Use dbt transformations in an Azure Databricks job

You can run your dbt Core projects as a task in an Azure Databricks job. By running your dbt Core project as a job task, you can benefit from the following Azure Databricks Jobs features:

  • Automate your dbt tasks and schedule workflows that include dbt tasks.
  • Monitor your dbt transformations and send notifications on the status of the transformations.
  • Include your dbt project in a workflow with other tasks. For example, your workflow can ingest data with Auto Loader, transform the data with dbt, and analyze the data with a notebook task.
  • Automatic archiving of the artifacts from job runs, including logs, results, manifests, and configuration.

To learn more about dbt Core, see the dbt documentation.

Development and production workflow

Databricks recommends developing your dbt projects against a Databricks SQL warehouse. Using a Databricks SQL warehouse, you can test the SQL generated by dbt and use the SQL warehouse query history to debug the queries generated by dbt.

To run your dbt transformations in production, Databricks recommends using the dbt task in a Databricks job. By default, the dbt task will run the dbt Python process using Azure Databricks compute and the dbt generated SQL against the selected SQL warehouse.

You can run dbt transformations on a serverless SQL warehouse or pro SQL warehouse, Azure Databricks compute, or any other dbt-supported warehouse. This article discusses the first two options with examples.

If your workspace is Unity Catalog-enabled and Serverless Jobs is enabled, by default, the job runs on Serverless compute.


Developing dbt models against a SQL warehouse and running them in production on Azure Databricks compute can lead to subtle differences in performance and SQL language support. Databricks recommends using the same Databricks Runtime version for the compute and the SQL warehouse.


Create and run your first dbt job

The following example uses the jaffle_shop project, an example project that demonstrates core dbt concepts. To create a job that runs the jaffle shop project, perform the following steps.

  1. Go to your Azure Databricks landing page and do one of the following:

    • Click Workflows Icon Workflows in the sidebar and click Create Job Button.
    • In the sidebar, click New Icon New and select Job.
  2. In the task text box on the Tasks tab, replace Add a name for your job… with your job name.

  3. In Task name, enter a name for the task.

  4. In Type, select the dbt task type.

    Add a dbt task

  5. In the Source drop-down menu, you can select Workspace to use a dbt project located in a Azure Databricks workspace folder or Git provider for a project located in a remote Git repository. Because this example uses the jaffle shop project located in a Git repository, select Git provider, click Edit, and enter the details for the jaffle shop GitHub repository.

    Configure dbt project repo

    • In Git repository URL, enter the URL for the jaffle shop project.
    • In Git reference (branch / tag / commit), enter main. You can also use a tag or SHA.
  6. Click Confirm.

  7. In the dbt commands text boxes, specify the dbt commands to run (deps, seed, and run). You must prefix every command with dbt. Commands are run in the specified order.

    Configure dbt commands

  8. In SQL warehouse, select a SQL warehouse to run the SQL generated by dbt. The SQL warehouse drop-down menu shows only serverless and pro SQL warehouses.

  9. (Optional) You can specify a schema for the task output. By default, the schema default is used.

  10. (Optional) If you want to change the compute configuration that runs dbt Core, click dbt CLI compute.

  11. (Optional) You can specify a dbt-databricks version for the task. For example, to pin your dbt task to a specific version for development and production:

    • Under Dependent libraries, click Delete Icon next to the current dbt-databricks version.
    • Click Add.
    • In the Add dependent library dialog, select PyPI and enter the dbt-package version in the Package text box (for example, dbt-databricks==1.6.0).
    • Click Add.

    Configure the dbt-databricks version


    Databricks recommends pinning your dbt tasks to a specific version of the dbt-databricks package to ensure the same version is used for development and production runs. Databricks recommends version 1.6.0 or greater of the dbt-databricks package.

  12. Click Create.

  13. To run the job now, click Run Now Button.

View the results of your dbt job task

When the job is complete, you can test the results by running SQL queries from a notebook or by running queries in your Databricks warehouse. For example, see the following sample queries:

 SHOW tables IN <schema>;
SELECT * from <schema>.customers LIMIT 10;

Replace <schema> with the schema name configured in the task configuration.

API example

You can also use the Jobs API to create and manage jobs that include dbt tasks. The following example creates a job with a single dbt task:

  "name": "jaffle_shop dbt job",
  "max_concurrent_runs": 1,
  "git_source": {
    "git_url": "",
    "git_provider": "gitHub",
    "git_branch": "main"
  "job_clusters": [
      "job_cluster_key": "dbt_CLI",
      "new_cluster": {
        "spark_version": "10.4.x-photon-scala2.12",
        "node_type_id": "Standard_DS3_v2",
        "num_workers": 0,
        "spark_conf": {
          "spark.master": "local[*, 4]",
          "spark.databricks.cluster.profile": "singleNode"
        "custom_tags": {
          "ResourceClass": "SingleNode"
  "tasks": [
      "task_key": "transform",
      "job_cluster_key": "dbt_CLI",
      "dbt_task": {
        "commands": [
          "dbt deps",
          "dbt seed",
          "dbt run"
        "warehouse_id": "1a234b567c8de912"
      "libraries": [
          "pypi": {
            "package": "dbt-databricks>=1.0.0,<2.0.0"

(Advanced) Run dbt with a custom profile

To run your dbt task with a SQL warehouse (recommended) or all-purpose compute, use a custom profiles.yml defining the warehouse or Azure Databricks compute to connect to. To create a job that runs the jaffle shop project with a warehouse or all-purpose compute, perform the following steps.


Only a SQL warehouse or all-purpose compute can be used as the target for a dbt task. You cannot use job compute as a target for dbt.

  1. Create a fork of the jaffle_shop repository.

  2. Clone the forked repository to your desktop. For example, you could run a command like the following:

    git clone<username>/jaffle_shop.git

    Replace <username> with your GitHub handle.

  3. Create a new file called profiles.yml in the jaffle_shop directory with the following content:

       target: databricks_job
          type: databricks
          method: http
          schema: "<schema>"
          host: "<http-host>"
          http_path: "<http-path>"
          token: "{{ env_var('DBT_ACCESS_TOKEN') }}"
    • Replace <schema> with a schema name for the project tables.
    • To run your dbt task with a SQL warehouse, replace <http-host> with the Server Hostname value from the Connection Details tab for your SQL warehouse. To run your dbt task with all-purpose compute, replace <http-host> with the Server Hostname value from the Advanced Options, JDBC/ODBC tab for your Azure Databricks compute.
    • To run your dbt task with a SQL warehouse, replace <http-path> with the HTTP Path value from the Connection Details tab for your SQL warehouse. To run your dbt task with all-purpose compute, replace <http-path> with the HTTP Path value from the Advanced Options, JDBC/ODBC tab for your Azure Databricks compute.

    You do not specify secrets, such as access tokens, in the file because you will check this file into source control. Instead, this file uses the dbt templating functionality to insert credentials dynamically at runtime.


    The generated credentials are valid for the duration of the run, up to a maximum of 30 days, and are automatically revoked after completion.

  4. Check this file into Git and push it to your forked repository. For example, you could run commands like the following:

    git add profiles.yml
    git commit -m "adding profiles.yml for my Databricks job"
    git push
  5. Click Workflows Icon Workflows in the sidebar of the Databricks UI.

  6. Select the dbt job and click the Tasks tab.

  7. In Source, click Edit and enter your forked jaffle shop GitHub repository details.

    Configure forked project repo

  8. In SQL warehouse, select None (Manual).

  9. In Profiles Directory, enter the relative path to the directory containing the profiles.yml file. Leave the path value blank to use the default of the repository root.

(Advanced) Use dbt Python models in a workflow


dbt support for Python models is in beta and requires dbt 1.3 or greater.

dbt now supports Python models on specific data warehouses, including Databricks. With dbt Python models, you can use tools from the Python ecosystem to implement transformations that are difficult to implement with SQL. You can create an Azure Databricks job to run a single task with your dbt Python model, or you can include the dbt task as part of a workflow that includes multiple tasks.

You cannot run Python models in a dbt task using a SQL warehouse. For more information about using dbt Python models with Azure Databricks, see Specific data warehouses in the dbt documentation.

Errors and troubleshooting

Profile file does not exist error

Error message:

dbt looked for a profiles.yml file in /tmp/.../profiles.yml but did not find one.

Possible causes:

The profiles.yml file was not found in the specified $PATH. Make sure the root of your dbt project contains the profiles.yml file.