Queries for the AgriFoodFarmManagementLogs table
For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.
Status of farm management operations for a farmer
Retrieves logs indicating the status (success or failure) for operations performed in the FarmManagement logs category for a farmer.
| summarize Count = count() by OperationName, ResultSignature
Status of all operations for a farmer
Aggregates failures and successes across categories for a farmer.
((AgriFoodFarmManagementLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodFarmManagementLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType))
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodSatelliteLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodSatelliteLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType)) on FarmerId, ResultType
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodWeatherLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodWeatherLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType)) on FarmerId, ResultType
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodJobProcessedLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodJobProcessedLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType)) on FarmerId, ResultType
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodFarmOperationLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodFarmOperationLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType)) on FarmerId, ResultType
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodInsightLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodInsightLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType)) on FarmerId, ResultType
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodProviderAuthLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodProviderAuthLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType)) on FarmerId, ResultType
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodModelInferenceLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodModelInferenceLogsCount=count() by FarmerId, ResultType)) on FarmerId, ResultType
| project FarmerId = coalesce(FarmerId, FarmerId1, FarmerId2, FarmerId3, FarmerId4, FarmerId5, FarmerId6, FarmerId7), AgriFoodFarmManagementLogsCount, AgriFoodSatelliteLogsCount, AgriFoodWeatherLogsCount, AgriFoodJobProcessedLogsCount, AgriFoodFarmOperationLogsCount, AgriFoodInsightLogsCount, AgriFoodProviderAuthLogsCount, AgriFoodModelInferenceLogsCount, ResultType = coalesce(ResultType, ResultType1, ResultType2, ResultType3, ResultType4, ResultType5, ResultType6, ResultType7)
Usage trend for top 100 farmers based on the operations performed
Retrieves a list of top 100 farmers based on the number of hits received across categories.
((AgriFoodFarmManagementLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodFarmManagementLogsCount=count() by FarmerId))
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodSatelliteLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodSatelliteLogsCount=count() by FarmerId)) on FarmerId
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodWeatherLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodWeatherLogsCount=count() by FarmerId)) on FarmerId
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodJobProcessedLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodJobProcessedLogsCount=count() by FarmerId)) on FarmerId
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodFarmOperationLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodFarmOperationLogsCount=count() by FarmerId)) on FarmerId
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodInsightLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodInsightLogsCount=count() by FarmerId)) on FarmerId
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodProviderAuthLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodProviderAuthLogsCount=count() by FarmerId)) on FarmerId
| join kind=fullouter (( AgriFoodModelInferenceLogs | where FarmerId != "" | summarize AgriFoodModelInferenceLogsCount=count() by FarmerId)) on FarmerId
| project FarmerId = coalesce(FarmerId, FarmerId1, FarmerId2, FarmerId3, FarmerId4, FarmerId5, FarmerId6, FarmerId7), AgriFoodFarmManagementLogsCount, AgriFoodSatelliteLogsCount, AgriFoodWeatherLogsCount, AgriFoodJobProcessedLogsCount, AgriFoodFarmOperationLogsCount, AgriFoodInsightLogsCount, AgriFoodProviderAuthLogsCount, AgriFoodModelInferenceLogsCount
| take 100