Secret scanning

Exposed credentials in engineering systems provide easily exploitable opportunities for attackers. To defend against this threat, GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps's scans for credentials and other sensitive content in your source code. Push protection also prevents any credentials from being leaked in the first place.

Secret scanning for your repository scans for any secrets that may already exist in your source code across history and push protection prevents any new secrets from being exposed in source code.

GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps works with Azure Repos. If you want to use GitHub Advanced Security with GitHub repositories, see GitHub Advanced Security.

About secret scanning alerts

When Advanced Security is enabled, it scans repositories for secrets issued by a large variety of service providers and generates secret scanning alerts.

If access to a resource requires paired credentials, then secret scanning may create an alert only when both parts of the pair are detected in the same file. Pairing ensures that the most critical leaks aren't hidden behind information about partial leaks. Pair matching also helps reduce false positives since both elements of a pair must be used together to access the provider's resource.​​​​​​

The Advanced Security tab at Repos > Advanced Security in Azure DevOps is the hub to view your security alerts. Select the Secrets tab to view secret scanning alerts. You can filter by state and secret type. You can navigate into an alert for more details, including remediation guidance. After enabling Advanced Security, a scan kicks off for the selected repository, including all historical commits. Over time, alerts will start to appear as the scan progresses.

There's no impact to results if branches are renamed - it may take up to 24 hours before the new name is displayed.

Screenshot showing active secret scanning alerts

To remediate exposed secrets, invalidate the exposed credential and create a new one in its place. The newly created secret should then be stored securely in a way that doesn't directly push it back into the code. For example, the secret could be stored in Azure Key Vault. Most resources have both a primary and secondary credential. The method to roll a primary credential over versus a secondary credential are identical, unless otherwise noted.

Manage secret scanning alerts

Viewing alerts for a repository

Anyone with contributor permissions for a repository can view a summary of all alerts for a repository in the Advanced Security tab under Repos. Select on the Secrets tab to view all secret scanning alerts.

If Advanced Security was recently enabled for your repository, you may see a card indicating that Advanced Security is still scanning your repository.

Screenshot showing scanning for secrets

Once the scan is complete, any results are displayed. A single alert gets generated for each detected unique credential, across all branches and history of your repository. There are no branch filters as they're rolled up into one alert.

Non-provider secrets are viewable by selecting "Other" from the confidence dropdown on the secret scanning tab.

Screenshot of GitHub Advanced Security secret scanning confidence filter.

Alert details

When you navigate into an alert, a detailed alert view appears and reveals more details about the finding and provide specific remediation guidance to resolve the alert.

Screenshot showing details for a secret scanning alert

Section Explanation
Location The Locations section details the path(s) where secret scanning discovered the leaked credential. There may be multiple locations or multiple commits in history that contain the leaked credential. All of these locations and commits are displayed under the Locations with a direct link to the code snippet and commit it was identified in.
Recommendation The recommendation section contains remediation guidance or link to third-party documentation remediation guidance for the identified credential.
Close alert There's no autofix behavior for secret scanning alerts. All secret scanning alerts must be manually attested as fixed through the alert detail page. Select the Close button to verify that the secret is revoked.
Severity All secret scanning alerts are set as critical. Any exposed credential is potentially an opportunity for a malicious actor.
Finding details The type of credential and rule used to find the credential are listed under the Finding details on the sidebar of the alert details page.

With non-provider secrets, the Confidence: other tag also appears by the severity badge in the alert detail view.

Screenshot of GitHub Advanced Security secret scanning generic alert detail.

Fixing secret scanning alerts

Each secret has unique remediation steps to guide you through how to revoke and regenerate a new secret in its place. The alert detail shares specific steps or documentation for each alert.

A secret scanning alert stays open until closed. To attest that a secret scanning alert is fixed:

  1. Navigate to the alert you wish to close and select the alert.
  2. Select the Close alert drop-down.
  3. If not already selected, select Fixed.
  4. Select Close to submit and close the alert.

Screenshot showing how to close a secret scanning alert

Dismissing secret scanning alerts

To dismiss alerts in Advanced Security, you need the appropriate permissions. By default, only project administrators can dismiss Advanced Security alerts. For more about Advanced Security permissions, see Manage Advanced Security permissions.

To dismiss an alert:

  1. Navigate to the alert you wish to close and select on the alert.
  2. Select the Close alert drop-down.
  3. If not already selected, select either Risk accepted or False positive as the closure reason.
  4. Add an optional comment into the Comment text box.
  5. Select Close to submit and close the alert.
  6. The alert state changes from Open to Closed and displays your dismissal reason.

Screenshot showing dismissal details for a secret scanning alert

Any alert previously dismissed can be manually reopened.

Securing compromised secrets

Once a secret is committed to a repository, the secret is compromised. Microsoft recommends the following actions for compromised secrets:

  • For a compromised Azure DevOps personal access token, delete the compromised token, create a new token, and update any services that use the old token.
  • For all other secrets, first verify that the secret committed to Azure Repos is valid. If so, create a new secret, update any services that use the old secret, and then delete the old secret.
  • identify any actions taken by the compromised token on your enterprise's resources.

When updating a secret, be sure to store the new secret securely, and ensure that it's always accessed and never stored as plaintext. One possibility can be through Azure Keyvault or other secret management solutions.

Secret push protection

Push protection checks any incoming pushes for high-confidence secrets and prevent the push from going through. An error message displays all identified secrets for you to remove them or continue to push the secrets if needed.

About push protection alerts

Push protection alerts are user alerts that reported by push protection. Secret scanning as a push protection currently scans repositories for secrets issued by some service providers.

If access to a resource requires paired credentials, then secret scanning may create an alert only when both parts of the pair are detected in the same file. The pairing ensures that the most critical leaks aren't hidden behind information about partial leaks. Pair matching also helps reduce false positives since both elements of a pair must be used together to access the provider's resource.

Push protection may not block older versions of certain tokens as these tokens may generate a higher number of false positives than their most recent version. Push protection may also not block legacy tokens. For tokens such as Azure Storage Keys, Advanced Security only supports recently created tokens, not tokens that match the legacy patterns.

Push protection from the command line

Push protection is built natively into Azure DevOps Git. If your commits contain an identified secret, you see an error that your push was rejected.

Screenshot showing a git push being blocked from VS Code

Push protection from the web interface

Push protection also works from the web interface. If a secret is identified in a commit, you see the following error block that stops you from pushing your changes:

Screenshot showing a git push being blocked from AzDO web UI

What to do if your push was blocked

Push protection blocks secrets found in plain text files that are usually (but not limited to) text files such as source code or JSON configuration files. These secrets are stored in plaintext. If a bad actor gains access to the files and they get published to a public repository, the secrets are usable by anyone.

It's recommended to remove the secret from the flagged file then remove the secret from the commit history. If the flagged secret is a placeholder or example secret, it's recommended that you update the fake secret to prepend the string Placeholder in front of the fake secret.

If the secret was added in your immediate previous commit, amend the commit and create a new commit:

  1. Remove the secret from your code.
  2. Commit the changes by using git commit --amend
  3. Push your changes again.

If the secret was added further back in history, edit your commits using an interactive rebase:

  1. Use git log to determine which commit you first committed the secret.
  2. Perform an interactive rebase: git rebase -i [commit ID before credential introduction]~1
  3. Identify your commit to edit by changing pick to edit on the first line of the text that appears in the editor.
  4. Remove the secret from your code.
  5. Commit the change with git commit --amend.
  6. Finish the rebase by running git rebase --continue.

Push a blocked secret

Bypassing flagged secrets isn't recommended because bypassing can put your company’s security at risk. If you confirm that an identified secret isn't a false positive, you should remove the secret from your entire branch history before attempting to push your changes again.

If you believe a blocked secret is a false positive or safe to push, you can bypass push protection. Include the string skip-secret-scanning:true in your commit message. Even if you bypass push protection, a secret scanning alert is generated in the alert UX once the secret is pushed.

Secret scanning patterns

Advanced Security maintains multiple sets of default secret scanning patterns:

  1. Push protection patterns - used to detect potential secrets at push time in repositories with secret scanning push protection enabled.
  2. User alert patterns - used to detect potential secrets in repositories with secret scanning alerts enabled.
  3. Non-provider patterns - used to detect common occurrences of structured secrets in repositories with secret scanning alerts enabled.

Supported secrets

Section Explanation
Provider The name of the token provider.
Token name The type of token discovered by Advanced Security secret scanning.
User A token for which leaks are reported to users post-push. This applies to all repositories where Advanced Security is enabled
Push protection A token for which leaks are reported to users on push. This applies to all repositories where secret push protection enabled.
Validity Tokens for which Advanced Security will attempt to perform a validity check.

Partner provider patterns

The following table lists the partner provider patterns supported by secret scanning.

Provider Token Name Push Protection User Alerts Validity Checking
Adafruit IO AdafruitIOKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Adobe AdobeDeviceToken Green Checkmark
Adobe AdobeServiceToken Green Checkmark
Adobe AdobeShortLivedAccessToken Green Checkmark
Akamai AkamaiCredentials Green Checkmark
Alibaba Cloud AlibabaCloudCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Amazon AmazonMwsAuthToken Green Checkmark
Amazon AmazonOAuthCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Amazon AwsCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Amazon AwsTemporaryCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Asana AsanaPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Atlassian AtlassianApiToken Green Checkmark
Atlassian AtlassianJwt Green Checkmark
Atlassian BitbucketCloudOAuthCredentials Green Checkmark
Atlassian BitbucketServerPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Beamer BeamerApiKey Green Checkmark
Brevo BrevoApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Brevo BrevoSmtpKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Canadian Digital Service CdsCanadaNotifyApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark CheckoutIdentifiableSecretKey Green Checkmark
Chief Tools ChiefToolsToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Cisco CiscoLocalAccountCredentials Green Checkmark
Clojars ClojarsDeployToken Green Checkmark
Cloudant CloudantCredentials Green Checkmark
Cloudflare CloudflareApiToken Green Checkmark
Contentful ContentfulPersonalAccessToken Green Checkmark CratesApiKey Green Checkmark
DevCycle DevCycleClientApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
DevCycle DevCycleManagementApiToken Green Checkmark
DevCycle DevCycleMobileApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
DevCycle DevCycleServerApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
DigitalOcean DigitalOceanOAuthToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
DigitalOcean DigitalOceanPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
DigitalOcean DigitalOceanRefreshToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
DigitalOcean DigitalOceanSystemToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Discord DiscordApiCredentials Green Checkmark
Discord DiscordApiToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Doppler DopplerAuditToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Doppler DopplerCliToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Doppler DopplerPersonalToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Doppler DopplerScimToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Doppler DopplerServiceToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Dropbox DropboxAccessToken Green Checkmark
Dropbox DropboxAppCredentials Green Checkmark
Dropbox DropboxOAuth2ShortLivedAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Duffel DuffelAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Dynatrace DynatraceInternalToken Green Checkmark
EasyPost EasyPostApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Ebay EBayProductionClientCredentials Green Checkmark
Ebay EBaySandboxClientCredentials Green Checkmark
Elastic ElasticCloudApiKey Green Checkmark
Elastic ElasticStackApiKey Green Checkmark
EventBrite PicaticApiKey Green Checkmark
Facebook FacebookAccessToken Green Checkmark
Facebook FacebookAppCredentials Green Checkmark
Facebook OculusAccessToken Green Checkmark
Fastly FastlyApiToken Green Checkmark
Figma FigmaPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Finicity FinicityAppKey Green Checkmark
Flutterwave FlutterwaveLiveApiSecretKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Flutterwave FlutterwaveTestApiSecretKey Green Checkmark FrameIODeveloperToken Green Checkmark FrameIOJwt Green Checkmark
FullStory FullStoryApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubAppCredentials Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubAppToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubClassicPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubOAuthAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubRefreshToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubServerToServerToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitHub GitHubUserToServerToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
GitLab GitLabAccessToken Green Checkmark
GoCardless GoCardlessLiveAccessToken Green Checkmark
GoCardless GoCardlessSandboxAccessToken Green Checkmark
Google FirebaseCloudMessagingServerKey Green Checkmark
Google GoogleApiKey Green Checkmark
Google GoogleCloudPrivateKeyId Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Google GoogleCloudStorageServiceAccountAccessKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Google GoogleCloudStorageUserAccessKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Google GoogleOAuthAccessToken Green Checkmark
Google GoogleOAuthCredentials Green Checkmark
Google GoogleOAuthRefreshToken Green Checkmark
Google GoogleServiceAccountKey Green Checkmark
Grafana GrafanaApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Grafana GrafanaCloudApiToken Green Checkmark
Grafana GrafanaProjectApiKey Green Checkmark
Grafana GrafanaProjectServiceAccountToken Green Checkmark
Hashicorp HashiCorpVaultBatchLegacyToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Hashicorp HashiCorpVaultBatchToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Hashicorp HashiCorpVaultRootServiceToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Hashicorp HashiCorpVaultServiceLegacyToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Hashicorp HashiCorpVaultServiceToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Hashicorp TerraformCloudEnterpriseToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
HighNote HighnoteRkKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
HighNote HighnoteSkKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
HubSpot HubspotApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
HubSpot HubSpotApiPersonalAccessKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
HuggingFace HuggingFaceAccessToken Green Checkmark
Intercom IntercomAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Ionic IonicPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Ionic IonicRefreshToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
JD Cloud JdCloudAccessKey Green Checkmark
JFrog JFrogPlatformAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
JFrog JFrogPlatformApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Linear LinearApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Linear LinearOAuthAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Lob LobLiveApiKey Green Checkmark
Lob LobTestApiKey Green Checkmark
LocalStack LocalStackApiKey Green Checkmark
LogicMonitor LogicMonitorBearerToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
LogicMonitor LogicMonitorLmv1AccessKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
MailChimp MailChimpApiKey Green Checkmark
Mailgun MailgunApiCredentials Green Checkmark
Mapbox MapboxSecretAccessToken Green Checkmark
MessageBird MessageBirdApiKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AadClientAppIdentifiableCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AdoPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimDirectManagementSas Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimGatewaySas Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimIdentifiableDirectManagementKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimIdentifiableGatewayKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimIdentifiableRepositoryKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimIdentifiableSubscriptionKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimLegacyDirectManagementKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimLegacyGatewayKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimLegacyRepositoryKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimLegacySubscriptionKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApimRepositorySas Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureAppConfigurationCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureApplicationInsightsCredentials Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureBatchIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureBatchLegacyKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureBlockchainCredentials Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCacheForRedisIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCacheForRedisIdentifiablePrivateServiceKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCacheForRedisLegacyKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCdnSas Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCognitiveServicesKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCognitiveServicesTranslatorKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCommunicationServicesKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureContainerRegistryIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureContainerRegistryLegacyKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCosmosDBIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCosmosDBIdentifiablePrivateServiceKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureCosmosDBLegacyKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureDatabricksPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureDevOpsOAuthToken Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureEventGridKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureEventHubIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureEventHubIdentifiablePrivateServiceSystemKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureFluidRelayKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureFunctionIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureFunctionLegacyKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureGenomicsKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureHDInsightCredentials Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureIotDeviceIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureIotDeviceLegacyCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureIotDeviceProvisioningIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureIotDeviceProvisioningLegacyCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureIotHubIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureIotHubLegacyCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureLogicAppSas Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureManagementCertificate Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureMapsKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureMixedRealityCredentials Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureMLIdentifiablePrivateServicePrincipalCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureMLWebServiceClassicIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureMLWebServiceKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureOpenAIKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureRelayIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureSearchIdentifiableAdminKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureSearchIdentifiablePrivateServiceAdminKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureSearchIdentifiableQueryKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureSearchLegacyKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureServiceBusIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureServiceBusIdentifiablePrivateServiceSystemKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureServiceBusLegacyCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureServiceDeploymentCredentials Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureSignalRKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureStorageAccountIdentifiableKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureStorageAccountLegacyCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureStorageIdentifiablePrivateServiceKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureStorageLooseSas Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureStorageSas Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureWebAppBotCredentials Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureWebAppBotKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft AzureWebPubSubCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft BingApiKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft BingMapsKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft BingSearchKey Green Checkmark
Microsoft OfficeIncomingWebhook Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft Sas Green Checkmark
Microsoft SqlIdentifiableCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Microsoft VisualStudioAppCenterKey Green Checkmark
Midtrans MidtransServerKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
New Relic NewRelicInsightsQueryKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
New Relic NewRelicLicenseKey Green Checkmark
New Relic NewRelicPersonalApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
New Relic NewRelicRestApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Notion NotionIntegrationToken Green Checkmark
Notion NotionOAuthClientCredentials Green Checkmark
npm NpmAuthorIdentifiableToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
npm NpmCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
npm NpmLegacyAuthorToken Green Checkmark
NuGet NuGetApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
NuGet NuGetCredentials Green Checkmark
Octopus Deploy OctopusDeployApiKey Green Checkmark
Onfido OnfidoApiToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
OpenAI OpenAIApiKeyV2 Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Palantir PalantirJwt Green Checkmark
PayPal PayPalBraintreeAccessToken Green Checkmark
Persona PersonaProductionApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Persona PersonaSandboxApiKey Green Checkmark
PineCone PineconeApiKey Green Checkmark
PlanetScale PlanetScaleDatabasePassword Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
PlanetScale PlanetScaleOAuthToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
PlanetScale PlanetScaleServiceToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Plivo PlivoCredentials Green Checkmark
Prefect PrefectServerApiToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Prefect PrefectUserApiToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Proctorio ProctorioConsumerKey Green Checkmark
Proctorio ProctorioLinkageKey Green Checkmark
Proctorio ProctorioRegistrationKey Green Checkmark
Proctorio ProctorioSecretKeyV2 Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Pulumi PulumiAccessToken Green Checkmark
PyPi PyPiApiToken Green Checkmark
ReadMe ReadMeApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark RedirectPizzaApiToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Rubygems RubyGemsApiKey Green Checkmark
SAMPLE SecretScanningSampleToken
Samsara SamsaraApiAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Samsara SamsaraOAuth2AccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark SegmentPublicApiToken Green Checkmark
SendGrid SendGridApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Shippo ShippoLiveApiToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Shippo ShippoTestApiToken Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyAppClientCredentials Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyAppClientSecret Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyAppOAuthAccessToken Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyCustomAppAccessToken Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyMarketplaceToken Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyMerchantToken Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyPartnerApiToken Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifyPrivateAppPassword Green Checkmark
Shopify ShopifySharedSecret Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Slack SlackApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Slack SlackAppLevelToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Slack SlackWebhook Green Checkmark
Slack SlackWorkflowKey Green Checkmark
Splunk SplunkHecApiKey Green Checkmark
Splunk SplunkJwtToken Green Checkmark
Splunk SplunkSessionKey Green Checkmark
Square SquareApplicationSecret Green Checkmark
Square SquareCredentials Green Checkmark
Square SquarePat Green Checkmark
SSLMate SSLMateApiKey Green Checkmark
SSLMAte SSLMateClusterSecret Green Checkmark
Stripe StripeLiveApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Stripe StripeLiveRestrictedApiKey Green Checkmark
Stripe StripeTestApiKey Green Checkmark
Stripe StripeTestRestrictedApiKey Green Checkmark
Stripe StripeWebhookSigningSecret Green Checkmark
Supabase SupabaseServiceKey Green Checkmark
Tableau TableauPersonalAccessToken Green Checkmark
Telegram TelegramBotToken Green Checkmark
Telnyx TelnyxApiV2Key Green Checkmark
Tencent Cloud TencentCloudCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Tencent Cloud TencentCloudSecretId Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Twilio TwilioApiKeyCredentials Green Checkmark
Twilio TwilioCredentials Green Checkmark
Typeform TypeformPat Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Uniwise WISEFlowApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
WakaTime WakaTimeAppCredentials Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
WakaTime WakaTimeOAuthAccessToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
WakaTime WakaTimeOAuthRefreshToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
WorkOS WorkOSProductionApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
WorkOS WorkOSStagingApiKey Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexCloudApiKey Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexCloudIamAccessSecret Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexCloudIamCookie Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexCloudIamToken Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexDictionaryApiKey Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexPassportOAuthToken Green Checkmark Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexPredictorApiKey Green Checkmark
Yandex YandexTranslateApiKey Green Checkmark
Zuplo ZuploConsumerApiKey Green Checkmark Green Checkmark

Non-provider patterns

The following table lists the non-provider generated secrets detected by secret scanning. Non-provider secrets are viewable by selecting "Other" from the confidence dropdown on the secret scanning tab. For more information, see Manage secret scanning alerts.


The detection of non-provider patterns is currently in beta and subject to change.

Provider Supported Secret Token Name
Generic ASP.NET Machine Key AspNetMachineKey
Generic DER-endcoded Private Key DerPrivateKey
Generic Dynatrace Token DynatraceToken
Generic GPG Credentials GpgCredentials
Generic HTTP Request Headers HttpAuthorizationRequestHeader
Generic JavaScript Web Token GenericJwt
Generic LinkedIn Credentials LinkedInCredentials
Generic MongoDB Connection String MongoDbCredentials
Generic MySQL/MariaDB Connection String MySqlCredentials
Generic PEM-encoded Private Key PemPrivateKey
Generic PGP Private Key PgpPrivateKey
Generic PKCS12 Formatted Private Key Pkcs12PrivateKey
Generic PostgreSQL Connection String PostgreSqlCredentials
Generic Putty Private Key PuttyPrivateKey
Generic RabbitMQ Credentials RabbitMqCredentials
Generic RSA Private Key RsaPrivateKey
Generic SQL Server Connection String SqlLegacyCredentials
Generic SSH PrivateKey OpenSshPrivateKey
Generic SSH PrivateKey GitHubSshPrivateKey
Generic URL Encoded Credentials UrlCredentials

Troubleshooting secret scanning

Secret scanning repository scanning doesn't complete

If the repository-level secret scanning upon first enabling Advanced Security appears to be stuck after some time, attempt to disable then re-enable Advanced Security to reset the scanning operation.

Push protection not blocking a secret

Ensure that the secret you are attempting to block is supported for push protection using the above tables, Supported secrets.

No repository alerts created for password

Ensure that the secret you are attempting to block is supported as a user alert using the above tables, Supported secrets. If you are attempting to push a generically named secret, such as password: password123 or secret: password123, secret scanning does not support this scenario and no alert is creaeted nor does push protection apply.