Swimlane rules is generally available

We are excited to announce that Swimlane rules is generally available. Swimlane rules allow you to setup conditions on your Kanban board to automatically move work items into specific lanes.

In addition, we have added two new security improvements to Azure Pipelines. In Reporting, the Pull Request widget for multiple repos is now generally available.

Check out the release notes for details.

Azure Boards

Azure Pipelines


Azure Boards

Swimlane rules is generally available

We are excited to announce that swimlane rules, which were first introduced in our March 31st release notes, have now progressed from the private preview stage to being generally available. Over the past few sprints, we have worked diligently to fix bugs and incorporate your valuable feedback into the feature.

Swimlane rules are similar to style rules, but instead, they allow you to setup conditions on your Kanban board to automatically move work items into specific lanes. Here are some example scenarios for using swimlane rules:

  • Lanes to track the feature (parent) of your user stories and bugs.
  • Lanes to track priority. Priority=1 bugs to be placed in the "High Priority" lane and Priority=2 bugs into the "Medium Priority" lane.
  • Setup a lane for each person on your team. When you assign the work item, it will be placed into that lane (screenshot below).

Gif to demo editing of shareable picklist fields.

Community suggestion ticket


This feature will only be available with the New Boards Hubs preview.

Azure Pipelines

Pipeline settings audit improvements

To further increase the security of Azure Pipelines, we've added support for auditing changes to Pipelines settings at the organization-level. We've added a new type of audit log event with "ActionId": "Pipelines.OrganizationSettings". For example, toggling off Limit variables that can be set at queue time will generate an audit event with "ActionId": "Pipelines.OrganizationSettings" and "Details": "Pipelines setting "EnforcesettableVar" changed from "True" to "False" at organization level."

To improve clarity and consistency between organization-level and project-level events, we've separated the audit events for changing project-level Pipelines retention settings from non-retention settings. The latter will now have "ActionId": "Pipelines.ProjectSettings". For example, turning off Disable anonymous access to badges will generate an audit event with "ActionId": "Pipelines.ProjectSettings" and "Details": "Pipelines setting "statusBadgesArePublic" changed from "False" to "True" in "test" project."


Pull Request widget for multiple repos is now generally available

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of the Pull Request widget for multiple repositories. With this new widget, you can effortlessly view pull requests from up to 10 different repositories in a single, streamlined list, making it easier than ever to stay on top of your pull requests.

Multiple repository widget to GA

Community suggestion ticket

Next steps


These features will roll out over the next two to three weeks.

Head over to Azure DevOps and take a look.

How to provide feedback

We would love to hear what you think about these features. Use the help menu to report a problem or provide a suggestion.

Make a suggestion

You can also get advice and your questions answered by the community on Stack Overflow.


Dan Hellem