Queries for the OEPAirFlowTask table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
DAG type vs DAG runs summary statitics
Number of DAG runs of each type of DAG type in the given time range
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
| distinct DagName, CorrelationId // correlationId is same as runId - we have created a duplicate for consistency in search across logs of all services
| sort by DagName asc
Correlation IDs of all DAG runs
Correlation IDs of all the DAG runs that have occurred in the time range (for all DAG types)
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
| distinct DagName, CorrelationId // correlationId is same as runId - we have created a duplicate for consistency in search across logs of all services
| summarize count() by DagName
Logs of a DAG run
Retrieves logs for a particular AirFlow DAG run given the correlationId and time range.
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
// | where CorrelationId == "<DAG run's runId>" // to filter on correlationID replace <...> with correlationId (same as runId) - we have created a duplicate for to maintain consistency of column name across all services
| project TimeGenerated, DagName, LogLevel, DagTaskName, CodePath, Content
Error logs of a DAG run
Retrieves error logs for a particular AirFlow DAG run given the correlationId and time range.
| extend ResourceName = tostring(split(_ResourceId , '/')[-1])
// | where ResourceName == "<the name of ADME instance>" // to filter on resourceName replace <...> and uncomment line
// | where CorrelationId == "<DAG run's runId>" // to filter on correlationID replace <...> with correlationId (same as runId) - we have created a duplicate for to maintain consistency of column name across all services
| where LogLevel == "ERROR"
| project TimeGenerated, DagName, LogLevel, DagTaskName, CodePath, Content