Queries for the AppPlatformSystemLogs table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

Show the config server logs

View config server logs of level warn and error.

| where LogType == "ConfigServer" and Level in ("WARN", "ERROR")
| project TimeGenerated , Level , ServiceName , Thread , Stack , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the service registry logs

View service registry logs of level warn and error for all tiers.

| where LogType == "ServiceRegistry" and Level in ("WARN", "ERROR")
| project TimeGenerated , Level , ServiceName , Thread , Stack , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the Spring Cloud Gateway logs

View Spring Cloud Gateway logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "SpringCloudGateway"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the API portal logs

View API portal logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "ApiPortal"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the Application Configuration Service logs

View Application Configuration Service logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "ApplicationConfigurationService"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100

Show the Spring Cloud Gateway operator logs

View Spring Cloud Gateway operator logs for Enterprise tiers.

| where LogType == "SpringCloudGatewayOperator"
| project TimeGenerated , ServiceName , Log , _ResourceId 
| limit 100