Retrieve all branches with successful Advanced Security analyses

You can now retrieve a list of branches in a particular repository where Advanced Security analysis has been performed. In addition, you can use the List Alerts API to retrieve a list of all alerts across all branches with Advanced Security results.

Check out the release notes for details.

GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps

Azure Boards

Azure Repos

Azure Pipelines


GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps

New Advanced Security API endpoint to retrieve all branches with successful Advanced Security analyses

To retrieve a list of all branches for a particular repository where Advanced Security analysis has been performed, you can use a new API endpoint:{organization}/{project}/_apis/alert/repositories/{repository}/filters/branches?api-version=7.2-preview.1. To use this endpoint, it requires the vso.advsec token scope, or "Advanced Security: read alerts" permissions.

Advanced Security List Alerts API return all alerts across all branches

Using the List Alerts API for Advanced Security, you can retrieve a list of all alerts across all branches with Advanced Security results present. Set the parameter criteria.onlyDefaultBranch=false to retrieve all alerts:{organization}/{project}/_apis/alert/repositories/{repository}/alerts?api-version=7.2-preview.1&criteria.onlyDefaultBranch=false. For more details on the List Alerts API, see List Alerts - Advanced Security.

Azure Boards

Area and iteration level fields

Area and iteration level fields have long been a valuable part of the product, allowing users to query or display results based on the specific levels at which they are defined:

(Root) Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / etc.

Previously, these fields were only accessible to a select few organizations. We are pleased to announce that area and iteration level fields will now be available to all Azure DevOps organizations. These fields can be used in queries and displayed as backlog columns. However, please note that they are not supported in settings such as style rules, swim lane rules, card fields, and delivery plan fields.

This feature is only available in the New Boards Hub preview.

Azure Repos

UI support of Git submodules

Many teams actively use Git submodules to organize their codebase. We're excited to share that we've added support of Git submodules in the Files hub. Now you can instantly navigate to a submodule repository with just a single click, exactly to the specific commit referenced from your superproject. When used as a submodule, the following Git services are supported: Azure Repos, GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket. Multiple URL formats specified in .gitmodules file are supported as well, including absolute HTTPS, SSH, and relative URLs.

This addresses a feature request from Developer Community: [Azure DevOps Repos] Git submodule preview in UI

Gif to demo navigate to a submodule repository.

Azure Pipelines

Announcing deprecation of Pipeline Tasks

Azure Pipelines has around 200 tasks included in the product. Many of those are versions of the same task e.g. AzurePowerShell@2 and AzurePowerShell@5. Our AzureFileCopy task even has 6 versions. Whenever we change the behavior of a task or the task is wrapping a new major version of a tool, we introduce a new task version. Recent examples are the PublishToAzureServiceBus@2, AzureFileCopy@6 and PublishCodeCoverageResults@1 tasks.

To inform users they are using an older version of a task and may not be taking advantage of the latest functionality, we are deprecating some of the older tasks. Deprecated tasks will emit a warning and guidance on alternatives, their behavior is unchanged. Deprecated tasks will ultimately get removed. However, we have no planned date for retirement for the tasks in the below list. Retirement of tasks will be communicated separately at a later time.

Here is the list of tasks deprecated and guidance on alternatives:

Task Guidance
AndroidSigning@2 Use the AndroidSigning@3 task
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment@1 Azure Cloud Services is being retired, this task will stop working once the service is retired
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment@2 Azure Cloud Services is being retired, this task will stop working once the service is retired
AzureFileCopy@1 This task is deprecated as this version of the AzureFileCopy task uses a retired version of AzCopy. Use AzCopy V10 with AzureFileCopy@4 or newer, see migration guidance
AzureFileCopy@2 This task is deprecated as this version of the AzureFileCopy task uses a retired version of AzCopy. Use AzCopy V10 with AzureFileCopy@4 or newer, see migration guidance
AzureFileCopy@3 This task is deprecated as this version of the AzureFileCopy task uses a retired version of AzCopy. Use AzCopy V10 with AzureFileCopy@4 or newer, see migration guidance
AzureFunctionOnKubernetes@0 Use the AzureFunctionOnKubernetes@1 task to take advantage of latest features e.g. Workload identity federation
AzureKeyVault@1 Use the AzureKeyVault@2 task
AzureNLBManagement@1 Use the AzureCLI@2 task and the az network lb Azure CLI command
AzurePowerShell@2 Use the AzurePowerShell@5 task
AzurePowerShell@3 Use the AzurePowerShell@5 task
AzureRmWebAppDeployment@3 Use the AzureRmWebAppDeployment@4 task to take advantage of latest features e.g. Workload identity federation
CacheBeta@0 Use the CacheBeta@1 or Cache@2 task
Docker@0 Use the Docker@2 task
DotNetCoreInstaller@0 Use the UseDotNet@2 task
DownloadPipelineArtifact@0 Use the DownloadPipelineArtifact@1 or DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 task
DuffleInstaller@0 This task is deprecated as the Duffle project has been archived and is no longer maintained
FileTransform@1 Use the FileTransform@2 task
FtpUpload@1 Use the FtpUpload@2 task
GitHubRelease@0 Use the GitHubRelease@1 task
Gradle@2 Use the Gradle@3 task
HelmInstaller@0 Use the HelmInstaller@1 task
IISWebAppDeployment@1 Use the IIS Web App Deployment extension
Kubernetes@0 Use the Kubernetes@1 task to take advantage of latest features e.g. Workload identity federation
KubernetesManifest@0 Use the KubernetesManifest@1 task to take advantage of latest features e.g. Workload identity federation
Maven@2 Use the Maven@4 task
Maven@3 Use the Maven@4 task
MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroup@1 Consider Azure Database for MySQL and the AzureMysqlDeployment@1 task
PackerBuild@0 Use the PackerBuild@0 task to take advantage of latest features e.g. Workload identity federation
PowerShellOnTargetMachines@1 Use the PowerShellOnTargetMachines@3 task
PowerShellOnTargetMachines@2 Use the PowerShellOnTargetMachines@3 task
PublishCodeCoverageResults@1 Use the PublishCodeCoverageResults@1 task, see blog post
ServiceFabricComposeDeploy@0 The ServiceFabricComposeDeploy@0 task is deprecated
SqlServerDacpacDeployment@1 Use the IIS Web App Deployment extension which includes an updated version of this task
VSTest@1 Use the VSTest@2 task
XamarinAndroid@1 Xamarin support ended on May 1, 2024
XamarinTestCloud@1 Xamarin support ended on May 1, 2024
XamariniOS@2 Xamarin support ended on May 1, 2024

The Pipelines agent will show warnings for agents running Operating Systems not supported by .NET 8

We will upgrade the Pipelines agent to be built with .NET 8 instead of .NET 6. To prepare customers who may be using older Operating Systems, we are showing pipeline warnings for agents running on an Operating System that is not compatible with .NET 8.


Enhanced Visibility for Usage Limits in Azure DevOps

We're excited to introduce the Object Limit Tracker in Azure DevOps. This new feature provides real-time visibility into resource usage for each organization and project directly within Azure DevOps, helping you manage limits proactively and avoid unexpected disruptions. Check out this new feature today to ensure uninterrupted productivity!

Analytics view in boards navigation.

Next steps


These features will roll out over the next two to three weeks.

Head over to Azure DevOps and take a look.

How to provide feedback

We would love to hear what you think about these features. Use the help menu to report a problem or provide a suggestion.

Screenshot Make a suggestion.

You can also get advice and your questions answered by the community on Stack Overflow.


Silviu Andrica