
Update Compliance - Update Event that comes directly from the service-side, and only tells the "service-side" of the story, for one device (client), and one update, in one deployment. As such, this event is stripped of certain fields in favor of being able to show data in near real-time.

Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types -
Categories -
Solutions LogManagement, WaaSUpdateInsights
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation Yes
Sample Queries -


Column Type Description
AzureADDeviceId string A GUID corresponding to the AAD Tenant to which the device belongs.
AzureADTenantId string A GUID corresponding to this device's AAD Device ID
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
CatalogId string Catalog ID for update.
DeploymentApprovedTime datetime The datetime of when the update deployment was approved.
DeploymentId string The identifier of the Deployment that is targeting this update to this device, else empty.
DeploymentIsExpedited bool Whether this content is being expedited by WUfB DS.
DeploymentName string Friendly name of the created deployment.
DeploymentRevokeTime datetime The datetime of when the update deployment was Revoked.
GlobalDeviceId string Microsoft internal Global Device Identifier
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
OfferReadyTime datetime DateTime of OfferReady transition. If empty, not yet been Offered.
PolicyCreatedTime datetime The datetime of when the policy was created.
PolicyId string The policy identifier targeting the update to this device.
PolicyName string Friendly name of the created update policy.
ProjectedOfferReadyTime datetime Projected time update will be Offered to device. If empty, unknown.
ServiceState string High-level state of update's status relative to device, service-side.
ServiceSubstate string Last-known state of this update relative to the device, from the client (the device's WDD).
ServiceSubstateRank int Ranking of Substates for sequential ordering in funnel-type views. The rankings between ServiceSubstate and ClientSubstate can be used together.
ServiceSubstateTime datetime DateTime of last ServiceSubstate transition.
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
TargetBuild string The full build of the content this DeviceUpdateEvent is tracking. For Windows 10 updates, this would correspond to the full build (10.0.14393.385).
TargetVersion string The target OS Version - eg, 1909.
TenantId string The Log Analytics workspace ID
TimeGenerated datetime Time at which this event is generated.
Type string The name of the table
UdpateIsSystemManifest bool Signifies if update is a system manifest.
UpdateCategory string The type of content this DeviceUpdateEvent is tracking.
UpdateClassification string Whether this content is an Upgrade (FU), Security (QU), NonSecurity (QU).
UpdateDisplayName string The long-form display name for the given update. Varies on content type (FU/QU).
UpdateId string Update ID of the targeted update.
UpdateManufacturer string Manufacturer of update. Microsoft for WU FU/QU, for D&F name of driver manufacturer e.g. NVIDIA.
UpdateProvider string Update provider of drivers and firmware, eg. Microsoft.
UpdateRecommendedTime datetime The datetime of when the update was recomemnded to the device.
UpdateReleaseTime datetime DateTime of update's release date.
UpdateVersion string Update version of drivers and firmware.
UpdateVersionTime datetime Update version time of drivers and firmware.