Environment is rank 1. An environment corresponds to a Resource Manager Deployment.
CycleCloud can now manage Azure Resource Manager deployments with ARM templates. These environments can be referred to from within CycleCloud template objects.
While environment is rank 1, a cluster object is required in the cluster template file.
[environment vnet]
TemplateURL = az://mystorageaccount/mycontainer/${ProjectVersion}/vnet.json
ParameterValues.backendIpAddress1 =
VariableOverrides.virtualNetworkName = azure-vnet
[environment appgateway]
TemplateURL = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-application-gateway-waf/azuredeploy.json
ParameterValues.virtualNetworkName = ${vnet.Parameters.virtualNetworkName}
[environment existing]
Azure.ResourceGroup = existingrg
ManagedLifecycle = false
[cluster my-cluster]
The $
is a reference to a parameter name. The ${}
is another way of referencing a parameter name and allows reference to an environment.
This examples will launch the ARM template existing at az://mystorageaccount/mycontainer/${ProjectVersion}/vnet.json as an ARM deployment, and provided the Resource and Outputs as nested data within the vnet
Attribute Reference
Attribute | Type | Definition |
Credentials | String | Name of cloud provider account |
Region | String | Azure location, eg. westus2 |
TemplateURL | String | Valid URL for ARM template location on web. Use only one Template* attribute. |
TemplateContents | String | Read in the template json as a string with @parametername reference. Use only one Template* attribute. |
TemplatePath | String | For use with Locker. Appends path to locker for arm template location. Use only one Template* attribute. |
Locker | String | For use with TemplatePath. Supports pulling arm template from locker. |
ParameterValues. | ARM Parameter | ParameterValues.my-parameter where my-parameter is a parameter. Parameters in ARM templates support string, list, integers, boolean. |
VariableOverrides. | ARM Variable | VariableOverrides.my-variable where my-variable is a variable name in the ARM template. Variables in ARM templates support string, list, integers, boolean. |
ParameterizeVariables | Boolean | Use with VariableValues. Expose ARM template variables in cluster UI menu and cluster template. |
VariableValues. | ARM Variable | VariableValues.my-variable. Alternative to VariableOverrides. Use with ParameterizeVariables. |
Azure.ResourceGroup | String | Name of Azure Resource Group for deployment. |
ManagedLifecycle | Boolean | For use with existing deployment. Default is true. |
Name | String | Name of pre-exiting resource group. |
Tags. | String | Use tags.my-tag = my-tag-value to add tags to the resource group possessing the deployment in addition to the tags assigned by CycleCloud by default. |
For pre-existing deployments the environment object name refers to the ARM deployment name.
Using environment resources and outputs
[environment vnet]
TemplateURL = az://mystorageaccount/mycontainer/${ProjectVersion}/vnet.json
[cluster my-cluster]
[[node proxy]]
IsReturnProxy = True
SubnetId = ${vnet.resources.'azure-vnet/ProxySubnet'.id}
Following the ARM deployment model, environments will create resources and expose those resources to the other Cluster Template objects for use.
Using the ${}
notation, you can then refer to created ARM resources in their native schema.
Attribute | Definition |
Outputs. | Use as ${environment-name.Outputs.my-output} in template where my-output is the name of an output in the ARM template. |
Resources. | Use as ${environment-name.Resources.my-resource-name.key1.key2} in template where my-resource-name is the name of a resource in the ARM template and key1, key2 are related keys in the resource object. |
Referring to Nested Resources
Environments managed by CycleCloud are represented by a nested data structure. It is often useful to reference data within this structure.
[environment db]
TemplateContents = @raw-db-json
ParameterValues.DBName = @DBNameParameter
[cluster my-cluster]
[[node my-node]]
SubnetId = ${network.resources.'vnet/ComputeSubnet'.id}
[[[configuration database]]]
connection_string = ${db.Outputs.JDBCConnectionString}
database_id = ${db.resources[ClusterName].id}
The indices of nested variables can depend on the ARM resource type being created. env.resources.my-resource-name.id
, env.resources['my-resource-name'].id
, env.resources[MyResourceParam]
are all valid formats for references to nested variables.