Run queries in Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL (powered by the Citus database
extension to PostgreSQL)
To follow this quickstart, you'll first need to:
- Create a cluster in the Azure portal.
- Connect to the cluster with psql to run SQL commands.
- Create and distribute tables with our example dataset.
Distributed queries
Now it's time for the fun part in our quickstart series--running queries.
Let's start with a simple count (*)
to verify how much data we loaded in
the previous section.
-- count all rows (across shards)
SELECT count(*) FROM github_users;
(1 row)
Recall that github_users
is a distributed table, meaning its data is divided
between multiple shards. Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL automatically runs the count on all
shards in parallel, and combines the results.
Let's continue looking at a few more query examples:
-- Find all events for a single user.
-- (A common transactional/operational query)
SELECT created_at, event_type, repo->>'name' AS repo_name
FROM github_events
WHERE user_id = 3861633;
created_at | event_type | repo_name
2016-12-01 06:28:44 | PushEvent | sczhengyabin/Google-Image-Downloader
2016-12-01 06:29:27 | CreateEvent | sczhengyabin/Google-Image-Downloader
2016-12-01 06:36:47 | ReleaseEvent | sczhengyabin/Google-Image-Downloader
2016-12-01 06:42:35 | WatchEvent | sczhengyabin/Google-Image-Downloader
2016-12-01 07:45:58 | IssuesEvent | sczhengyabin/Google-Image-Downloader
(5 rows)
More complicated queries
Here's an example of a more complicated query, which retrieves hourly statistics for push events on GitHub. It uses PostgreSQL's JSONB feature to handle semi-structured data.
-- Querying JSONB type. Query is parallelized across nodes.
-- Find the number of commits on the default branch per hour
SELECT date_trunc('hour', created_at) AS hour,
sum((payload->>'distinct_size')::int) AS num_commits
FROM github_events
WHERE event_type = 'PushEvent' AND
payload @> '{"ref":"refs/heads/master"}'
ORDER BY hour;
hour | num_commits
2016-12-01 05:00:00 | 13051
2016-12-01 06:00:00 | 43480
2016-12-01 07:00:00 | 34254
2016-12-01 08:00:00 | 29307
(4 rows)
Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL combines the power of SQL and NoSQL datastores with structured and semi-structured data.
In addition to running queries, Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL also applies data definition changes across the shards of a distributed table:
-- DDL commands that are also parallelized
ALTER TABLE github_users ADD COLUMN dummy_column integer;
Next steps
You've successfully created a scalable cluster, created tables, distributed them, loaded data, and run distributed queries.
Now you're ready to learn to build applications with Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL.