the following action you choose:

Convert your Azure subscription to pay-as-you-go

If you no longer need a Visual Studio subscription or credit but you want to continue using your Azure resources, convert your Azure subscription to pay-as-you-go pricing by removing your spending limit.