Google BigQuery

This article describes how to read from and write to Google BigQuery tables in Azure Databricks.


The configurations described in this article are Experimental. Experimental features are provided as-is and are not supported by Databricks through customer technical support. To get full query federation support, you should instead use Lakehouse Federation, which enables your Azure Databricks users to take advantage of Unity Catalog syntax and data governance tools.

You must connect to BigQuery using key-based authentication.


Your projects must have specific Google permissions to read and write using BigQuery.


This article discusses BigQuery materialized views. For details, see the Google article Introduction to materialized views. To learn other BigQuery terminology and the BigQuery security model, see the Google BigQuery documentation.

Reading and writing data with BigQuery depends on two Google Cloud projects:

  • Project (project): The ID for the Google Cloud project from which Azure Databricks reads or writes the BigQuery table.
  • Parent project (parentProject): The ID for the parent project, which is the Google Cloud Project ID to bill for reading and writing. Set this to the Google Cloud project associated with the Google service account for which you will generate keys.

You must explicitly provide the project and parentProject values in the code that accesses BigQuery. Use code similar to the following:"bigquery") \
  .option("table", table) \
  .option("project", <project-id>) \
  .option("parentProject", <parent-project-id>) \

The required permissions for the Google Cloud projects depend on whether project and parentProject are the same. The following sections list the required permissions for each scenario.

Permissions required if project and parentProject match

If the IDs for your project and parentProject are the same, use the following table to determine minimum permissions:

Azure Databricks task Google permissions required in the project
Read a BigQuery table without materialized view In the project project:

- BigQuery Read Session User
- BigQuery Data Viewer (Optionally grant this at dataset/table level instead of project level)
Read a BigQuery table with materialized view In the project project:

- BigQuery Job User
- BigQuery Read Session User
- BigQuery Data Viewer (Optionally grant this at dataset/table level instead of project level)

In the materialization project:

- BigQuery Data Editor
Write a BigQuery table In the project project:

- BigQuery Job User
- BigQuery Data Editor

Permissions required if project and parentProject are different

If the IDs for your project and parentProject are different, use the following table to determine minimum permissions:

Azure Databricks task Google permissions required
Read a BigQuery table without materialized view In the parentProject project:

- BigQuery Read Session User

In the project project:

- BigQuery Data Viewer (Optionally grant this at dataset/table level instead of project level)
Read a BigQuery table with materialized view In the parentProject project:

- BigQuery Read Session User
- BigQuery Job User

In the project project:

- BigQuery Data Viewer (Optionally grant this at dataset/table level instead of project level)

In the materialization project:

- BigQuery Data Editor
Write a BigQuery table In the parentProject project:

- BigQuery Job User

In the project project:

- BigQuery Data Editor

Step 1: Set up Google Cloud

Enable the BigQuery Storage API

The BigQuery Storage API is enabled by default in new Google Cloud projects in which BigQuery is enabled. However, if you have an existing project and the BigQuery Storage API isn’t enabled, follow the steps in this section to enable it.

You can enable the BigQuery Storage API using the Google Cloud CLI or the Google Cloud Console.

Enable the BigQuery Storage API using Google Cloud CLI

gcloud services enable

Enable the BigQuery Storage API using Google Cloud Console

  1. Click APIs & Services in the left navigation pane.

  2. Click the ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES button.

    Google Enable Services

  3. Type bigquery storage api in the search bar and select the first result.

    Google BigQuery Storage

  4. Ensure that the BigQuery Storage API is enabled.

    Google BigQuery

Create a Google service account for Azure Databricks

Create a service account for the Azure Databricks cluster. Databricks recommends giving this service account the least privileges needed to perform its tasks. See BigQuery Roles and Permissions.

You can create a service account using the Google Cloud CLI or the Google Cloud Console.

Create a Google service account using Google Cloud CLI

gcloud iam service-accounts create <service-account-name>

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <project-name> \
--role roles/bigquery.user \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <project-name> \
--role roles/bigquery.dataEditor \

Create the keys for your service account:

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create --iam-account \
"<service-account-name>@<project-name>" \

Create a Google service account using Google Cloud Console

To create the account:

  1. Click IAM and Admin in the left navigation pane.

  2. Click Service Accounts.


  4. Enter the service account name and description.

    Google create service account

  5. Click CREATE.

  6. Specify roles for your service account. In the Select a role drop-down, type BigQuery and add the following roles:

    Google Permissions

  7. Click CONTINUE.

  8. Click DONE.

To create keys for your service account:

  1. In the service accounts list, click your newly created account.

  2. In the Keys section, select ADD KEY > Create new key button.

    Google Create Key

  3. Accept the JSON key type.

  4. Click CREATE. The JSON key file is downloaded to your computer.


    The JSON key file you generate for the service account is a private key that should be shared only with authorized users, because it controls access to datasets and resources in your Google Cloud account.

Create a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket for temporary storage

To write data to BigQuery, the data source needs access to a GCS bucket.

  1. Click Storage in the left navigation pane.


    Google Create Bucket

  3. Configure the bucket details.

    Google Bucket Details

  4. Click CREATE.

  5. Click the Permissions tab and Add members.

  6. Provide the following permissions to the service account on the bucket.

    Google Bucket Permissions

  7. Click SAVE.

Step 2: Set up Azure Databricks

To configure a cluster to access BigQuery tables, you must provide your JSON key file as a Spark configuration. Use a local tool to Base64-encode your JSON key file. For security purposes do not use a web-based or remote tool that could access your keys.

When you configure your cluster:

In the Spark Config tab, add the following Spark config. Replace <base64-keys> with the string of your Base64-encoded JSON key file. Replace the other items in brackets (such as <client-email>) with the values of those fields from your JSON key file.

credentials <base64-keys> true <client-email> <project-id> <private-key> <private-key-id>

Read and write to a BigQuery table

To read a BigQuery table, specify

df ="bigquery") \
  .option("table",<table-name>) \
  .option("project", <project-id>)  \
  .option("parentProject", <parent-project-id>) \

To write to a BigQuery table, specify

df.write.format("bigquery") \
  .mode("<mode>") \
  .option("temporaryGcsBucket", "<bucket-name>") \
  .option("table", <table-name>) \
  .option("project", <project-id>) \
  .option("parentProject", <parent-project-id>) \

where <bucket-name> is the name of the bucket you created in Create a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket for temporary storage. See Permissions to learn about requirements for <project-id> and <parent-id> values.

Create an external table from BigQuery


This feature is not supported by Unity Catalog.

You can declare an unmanaged table in Databricks that will read data directly from BigQuery:

CREATE TABLE chosen_dataset.test_table
USING bigquery
  parentProject 'gcp-parent-project-id',
  project 'gcp-project-id',
  temporaryGcsBucket 'some-gcp-bucket',
  materializationDataset 'some-bigquery-dataset',
  table 'some-bigquery-dataset.table-to-copy'

Python notebook example: Load a Google BigQuery table into a DataFrame

The following Python notebook loads a Google BigQuery table into a Azure Databricks DataFrame.

Google BigQuery Python sample notebook

Get notebook

Scala notebook example: Load a Google BigQuery table into a DataFrame

The following Scala notebook loads a Google BigQuery table into a Azure Databricks DataFrame.

Google BigQuery Scala sample notebook

Get notebook