spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.client-telemetry-enabled |
Whether to enable client telemetry, which will periodically collect database operations aggregation statistics, system information like cpu/memory and send it to cosmos monitoring service, which will be helpful during debugging. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.client.application-id |
Represents current application and is used for telemetry/monitoring purposes. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.connection-mode |
Connection mode to be used by the client in the Azure Cosmos DB database service. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.connection-sharing-across-clients-enabled |
Whether to enable connections sharing across multiple Azure Cosmos DB Clients. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.consistency-level |
Consistency level. The requested ConsistencyLevel must match or be weaker than that provisioned for the database account. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.content-response-on-write-enabled |
Whether to only return the headers and status code in Azure Cosmos DB response in case of Create, Update and Delete operations on CosmosItem. If set to false, service doesn't return payload in the response. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.client-certificate-password |
Password of the certificate file. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.client-certificate-path |
Path of a PEM certificate file to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.client-id |
Client ID to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.client-secret |
Client secret to use when performing service principal authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.managed-identity-enabled |
Whether to enable managed identity to authenticate with Azure. If true and the client-id is set, will use the client ID as user assigned managed identity client ID. The default value is false . |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.password |
Password to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.token-credential-bean-name |
The bean name of type com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential to use when performing authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.credential.username |
Username to use when performing username/password authentication with Azure. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.database |
Database name of the Azure Cosmos DB instance. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.connect-timeout |
Connect timeout for direct client, represents timeout for establishing connections with an endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.connection-endpoint-rediscovery-enabled |
Whether to enable the direct TCP connection endpoint rediscovery. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.idle-connection-timeout |
Idle connection timeout for the direct client. Direct client doesn't close a single connection to an endpoint by default unless specified. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.idle-endpoint-timeout |
Idle endpoint timeout for the direct client. If there are no requests to a specific endpoint for idle endpoint timeout duration, direct client closes all connections to that endpoint to save resources and I/O cost. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.max-connections-per-endpoint |
Max connections per endpoint, represents the size of connection pool for a specific endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.max-requests-per-connection |
Max requests per connection, represents the number of requests that will be queued on a single connection for a specific endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.direct-connection.network-request-timeout |
Network request timeout interval (time to wait for response from network peer). |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.enabled |
Whether an Azure Service is enabled. The default value is true . |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.endpoint |
Endpoint of the Azure Cosmos DB instance. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.endpoint-discovery-enabled |
Whether to enable endpoint discovery for geo-replicated database accounts. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.gateway-connection.idle-connection-timeout |
Timeout for an idle connection. After that time, the connection will be automatically closed. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.gateway-connection.max-connection-pool-size |
Size of the connection pool. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.key |
Key to authenticate for accessing the Azure Cosmos DB instance. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.multiple-write-regions-enabled |
Whether to enable writes on any regions for geo-replicated database accounts in the Azure Cosmos DB service. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.populate-query-metrics |
Whether to populate diagnostics strings and query metrics. The default value is false . |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.preferred-regions |
Preferred regions for geo-replicated database accounts. For example, East US as the preferred region. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.cloud-type |
Name of the Azure cloud to connect to. Supported types are: AZURE , AZURE_CHINA , AZURE_US_GOVERNMENT , OTHER . The default value is AZURE . |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.active-directory-endpoint |
The Microsoft Entra endpoint to connect to. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-api-version |
The Azure Active Directory Graph API version. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.active-directory-graph-endpoint |
The Azure Active Directory Graph endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.active-directory-resource-id |
The Microsoft Entra resource ID. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.azure-application-insights-endpoint |
The Azure Application Insights endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-analytics-catalog-and-job-endpoint-suffix |
The Data Lake analytics catalog and job endpoint suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.azure-data-lake-store-file-system-endpoint-suffix |
The Data Lake storage file system endpoint suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.azure-log-analytics-endpoint |
The Azure Log Analytics endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.data-lake-endpoint-resource-id |
The Data Lake endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.gallery-endpoint |
The gallery endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.key-vault-dns-suffix |
The Key Vault DNS suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.management-endpoint |
The management service endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.microsoft-graph-endpoint |
The Microsoft Graph endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.portal |
The management portal URL. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.publishing-profile |
The publishing settings file URL. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.resource-manager-endpoint |
The resource management endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.service-bus-domain-name |
The domain name for Service Bus. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.sql-management-endpoint |
The SQL management endpoint. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.sql-server-hostname-suffix |
The SQL Server hostname suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.environment.storage-endpoint-suffix |
The Storage endpoint suffix. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.subscription-id |
Subscription ID to use when connecting to Azure resources. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.profile.tenant-id |
Tenant ID for Azure resources. The values allowed for tenant-id are: common , organizations , consumers , or the tenant ID. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.hostname |
The host of the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.non-proxy-hosts |
A list of hosts or CIDR to not use proxy HTTP/HTTPS connections through. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.password |
Password used to authenticate with the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.port |
The port of the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.type |
The type of the proxy. For instance of http, http , socks4 , socks5 . For instance of amqp, http , socks . |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.proxy.username |
Username used to authenticate with the proxy. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.read-requests-fallback-enabled |
Whether to allow for reads to go to multiple regions configured on an account of Azure Cosmos DB service. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource-token |
Resource token to authenticate for accessing the Azure Cosmos DB instance. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource.region |
The region of an Azure resource. For instance, "eastus" . |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource.resource-group |
The resource group holds an Azure resource. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.resource.resource-id |
ID of an Azure resource. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.session-capturing-override-enabled |
Whether to enable session capturing. Session capturing is enabled by default for SESSION consistency level. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.throttling-retry-options.max-retry-attempts-on-throttled-requests |
Maximum number of retries in the case where the request fails because the service has applied rate limiting on the client. |
spring.cloud.azure.cosmos.throttling-retry-options.max-retry-wait-time |
Maximum retry time in seconds. When a request fails due to a throttle error, the service sends back a response that contains a value indicating the client should not retry before the time period has elapsed (Retry-After). The MaxRetryWaitTime flag allows the application to set a maximum wait time for all retry attempts. If the cumulative wait time exceeds the MaxRetryWaitTime, the SDK will stop retrying and return the error to the application. |