Quickstart: Create and manage a room resource
This quickstart helps you get started with Azure Communication Services Rooms. A room
is a server-managed communications space for a known, fixed set of participants to collaborate for a predetermined duration. The rooms conceptual documentation covers more details and use cases for rooms
Object model
The following table lists the main properties of room
Name | Description |
roomId |
Unique room identifier. |
validFrom |
Earliest time a room can be used. |
validUntil |
Latest time a room can be used. |
pstnDialOutEnabled |
Enable or disable dialing out to a PSTN number in a room. |
participants |
List of participants to a room . Specified as a CommunicationUserIdentifier . |
roleType |
The role of a room participant. Can be Presenter , Attendee , Consumer or Collaborator . |
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- An active Communication Services resource and connection string. Create a Communication Services resource.
- Install Azure CLI.
- You can get the connection string from the Azure portal by clicking the keys in the settings.
Setting up
Add the extension
Add the Azure Communication Services extension for Azure CLI by using the az extension
az extension add --name communication
Sign in to Azure CLI
You need to sign in to Azure CLI. You can sign in by running the az login
command from the terminal and providing your credentials.
Store your connection string in an environment variable
environment variable to use Azure CLI keys operations without having to use --connection_string
to pass in the connection string. To configure an environment variable, open a console window and select your operating system from the below tabs. Replace <connectionString>
with your actual connection string.
After you add the environment variable, you might need to restart any running programs that need to read the environment variable, including the console window. For example, if you're using Visual Studio as your editor, restart Visual Studio before running the example.
Create a room
Use the rooms create
command to create a room.
az communication rooms create --presenter-participants "<participantId>" --consumer-participants "<participantId>" --attendee-participant "<participantId>" --valid-from "<valid-from>" --valid-until "<valid-until>" --pstn-dial-out-enabled "<pstn-dial-out-enabled>" --connection-string "<connection-string>"
- Use
optionally to specify the type of participant as presenter-participants, consumer-participants, or attendee-participants. If you don't specify a value, the default is empty. - Replace
with your Azure Communication Services connection string. - Use
optionally to specify the timestamp when the room is open for joining, in ISO8601 format, ex: 2022-07-14T10:21. - Use
optionally to specify the timestamp when the room can no longer be joined, in ISO8601 format, ex: 2022-07-14T10:21. - Use
optionally by setting this flag ("True" or "False") to enable or disable PSTN dial out for a room. By default, this flag is set to "False" when creating a room.
If you've stored the connection string in environment variables as stated above, you won't need to pass them to the command.
az communication rooms create
Enable PSTN dial out capability for a room
The PSTN dial out can be enabled during rooms create
by defining the --pstn-dial-out-enabled
parameter as "True". This capability can also be modified during rooms update
by specifying the --pstn-dial-out-enabled
az communication rooms create --pstn-dial-out-enabled "<pstn-dial-out-enabled>" --connection-string "<connection-string>"
az communication rooms update --pstn-dial-out-enabled "<pstn-dial-out-enabled>" --room "<roomId>"
- To enable or disable PSTN dial out for a room, set
flag ("True" or "False").
Get the rooms
The rooms get
command returns the attributes of an existing room.
az communication rooms get --room "<roomId>"
- Replace
with your room ID.
Update the timeframe of a room
You can update the timestamp of a room. Before calling the room update
command, ensure that you've acquired a new room with a valid timeframe.
az communication rooms update --valid-from "<valid-from>" --valid-until "<valid-until>" --pstn-dial-out-enabled "<pstn-dial-out-enabled>" --room "<roomId>"
- Replace
with the timestamp in ISO8601 format, ex: 2022-07-14T10:21, to specify when the room is open for joining. Should be used together with--valid-until
. - Replace
with the timestamp in ISO8601 format, ex: 2022-07-14T10:21, to specify when the room can no longer be joined. Should be used together with--valid-from
. - Replace
set this flag ("True" or "False") to enable or disable PSTN dial out for a room. Should be used together with--pstn-dial-out-enabled
. - Replace
with your room ID.
List all active rooms
The rooms list
command returns all active rooms belonging to your Azure Communication Services resource.
az communication rooms list
Add new participants or update existing participants
When you create a room, you can update the room by adding new participant or updating an existing participant in it. Before calling the room participant add-or-update
command, ensure that you've acquired a new user.
Use the identity user create
command to create a new participant, identified by participantId
az communication identity user create
Add a user as a participant to the room.
az communication rooms participant add-or-update --attendee-participant "<participantId>" --room "<roomId>"
- Replace
with your participant ID. If the<participantId>
doesn't exist in the room, the participant will be added to the room as an attendee role. Otherwise, the participant's role is updated to an attendee role. - Replace
with your room ID.
Get list of participants in a room
az communication rooms participant get --room "<roomId>"
- Replace
with your room ID.
Remove a participant from a room
You can remove a room participant from a room by using rooms participant -remove
az communication rooms participant remove --room "<roomId>" --participants "<participant1>" "<participant2>" "<participant3>"
- Replace
with your room ID. - Replace
with your user IDs obtained earlier with runningidentity user create
Delete a room
Similar to creating a room, you can also delete a room.
Use room delete
command to delete the existing room.
az communication rooms delete --room "<roomId>"
- Replace
with your room ID.
This quickstart helps you get started with Azure Communication Services Rooms. A room
is a server-managed communications space for a known, fixed set of participants to collaborate for a predetermined duration. The rooms conceptual documentation covers more details and use cases for rooms
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- An active Communication Services resource and connection string. Create a Communication Services resource.
- The latest version .NET Core client library for your operating system.
Sample code
You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.
Setting up
Create a new C# application
In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), use the dotnet new
command to create a new console app with the name RoomsQuickstart
. This command creates a simple "Hello World" C# project with a single source file: Program.cs.
dotnet new console -o RoomsQuickstart
Change your directory to the newly created app folder and use the dotnet build
command to compile your application.
cd RoomsQuickstart
dotnet build
Install the package
Install the Azure Communication Rooms client library for .NET with [NuGet][https://www.nuget.org/]:
dotnet add package Azure.Communication.Rooms
You'll need to use the Azure Communication Rooms client library for .NET version 1.1.0 or above.
Set up the app framework
In the Program.cs
file, add the following code to import the required namespaces and create the basic program structure.
using System;
using Azure;
using Azure.Core;
using Azure.Communication.Rooms;
namespace RoomsQuickstart
class Program
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Azure Communication Services - Rooms Quickstart");
// Quickstart code goes here
Initialize a room client
Create a new RoomsClient
object that will be used to create new rooms
and manage their properties and lifecycle. The connection string of your Communications Service
will be used to authenticate the request. For more information on connection strings, see this page.
// Find your Communication Services resource in the Azure portal
var connectionString = "<connection_string>";
RoomsClient roomsClient = new RoomsClient(connectionString);
Create a room
Set up room participants
In order to set up who can join a room, you'll need to have the list of the identities of those users. You can follow the instructions here for creating users and issuing access tokens. Alternatively, if you want to create the users on demand, you can create them using the CommunicationIdentityClient
. ACS Rooms currently supports a room participant of type CommunicationUserIdentifier only, using other types of CommunicationIdentity will result in a runtime error.
To use the CommunicationIdentityClient
, install the following package:
dotnet add package Azure.Communication.Identity
Also, import the namespace of the package at the top of your Program.cs
using Azure.Communication.Identity;
Now, the CommunicationIdentityClient
can be initialized and used to create users:
// Create identities for users who will join the room
CommunicationIdentityClient identityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClient(connectionString);
CommunicationUserIdentifier user1 = identityClient.CreateUser();
CommunicationUserIdentifier user2 = identityClient.CreateUser();
Then, create the list of room participants by referencing those users:
List<RoomParticipant> participants = new List<RoomParticipant>()
new RoomParticipant(user1) { Role = ParticipantRole.Presenter },
new RoomParticipant(user2) // The default participant role is ParticipantRole.Attendee
Initialize the room
Create a new room
using the participants
defined in the code snippet above:
// Create a room
DateTimeOffset validFrom = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
DateTimeOffset validUntil = validFrom.AddDays(1);
CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource().Token;
CommunicationRoom createdRoom = await roomsClient.CreateRoomAsync(validFrom, validUntil, participants, cancellationToken);
// CreateRoom or CreateRoomAsync methods can take CreateRoomOptions type as an input parameter.
bool pstnDialOutEnabled = false;
CreateRoomOptions createRoomOptions = new CreateRoomOptions()
ValidFrom = validFrom,
ValidUntil = validUntil,
PstnDialOutEnabled = pstnDialOutEnabled,
Participants = participants
createdRoom = await roomsClient.CreateRoomAsync(createRoomOptions, cancellationToken);
string roomId = createdRoom.Id;
Console.WriteLine("\nCreated room with id: " + roomId);
Since rooms
are server-side entities, you may want to keep track of and persist the roomId
in the storage medium of choice. You can reference the roomId
to view or update the properties of a room
Enable PSTN dial out capability for a room
Each room
has PSTN dial out disabled by default. The PSTN dial out can be enabled for a room
at creation, by defining the pstnDialOutEnabled
parameter as true. This capability may also be modified for a room
by issuing an update request for the pstnDialOutEnabled
// Create a room
CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationTokenSource().Token;
// CreateRoom or CreateRoomAsync methods to create a room with PSTN dial out capability
bool pstnDialOutEnabled = true;
CreateRoomOptions createRoomOptions = new CreateRoomOptions()
PstnDialOutEnabled = pstnDialOutEnabled,
CommunicationRoom createdRoom = await roomsClient.CreateRoomAsync(createRoomOptions, cancellationToken);
Console.WriteLine("\nCreated a room with PSTN dial out enabled: " + createdRoom.PstnDialOutEnabled);
// UpdateRoom or UpdateRoomAsync methods can take UpdateRoomOptions to enable or disable PSTN dial out capability
pstnDialOutEnabled = false;
UpdateRoomOptions updateRoomOptions = new UpdateRoomOptions()
PstnDialOutEnabled = pstnDialOutEnabled,
CommunicationRoom updatedRoom = await roomsClient.UpdateRoomAsync(roomId, updateRoomOptions, cancellationToken);
Console.WriteLine("\nUpdated a room with PSTN dial out enabled: " + updatedRoom.PstnDialOutEnabled);
Get properties of an existing room
Retrieve the details of an existing room
by referencing the roomId
// Retrieve the room with corresponding ID
CommunicationRoom room = await roomsClient.GetRoomAsync(roomId);
Console.WriteLine("\nRetrieved room with id: " + room.Id);
Update the lifetime of a room
The lifetime of a room
can be modified by issuing an update request for the ValidFrom
and ValidUntil
parameters. A room can be valid for a maximum of six months.
// Update room lifetime
DateTimeOffset updatedValidFrom = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
DateTimeOffset updatedValidUntil = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(10);
CommunicationRoom updatedRoom = await roomsClient.UpdateRoomAsync(roomId, updatedValidFrom, updatedValidUntil, cancellationToken);
// UpdateRoom or UpdateRoomAsync methods can take UpdateRoomOptions type as an input parameter.
bool pstnDialOutEnabled = true;
UpdateRoomOptions updateRoomOptions = new UpdateRoomOptions()
ValidFrom = validFrom,
ValidUntil = validUntil,
PstnDialOutEnabled = pstnDialOutEnabled,
updatedRoom = await roomsClient.UpdateRoomAsync(roomId, updateRoomOptions, cancellationToken);
Console.WriteLine("\nUpdated room with validFrom: " + updatedRoom.ValidFrom + ", validUntil: " + updatedRoom.ValidUntil + " and pstnDialOutEnabled: " + updatedRoom.PstnDialOutEnabled);
List all active rooms
To retrieve all active rooms, use the GetRoomsAsync
method exposed on the client.
// List all active rooms
AsyncPageable<CommunicationRoom> allRooms = roomsClient.GetRoomsAsync();
await foreach (CommunicationRoom currentRoom in allRooms)
Console.WriteLine("\nFirst room id in all active rooms: " + currentRoom.Id);
Add new participants or update existing participants
To add new participants to a room
, use the AddParticipantsAsync
method exposed on the client.
List<RoomParticipant> addOrUpdateParticipants = new List<RoomParticipant>();
// Update participant2 from Attendee to Consumer
RoomParticipant participant2 = new RoomParticipant(user2) { Role = ParticipantRole.Consumer };
// Add participant3
CommunicationUserIdentifier user3 = identityClient.CreateUser();
RoomParticipant participant3 = new RoomParticipant(user3) { Role = ParticipantRole.Collaborator };
Response addOrUpdateParticipantsResponse = await roomsClient.AddOrUpdateParticipantsAsync(roomId, addOrUpdateParticipants);
Console.WriteLine("\nAdded or updated participants to room");
Participants that have been added to a room
become eligible to join calls. Participants that have been updated will see their new role
in the call.
Get list of participants
Retrieve the list of participants for an existing room
by referencing the roomId
// Get list of participants in room
AsyncPageable<RoomParticipant> existingParticipants = roomsClient.GetParticipantsAsync(roomId);
Console.WriteLine("\nRetrieved participants from room: ");
await foreach (RoomParticipant participant in existingParticipants)
Console.WriteLine($"{participant.CommunicationIdentifier.ToString()}, {participant.Role.ToString()}");
Remove participants
To remove a participant from a room
and revoke their access, use the RemoveParticipantsAsync
// Remove user from room
List<CommunicationIdentifier> removeParticipants = new List<CommunicationIdentifier>();
Response removeParticipantsResponse = await roomsClient.RemoveParticipantsAsync(roomId, removeParticipants);
Console.WriteLine("\nRemoved participants from room");
Delete room
If you wish to disband an existing room
, you may issue an explicit delete request. All rooms
and their associated resources are automatically deleted at the end of their validity plus a grace period.
// Deletes the specified room
Response deleteRoomResponse = await roomsClient.DeleteRoomAsync(roomId);
Console.WriteLine("\nDeleted room with id: " + roomId);
Run the code
To run the code, make sure you are on the directory where your Program.cs
file is.
dotnet run
The expected output describes each completed action:
Azure Communication Services - Rooms Quickstart
Created a room with id: 99445276259151407
Retrieved room with id: 99445276259151407
Updated room with validFrom: 2023-05-11T22:11:46.784Z, validUntil: 2023-05-21T22:16:46.784Z and pstnDialOutEnabled: true
First room id in all active rooms: 99445276259151407
Added or updated participants to room
Retrieved participants from room:
8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-ac89-7c76-35f3-343a0d00e901, Presenter
8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-f00d-aa4b-0cf9-9c3a0d00543e, Consumer
8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-f00d-aaf2-0cf9-9c3a0d00543f, Collaborator
Removed participants from room
Deleted room with id: 99445276259151407
Reference documentation
Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services rooms from the .NET SDK reference or REST API reference.
This quickstart helps you get started with Azure Communication Services Rooms. A room
is a server-managed communications space for a known, fixed set of participants to collaborate for a predetermined duration. The rooms conceptual documentation covers more details and use cases for rooms
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- An active Communication Services resource and connection string. Create a Communication Services resource.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or above.
- Apache Maven
Sample code
You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.
Setting up
Create a new Java application
In a console window (such as cmd, PowerShell, or Bash), use the mvn
command to create a new console app with the name rooms-quickstart
. This command creates a simple "Hello World" Java project with a single source file: App.java.
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.communication.quickstart -DartifactId=communication-quickstart -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false
Include the package
You need to use the Azure Communication Rooms client library for Java version 1.1.0 or above.
Include the BOM file
Include the azure-sdk-bom
to your project to take dependency on the General Availability (GA) version of the library. In the following snippet, replace the {bom_version_to_target} placeholder with the version number.
To learn more about the BOM, see the Azure SDK BOM readme.
and then include the direct dependency in the dependencies section without the version tag.
Include direct dependency
If you want to take dependency on a particular version of the library that isn't present in the BOM, add the direct dependency to your project as follows.
Set up app framework
Go to the /src/main/java/com/communication/quickstart directory and open the App.java
file. Add the following code:
package com.communication.rooms.quickstart;
import com.azure.communication.common.*;
import com.azure.communication.identity.*;
import com.azure.communication.identity.models.*;
import com.azure.core.credential.*;
import com.azure.communication.rooms.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.*;
import java.util.*;
public class App
public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException
System.out.println("Azure Communication Services - Rooms Quickstart");
// Quickstart code goes here
Initialize a room client
Create a new RoomsClient
object that will be used to create new rooms
and manage their properties and lifecycle. The connection string of your Communications Service
will be used to authenticate the request. For more information on connection strings, see this page.
// Initialize the rooms client
// Find your Communication Services resource in the Azure portal
String connectionString = "<connection string>";
RoomsClient roomsClient = new RoomsClientBuilder().connectionString(connectionString).buildClient();
Create a room
Set up room participants
In order to set up who can join a room, you need to have the list of the identities of those users. You can follow the instructions here for creating users and issuing access tokens. Alternatively, if you want to create the users on demand, you can create them using the CommunicationIdentityClient
. ACS Rooms currently supports a room participant of type CommunicationUserIdentifier only, using other types of CommunicationIdentity will result in a runtime error.
To use CommunicationIdentityClient
, add the following package:
Import the package on top on your App.java
import com.azure.communication.identity.CommunicationIdentityClient;
import com.azure.communication.identity.CommunicationIdentityClientBuilder;
Now, the CommunicationIdentityClient
can be initialized and used to create users:
CommunicationIdentityClient communicationIdentityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClientBuilder()
CommunicationUserIdentifier user1 = communicationClient.createUser();
CommunicationUserIdentifier user2 = communicationClient.createUser();
CommunicationUserIdentifier user3 = communicationClient.createUser();
Then, create the list of room participants by referencing those users:
//The default participant role is ParticipantRole.Attendee
RoomParticipant participant_1 = new RoomParticipant(user1);
RoomParticipant participant_2 = new RoomParticipant(user2);
RoomParticipant participant_3 = new RoomParticipant(user3);
List<RoomParticipant> roomParticipants = new ArrayList<RoomParticipant>();
Initialize the room
Create a new room
using the roomParticipants
defined in the code snippet above:
OffsetDateTime validFrom = OffsetDateTime.now();
OffsetDateTime validUntil = validFrom.plusDays(30);
boolean pstnDialOutEnabled = false;
CreateRoomOptions createRoomOptions = new CreateRoomOptions()
CommunicationRoom roomCreated = roomsClient.createRoom(createRoomOptions);
System.out.println("\nCreated a room with id: " + roomCreated.getRoomId());
Since rooms
are server-side entities, you may want to keep track of and persist the roomId
in the storage medium of choice. You can reference the roomId
to view or update the properties of a room
Enable PSTN dial out capability for a room
Each room
has PSTN dial out disabled by default. The PSTN dial out can be enabled for a room
at creation, by defining the pstnDialOutEnabled
parameter as true. This capability may also be modified for a room
by issuing an update request for the pstnDialOutEnabled
boolean pstnDialOutEnabled = true;
// Create a room with PSTN dial out capability
CreateRoomOptions createRoomOptions = new CreateRoomOptions()
CommunicationRoom roomCreated = roomsClient.createRoom(createRoomOptions);
System.out.println("\nCreated a room with PSTN dial out enabled: " + roomCreated.getPstnDialOutEnabled());
// Update a room to enable or disable PSTN dial out capability
pstnDialOutEnabled = false;
UpdateRoomOptions updateRoomOptions = new UpdateRoomOptions()
CommunicationRoom roomUpdated = roomsClient.updateRoom(roomId, updateRoomOptions);
System.out.println("\nUpdated a room with PSTN dial out enabled: " + roomUpdated.getPstnDialOutEnabled());
Get properties of an existing room
Retrieve the details of an existing room
by referencing the roomId
// Retrieve the room with corresponding ID
CommunicationRoom roomResult = roomsClient.getRoom(roomId);
System.out.println("Retrieved room with id: " + roomResult.getRoomId());
Update the lifetime of a room
The lifetime of a room
can be modified by issuing an update request for the ValidFrom
and ValidUntil
parameters. A room can be valid for a maximum of six months.
OffsetDateTime validFrom = OffsetDateTime.now().plusDays(1);
OffsetDateTime validUntil = validFrom.plusDays(1);
boolean pstnDialOutEnabled = true;
UpdateRoomOptions updateRoomOptions = new UpdateRoomOptions()
CommunicationRoom roomResult = roomsClient.updateRoom(roomId, updateRoomOptions);
System.out.println("Updated room with validFrom: " + roomResult.getValidFrom() + ", validUntil: " + roomResult.getValidUntil() + " and pstnDialOutEnabled: " + roomResult.getPstnDialOutEnabled());
Add or update participants
To add or update participants to a room
, use the addOrUpdateParticipants
method exposed on the client.
List<RoomParticipant> participantsToAddAOrUpdate = new ArrayList<>();
// Updating current participant
// Adding new participant
AddOrUpdateParticipantsResult addOrUpdateParticipantsResult = roomsClient.addOrUpdateParticipants(roomId, participantsToAddAOrUpdate);
System.out.println("Participant(s) added/updated");
Participants that have been added to a room
become eligible to join calls.
Get list of participants
Retrieve the list of participants for an existing room
by referencing the roomId
// Get list of participants
try {
PagedIterable<RoomParticipant> participants = roomsClient.listParticipants(roomId);
for (RoomParticipant participant : participants) {
System.out.println(participant.getCommunicationIdentifier().getRawId() + " (" + participant.getRole() + ")");
} catch (Exception ex) {
Remove participants
To remove a participant from a room
and revoke their access, use the removeParticipants
// Remove a participant from the room
List<CommunicationIdentifier> participantsToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
RemoveParticipantsResult removeParticipantsResult = roomsClient.removeParticipants(roomId,participantsToRemove);
System.out.println("Participant(s) removed");
List all active rooms
Retrieve all active rooms
under your Azure Communication Services resource.
try {
Iterable<PagedResponse<CommunicationRoom>> roomPages = roomsClient.listRooms().iterableByPage();
System.out.println("Listing all the rooms IDs in the first two pages of the list of rooms:");
int count = 0;
for (PagedResponse<CommunicationRoom> page : roomPages) {
for (CommunicationRoom room : page.getElements()) {
System.out.println("\n" + room.getRoomId());
if (count >= 2) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Delete room
If you wish to disband an existing room
, you may issue an explicit delete request. All rooms
and their associated resources are automatically deleted at the end of their validity plus a grace period.
// Deletes the specified room
roomsClient.deleteRoomWithResponse(roomId, Context.NONE);
System.out.println("\nDeleted the room with ID: " + roomId);
Run the code
To run the code, go to the directory that contains the pom.xml
file and compile the program.
mvn compile
Then, build the package:
mvn package
Execute the app.
mvn exec:java -D"exec.mainClass"="com.communication.rooms.quickstart" -D"exec.cleanupDaemonThreads"="false"
The expected output describes each completed action:
Azure Communication Services - Rooms Quickstart
Created a room with id: 99445276259151407
Retrieved room with id: 99445276259151407
Updated room with validFrom: 2023-05-11T22:11:46.784Z, validUntil: 2023-05-11T22:16:46.784Z and pstnDialOutEnabled: true
Participant(s) added/updated
8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-ac89-7c76-35f3-343a0d00e901 (Presenter)
8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-ac89-7c76-35f3-343a0d00e902 (Consumer)
8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-ac89-7c76-35f3-343a0d00e903 (Collaborator)
Participant(s) removed
Listing all the rooms IDs in the first two pages of the list of rooms:
Deleted the room with ID: 99445276259151407
Reference documentation
Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services rooms from the Java SDK reference or REST API reference.
This quickstart helps you get started with Azure Communication Services Rooms. A room
is a server-managed communications space for a known, fixed set of participants to collaborate for a predetermined duration. The rooms conceptual documentation covers more details and use cases for rooms
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- An active Communication Services resource and connection string. Create a Communication Services resource.
- Python 3.7+ for your operating system.
Sample code
You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.
Setting up
Create a new Python application
In a terminal or console window, create a new folder for your application and navigate to it.
mkdir acs-rooms-quickstart
cd acs-rooms-quickstart
Install the package
You need to use the Azure Communication Rooms client library for Python version 1.1.0 or above.
From a console prompt, navigate to the directory containing the rooms.py file, then execute the following command:
pip install azure-communication-rooms
Set up the app framework
Create a new file called rooms-quickstart.py
and add the basic program structure.
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError
from azure.communication.rooms import (
class RoomsQuickstart(object):
print("Azure Communication Services - Rooms Quickstart")
#room method implementations goes here
if __name__ == '__main__':
rooms = RoomsQuickstart()
Initialize a room client
Create a new RoomsClient
object that will be used to create new rooms
and manage their properties and lifecycle. The connection string of your Communications Service
will be used to authenticate the request. For more information on connection strings, see this page.
#Find your Communication Services resource in the Azure portal
connection_string = '<connection_string>'
rooms_client = RoomsClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
Create a room
Set up room participants
In order to set up who can join a room, you'll need to have the list of the identities of those users. You can follow the instructions here for creating users and issuing access tokens. Alternatively, if you want to create the users on demand, you can create them using the CommunicationIdentityClient
. ACS Rooms currently supports a room participant of type CommunicationUserIdentifier only, using other types of CommunicationIdentity will result in a runtime error.
To use the CommunicationIdentityClient
, install the following package:
pip install azure-communication-identity
Also, import the namespace of the package at the top of your rooms-quickstart.py
from azure.communication.identity import (
Now, the CommunicationIdentityClient
can be initialized and used to create users:
# Create identities for users who will join the room
identity_client = CommunicationIdentityClient.from_connection_string(connection_string)
user1 = identity_client.create_user()
user2 = identity_client.create_user()
user3 = identity_client.create_user()
Then, create the list of room participants by referencing those users:
participant_1 = RoomParticipant(communication_identifier=user1, role=ParticipantRole.PRESENTER)
participant_2 = RoomParticipant(communication_identifier=user2, role=ParticipantRole.CONSUMER)
participants = [participant_1, participant_2]
Initialize the room
Create a new room
using the participants
defined in the code snippet above:
# Create a room
valid_from = datetime.now()
valid_until = valid_from + timedelta(weeks=4)
pstn_dial_out_enabled = False
create_room = rooms_client.create_room(
print("\nCreated a room with id: " + create_room.id)
except HttpResponseError as ex:
Since rooms
are server-side entities, you may want to keep track of and persist the room.id
in the storage medium of choice. You can reference the id
to view or update the properties of a room
Enable PSTN dial out capability for a room
Each room
has PSTN dial out disabled by default. The PSTN dial out can be enabled for a room
at creation, by defining the pstn_dial_out_enabled
parameter as true. This capability may also be modified for a room
by issuing an update request for the pstn_dial_out_enabled
# Create a room with PSTN dial out capability
pstn_dial_out_enabled = True
create_room = rooms_client.create_room(pstn_dial_out_enabled=pstn_dial_out_enabled)
print("\nCreated room with pstn_dial_out_enabled: " + updated_room.pstn_dial_out_enabled)
# Update a room to enable or disable PSTN dial out capability
pstn_dial_out_enabled= False
updated_room = rooms_client.update_room(room_id=room_id, pstn_dial_out_enabled=pstn_dial_out_enabled)
print("\nUpdated room with pstn_dial_out_enabled: " + updated_room.pstn_dial_out_enabled)
Get properties of an existing room
Retrieve the details of an existing room
by referencing the id
# Retrieves the room with corresponding ID
room_id = create_room.id
get_room = rooms_client.get_room(room_id=room_id)
print("\nRetrieved room with id: ", get_room.id)
except HttpResponseError as ex:
Update the lifetime of a room
The lifetime of a room
can be modified by issuing an update request for the valid_from
and valid_until
parameters. A room can be valid for a maximum of six months.
# Update the lifetime of a room
valid_from = datetime.now()
valid_until = valid_from + timedelta(weeks=7)
updated_room = rooms_client.update_room(room_id=room_id, valid_from=valid_from, valid_until=valid_until, pstn_dial_out_enabled=pstn_dial_out_enabled)
print("\nUpdated room with validFrom: " + updated_room.valid_from + ", validUntil: " + updated_room.valid_until + " and pstn_dial_out_enabled: " + updated_room.pstn_dial_out_enabled)
except HttpResponseError as ex:
List all active rooms
To retrieve all active rooms created under your resource, use the list_rooms
method exposed on the client.
# List all active rooms
rooms = rooms_client.list_rooms()
count = 0
for room in rooms:
if count == 1:
print("\nPrinting the first room in list"
"\nRoom Id: " + room.id +
"\nCreated date time: " + str(room.created_at) +
"\nValid From: " + str(room.valid_from) +
"\nValid Until: " + str(room.valid_until) +
"\nPSTN Dial-Out Enabled: " + str(room.pstn_dial_out_enabled))
count += 1
except HttpResponseError as ex:
Add or update participants
To add new participants or update existing participants in a room
, use the add_or_update_participants
method exposed on the client.
# Add or update participants in a room
# Update existing user2 from consumer to attendee
participants = []
participants.append(RoomParticipant(communication_identifier=user2, role=ParticipantRole.ATTENDEE))
# Add new participant user3
participants.append(RoomParticipant(communication_identifier=user3, role=ParticipantRole.COLLABORATOR))
rooms_client.add_or_update_participants(room_id=room_id, participants=participants)
print("\nAdd or update participants in room")
except HttpResponseError as ex:
print('Error in adding or updating participants to room.', ex)
Participants that have been added to a room
become eligible to join calls.
List participants in a room
Retrieve the list of participants for an existing room
by referencing the room_id
# Get list of participants in room
participants = rooms_client.list_participants(room_id)
print('\nParticipants in Room Id :', room_id)
for p in participants:
print(p.communication_identifier.properties['id'], p.role)
except HttpResponseError as ex:
Remove participants
To remove a participant from a room
and revoke their access, use the remove_participants
# Remove Participants
participants = [user2]
rooms_client.remove_participants(room_id=room_id, participants=participants)
print("\nRemoved participants from room")
except HttpResponseError as ex:
Delete room
If you wish to disband an existing room
, you may issue an explicit delete request. All rooms
and their associated resources are automatically deleted at the end of their validity plus a grace period.
# Delete Room
print("\nDeleted room with id: " + room_id)
Run the code
To run the code, make sure you are on the directory where your rooms-quickstart.py
file is.
python rooms-quickstart.py
The expected output describes each completed action:
Azure Communication Services - Rooms Quickstart
Created a room with id: 99445276259151407
Retrieved room with id: 99445276259151407
Updated room with validFrom: 2023-05-03T00:00:00+00:00, validUntil: 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00 and pstn_dial_out_enabled: True
Printing the first room in list
Room Id: 99445276259151407
Created date time: 2023-05-03T00:00:00+00:00
Valid From: 2023-05-03T00:00:00+00:00
Valid Until: 2023-06-23T00:00:00+00:00
PSTN Dial-Out Enabled: True
Add or update participants in room
Participants in Room Id : 99445276259151407
8:acs:42a0ff0c-356d-4487-a288-ad0aad95d504_00000018-ef00-6042-a166-563a0d0051c1 Presenter
8:acs:42a0ff0c-356d-4487-a288-ad0aad95d504_00000018-ef00-6136-a166-563a0d0051c2 Consumer
8:acs:42a0ff0c-356d-4487-a288-ad0aad95d504_00000018-ef00-61fd-a166-563a0d0051c3 Collaborator
Removed participants from room
Deleted room with id: 99445276259151407
Reference documentation
Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services rooms from the Python SDK reference or REST API reference.
This quickstart helps you get started with Azure Communication Services Rooms. A room
is a server-managed communications space for a known, fixed set of participants to collaborate for a predetermined duration. The rooms conceptual documentation covers more details and use cases for rooms
- An Azure account with an active subscription. Create an account for free.
- An active Communication Services resource and connection string. Create a Communication Services resource.
- The latest versions of Node.js Active LTS and Maintenance LTS versions.
Sample code
You can review and download the sample code for this quick start on GitHub.
Setting up
Create a new web application
In a terminal or console window, create a new folder for your application and navigate to it.
mkdir acs-rooms-quickstart && cd acs-rooms-quickstart
Run npm init
to create a package.json file with default settings.
npm init -y
Create a new file index.js
where the code for this quickstart will be added.
Install the packages
You need to use the Azure Communication Rooms client library for JavaScript version 1.1.0 or above.
Use the npm install
command to install the below Communication Services SDKs for JavaScript.
npm install @azure/communication-rooms --save
Set up the app framework
In the index.js
file, add the following code. We'll be adding the code for the quickstart in the main
const { RoomsClient } = require('@azure/communication-rooms');
const main = async () => {
console.log("Azure Communication Services - Rooms Quickstart")
// Quickstart code goes here
main().catch((error) => {
console.log("Encountered an error");
Initialize a room client
Create a new RoomsClient
object that will be used to create new rooms
and manage their properties and lifecycle. The connection string of your Communications Service
will be used to authenticate the request. For more information on connection strings, see this page.
Add the following code in index.js
inside the main
const connectionString =
// create RoomsClient
const roomsClient = new RoomsClient(connectionString);
Create a room
Set up room participants
In order to set up who can join a room, you need to have the list of the identities of those users. You can follow the instructions here for creating users and issuing access tokens. Alternatively, if you want to create the users on demand, you can create them using the CommunicationIdentityClient
. ACS Rooms currently supports a room participant of type CommunicationUserIdentifier only, using other types of CommunicationIdentity will result in a runtime error.
To use the CommunicationIdentityClient, install the following npm package:
npm install @azure/communication-identity --save
Also, add the following required package at the top of your index.js
const { CommunicationIdentityClient } = require('@azure/communication-identity');
Now, the CommunicationIdentityClient
can be initialized and used to create users:
// create identities for users
const identityClient = new CommunicationIdentityClient(connectionString);
const user1 = await identityClient.createUserAndToken(["voip"]);
const user2 = await identityClient.createUserAndToken(["voip"]);
Then, create the list of room participants by referencing those users:
const participants = [
id: user1.user,
role: "Presenter",
id: user2.user,
role: "Consumer",
Initialize the room
Create a new room
using the participants
defined in the code snippet above:
// Create a room
var validFrom = new Date(Date.now());
var validUntil = new Date(validFrom.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 1000);
var pstnDialOutEnabled = false;
const createRoomOptions = {
const createRoom = await roomsClient.createRoom(createRoomOptions);
const roomId = createRoom.id;
console.log("\nCreated a room with id: ", roomId);
Since rooms
are server-side entities, you may want to keep track of and persist the roomId
in the storage medium of choice. You can reference the roomId
to view or update the properties of a room
Enable PSTN dial out capability for a room
Each room
has PSTN dial out disabled by default. The PSTN dial out can be enabled for a room
at creation, by defining the pstnDialOutEnabled
parameter as true. This capability may also be modified for a room
by issuing an update request for the pstnDialOutEnabled
// Create a room with PSTN dial out capability
var pstnDialOutEnabled = true;
const createRoomOptions = {
const createRoom = await roomsClient.createRoom(createRoomOptions);
console.log("\nCreated a room with PSTN dial out enabled: ", createRoom.pstnDialOutEnabled);
// Update a room to enable or disable PSTN dial out capability
pstnDialOutEnabled = false;
const updateRoomOptions = {
const updateRoom = await roomsClient.updateRoom(roomId, updateRoomOptions);
console.log("\nUpdated a room with PSTN dial out enabled: ", updateRoom.pstnDialOutEnabled);
Get properties of an existing room
Retrieve the details of an existing room
by referencing the roomId
// Retrieve the room with corresponding ID
const getRoom = await roomsClient.getRoom(roomId);
console.log("\nRetrieved room with id: ", getRoom.id);
Update the lifetime of a room
The lifetime of a room
can be modified by issuing an update request for the validFrom
and validUntil
parameters. A room can be valid for a maximum of six months.
// Update room lifetime
validUntil.setTime(validFrom.getTime() + 5 * 60 * 1000);
pstnDialOutEnabled = true;
// request payload to update a room
const updateRoomOptions = {
const updateRoom = await roomsClient.updateRoom(roomId, updateRoomOptions);
console.log("\nUpdated room with validFrom: ", updateRoom.validFrom, ", validUntil: ", updateRoom.validUntil, " and pstnDialOutEnabled: ", updateRoom.pstnDialOutEnabled);
Get list of rooms
Retrieve your list of rooms by using the listRooms
const roomsList = await roomsClient.listRooms();
console.log("\nRetrieved list of rooms; printing first room:");
for await (const currentRoom of roomsList) {
// access room data here
Add or update participants
To add new participants to a room
, use the addOrUpdateParticipants
method exposed on the client. This method will also update a participant if they already exist in the room.
// Add and update participants
const user3 = await identityClient.createUserAndToken(["voip"]);
// request payload to add and update participants
const addOUpdateParticipantsList = [
id: user1.user,
role: "Presenter",
id: user3.user,
role: "Collaborator",
// add user3 to the room and update user1 to Presenter role
await roomsClient.addOrUpdateParticipants(roomId, addOUpdateParticipantsList);
console.log("\nAdded and updated participants in the room");
Participants that have been added to a room
become eligible to join calls.
Get list of participants
Retrieve the list of participants for an existing room
by referencing the roomId
const participantsList = await roomsClient.listParticipants(roomId);
console.log("\nRetrieved participants for room:");
for await (const participant of participantsList) {
// access participant data here
Remove participants
To remove a participant from a room
and revoke their access, use the removeParticipants
// Remove both users from the room
const removeParticipantsList = [user1.user, user2.user]
// remove both users from the room with the request payload
await roomsClient.removeParticipants(roomId, removeParticipantsList);
console.log("\nRemoved participants from room");
Delete room
If you wish to disband an existing room
, you may issue an explicit delete request. All rooms
and their associated resources are automatically deleted at the end of their validity plus a grace period.
// Deletes the specified room
await roomsClient.deleteRoom(roomId);
console.log("\nDeleted room with id: ", roomId)
Run the code
To run the code, make sure you are on the directory where your index.js
file is.
node index.js
The expected output describes each completed action:
Azure Communication Services - Rooms QuickStart
Created a room with id: 99445276259151407
Retrieved room with id: 99445276259151407
Updated room with validFrom: 2023-05-11T22:11:46.784Z, validUntil: 2023-05-11T22:16:46.784Z and pstnDialOutEnabled: true
Retrieved list of rooms; printing first room:
id: "99445276259151407",
createdAt: "2023-05-11T22:11:50.784Z",
validFrom: "2023-05-11T22:11:46.784Z",
validUntil: "2023-05-11T22:16:46.784Z"
Added and updated participants in the room
Retrieved participants for room:
id: {
kind: 'communicationUser',
communicationUserId: '8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-ac89-7c76-35f3-343a0d00e901'
role: 'Presenter'
id: {
kind: 'communicationUser',
communicationUserId: '8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-ac89-7ccc-35f3-343a0d00e902'
role: 'Consumer'
id: {
kind: 'communicationUser',
communicationUserId: '8:acs:b6aada1f-0b1d-47ac-866f-91aae00a1d01_00000018-ac89-7ccc-35f3-343a0d00e903'
role: 'Collaborator'
Removed participants from room
Deleted room with id: 99445276259151407
Reference documentation
Read about the full set of capabilities of Azure Communication Services rooms from the JavaScript SDK reference or REST API reference.
Next steps
You can learn how to join a rooms call after creating and configuring the room.
In this section you learned how to:
- Create a new room
- Get the properties of a room
- Update the properties of a room
- Delete a room
You may also want to:
- Learn about rooms concept
- Learn about voice and video calling concepts
- Review Azure Communication Services samples