Queries for the StorageCacheOperationEvents table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
Failed operation
Retrieves a list of operation that returned a failed response code.
| where ResponseCode < 200 or ResponseCode >= 300
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| take 100
Failed priming job
Retrieves a list of failed priming jobs.
| where OperationName contains "Priming"
| where ResultType == "Failed"
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, PrimingJobName, ResultDescription, _ResourceId, CorrelationId, Location
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| take 100
Completed long-running asynchronous operations
Retrieves a list of long-running operations that have completed.
| where ResponseCode == 201 or ResponseCode == 202
| where ResultType == "Succeeded"
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| take 100