Add or remove IP firewall rules in bulk

APPLIES TO: NoSQL MongoDB Cassandra Gremlin Table

The scripts in this article demonstrate how to add and remove IP Firewall Rules in bulk for Azure Cosmos DB accounts. There are two separate scripts on this page, one for adding IP addresses, and another for removing.

The scripts add or remove the following IP addresses for access.

  • Azure portal access to your accounts.
  • Managed services in Azure datacenters (for example, Azure Functions)
  • Any custom IP address or CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) ranges.
  • Your local IP address.

By default, this script adds or removes all listed IP addresses to every account in every resource group in the current subscription. You can also specify a single resource group and one or more Cosmos DB accounts within that resource group to process.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.


  • This article requires version 2.9.1 or later of the Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.

Sample script

Launch Azure Cloud Shell

The Azure Cloud Shell is a free interactive shell that you can use to run the steps in this article. It has common Azure tools preinstalled and configured to use with your account.

To open the Cloud Shell, just select Try it from the upper right corner of a code block. You can also launch Cloud Shell in a separate browser tab by going to

When Cloud Shell opens, verify that Bash is selected for your environment. Subsequent sessions will use Azure CLI in a Bash environment, Select Copy to copy the blocks of code, paste it into the Cloud Shell, and press Enter to run it.

Sign in to Azure

Cloud Shell is automatically authenticated under the initial account signed-in with. Use the following script to sign in using a different subscription, replacing subscriptionId with your Azure subscription ID.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create an Azure free account before you begin.

subscription="subscriptionId" # Set Azure subscription ID here

az account set -s $subscription # ...or use 'az login'

For more information, see set active subscription or log in interactively.

Run the script to bulk add IP addresses


# Passed validation in Cloud Shell on 11/07/2024

# <FullScript>
# This sample adds IP Addresses in bulk to the IP Firewall Rules for an Azure Cosmos DB account.
# This script was primarily designed to add Azure Portal middleware IP addresses but can add any IP addresses.
# It also allows access from other Azure managed services without a fixed IP address (ie. Azure Functions) via
# the "" IP Address providing access to your Cosmos accounts from these services.
# You can also enter custom IP Addresses and CIDR ranges. It can also add your current IP Address.
# By default this script will add all listed IP Addresses to every account in every
# resource group in the current subscription. You can also specify a single resource group
# and one or more Cosmos DB accounts within that resource group to process.

# These can remain commented out if running in Azure Cloud Shell
#az login
#az account set -s {your subscription id}

# Azure Public Cloud Portal IP Addresses. All is required. Some specific to database APIs
all=('' '' '' '')
mongoOnly=('' '' '' '')
cassandraOnly=('' '' '' '')

# Combine all the portal IP ranges
addIpAddresses=("${all[@]}" "${mongoOnly[@]}" "${cassandraOnly[@]}")

# Allow connections from Azure services within Azure datacenters

# Allow access custom IP Addresses and CIDR ranges
# Sample private IP Address and CIDR range

# Allow access from the current IP Address
currentIpAddress=$(curl -s

# print out how many IP addresses are in the list
echo "Total IP Addresses to process: ${#addIpAddresses[@]}"
echo "Adding the following IP Addresses from all Cosmos DB accounts: ${addIpAddresses[@]}"

# Convert the combined array into a comma-delimited string
IFS=',' # Set the Internal Field Separator to a comma
addIpAddresses="${addIpAddresses[*]}" # Join the array elements into a single string

# Get the list of resource groups in the current subscription
resourceGroups=$(az group list --query "[].name" -o tsv)

# Or you can specify a single resource group and process all accounts within it
# You can also limit to a specific number of accounts within a specific resource group
# resourceGroups=('myResourceGroup')

# Loop through every resource group in the subscription
for resourceGroup in "${resourceGroups[@]}"; do
    echo "Processing resource group: $resourceGroup"

    # Get the list of Cosmos DB accounts in this resource group
    mapfile -t accounts <<< "$(az cosmosdb list -g $resourceGroup --query "[].name" -o tsv)"

    # Limit to one or more Cosmos DB accounts within a specific resource group
    # Must specify a single resource group above to use this
    # accounts=('cosmos-account-1' 'cosmos-account-2')

    # Loop through every Cosmos DB account in the resource group or array above
    for account in "${accounts[@]}"; do

        echo "Processing account: $account"

        # Trim potential leading/trailing whitespace from account
        account=$(echo "$account" | xargs)

        echo "Updating account: $account with new IP Firewall Rules"
        echo "Please wait..."

        # This command will update the Cosmos DB account with the new IP Addresses
        # It can take up to 10 minutes to complete
        az cosmosdb update -g $resourceGroup -n $account --ip-range-filter $addIpAddresses --only-show-errors --output none
        echo "Update complete for account: $account"

    echo "Resource group: $resourceGroup complete"


echo "All Done! Enjoy your new IP Firewall Rules!"


Run the script to bulk remove IP addresses


# Passed validation in Cloud Shell on 11/07/2024

# <FullScript>
# This sample removes IP Addresses in bulk from the IP Firewall Rules for an Azure Cosmos DB account.
# This script was primarily designed to remove Azure Portal middleware IP addresses but can remove any IP addresses.
# It also removes access from other Azure managed services without a fixed IP address (ie. Azure Functions) via
# the "" IP Address restricting access to your Cosmos accounts from these services.
# You can also enter custom IP Addresses and CIDR ranges to remove as well.
# By default this script will add all listed IP Addresses to every account in every
# resource group in the current subscription. You can also specify a single resource group
# and one or more Cosmos DB accounts within that resource group to process.

# These can remain commented out if running in Azure Cloud Shell
#az login
#az account set -s {your subscription id}

# Portal IP Addresses. Various ranges are used for the Azure Portal, some specific to database APIs.
# The legacy Portal IP addresses are included here if you want to remove them in bulk from your Cosmos DB accounts
legacy=('' '' '' '' '' '' '')
all=('' '' '' '')
mongoOnly=('' '' '' '')
cassandraOnly=('' '' '' '')

# Combine all the portal IP ranges. These can be safely combined. If they don't exist, they won't be removed.
removeIpAddresses=("${legacy[@]}" "${all[@]}" "${mongoOnly[@]}" "${cassandraOnly[@]}")

# Remove access from managed Azure Services from Azure datacenters

# Remove custom IP Addresses and CIDR ranges from the IP Addresses
# Sample private IP Address and CIDR range

# print out how many IP addresses are in the list
echo "Total IP Addresses to process: ${#removeIpAddresses[@]}"
echo "Removing the following IP Addresses from all Cosmos DB accounts: ${removeIpAddresses[@]}"


# Get the list of resource groups in the current subscription
resourceGroups=$(az group list --query "[].name" -o tsv)

# Or you can specify a single resource group and process all accounts within it
# You can also limit to a specific number of accounts within a specific resource group
# resourceGroups=('myResourceGroup')

# Loop through every resource group in the subscription
for resourceGroup in "${resourceGroups[@]}"; do
    echo "Processing resource group: $resourceGroup"

    # Get the list of Cosmos DB accounts in this resource group
    mapfile -t accounts <<< "$(az cosmosdb list -g $resourceGroup --query "[].name" -o tsv)"
    # Limit to one or more Cosmos DB accounts within a specific resource group
    # Must specify a single resource group above to use this
    # accounts=('cosmos-account-1' 'cosmos-account-2')

    # Loop through every Cosmos DB account in the resource group or array of specific accounts
    for account in "${accounts[@]}"; do

        echo "Processing account: $account"

        # Trim any leading/trailing whitespace from account
        account=$(echo "$account" | xargs)

        # Get the list of current IP Addresses for this Cosmos DB account
        # Assuming these are newline-separated, convert them into an array
        mapfile -t currentIpAddresses <<< "$(az cosmosdb show -g $resourceGroup -n $account --query "ipRules[].ipAddressOrRange" -o tsv)"

        echo "Account: $account, has ${#currentIpAddresses[@]} current IP Addresses"

        for currentIpAddress in "${currentIpAddresses[@]}"; do
            echo "Processing current IP Address: $currentIpAddress"
            # Trim potential leading/trailing whitespace from ipRule
            currentIpAddress=$(echo "$currentIpAddress" | xargs)
            # Check if the current IP Address is in the Remove IP Addresses array
            for removeIpAddress in "${removeIpAddresses[@]}"; do
                # Trim potential leading/trailing whitespace from ipRule
                removeIpAddress=$(echo "$removeIpAddress" | xargs)
                if [[ $currentIpAddress == $removeIpAddress ]]; then
                    echo "Match found for IP Address: $currentIpAddress"
                    # If any IPs match, run an update. If none do, don't update the account


            if [[ $matchFound == false ]]; then
                # Current IP Address is not in the list of IP Addresses to remove. 
                # Preserve it in the updatedIpAddresses
        # Update the Cosmos DB account with the new list of IP Firewall Rules
        if [[ $runUpdate == true ]]; then

            # Trim the trailing comma and any carriage return characters from the CSV string
            updatedIpAddresses=$(echo "$updatedIpAddresses" | sed 's/,$//' | tr -d '\r')
            echo "Updating account: $account with existing IP Addresses not specified to be removed: $updatedIpAddresses"
            echo "Please wait..."

            # This command will update the Cosmos DB account with the new IP Addresses
            # It can take up to 10 minutes to complete
            az cosmosdb update -g $resourceGroup -n $account --ip-range-filter "$updatedIpAddresses" --only-show-errors --output none
            echo "Update complete for account: $account with new IP Addresses: $updatedIpAddresses"

            echo "No update needed for account: $account"
        # Reset the variables for the next account


    echo "Resource group: $resourceGroup complete"


echo "All Done! Enjoy your new IP Firewall Rules!"


Sample reference

This script uses the following commands. Each command in the table links to command specific documentation.

Command Notes
az group list Lists all resource groups in an Azure subscription.
az cosmosdb list Lists all Azure Cosmos DB accounts in a resource group.
az cosmosdb show Show the details for an Azure Cosmos DB account.
az cosmosdb update Update an Azure Cosmos DB account.

Next steps

For more information on the Azure Cosmos DB CLI, see Azure Cosmos DB CLI documentation.

For Azure CLI samples for specific APIs, see: