CycleCloud version 8.0.2
New Features:
- Node and cluster events can be published to EventGrid
- Upgraded built-in CentOS image references to 7.7 for cloud-init support
- VM images requiring a purchase plan are now supported (e.g., RHEL)
- Logging level and error reporting (to Email and Microsoft Teams) have a new simplified dialog box
- LSF scheduler configs now include extended GPU syntax.
Resolved Issues:
- "Subnet too small" errors (and similar) did not cause nodes to show up as Failed (in red)
- VM agent errors on VM start from deallocation were not handled properly
- Mitigated CVE-2020-11996 (DDoS attack against Tomcat)
- In some cases, the "node installation succeeded" event was missed and a node would stay in the "Failed" state (regression in 8.0.1)
- Spot VMs would show up with regular pricing (regression in 8.0.1)
- Scalesets with more than 100 VMs had errors on orchestration (regression in 8.0.1)
- Termination of unavailable/failed nodes can get stuck and fail to delete the VM
- Ephemeral OS Disk would fail with "ReadOnly caching" error (regression in 8.0.1)
- Table views in the browser could not be edited (regression in 8.0.1)
- "Error in task Collecting metrics" was logged if a node had no VM (regression in 8.0.1)