Upgrade Lustre client software to the current version
In this article, you learn how to upgrade an existing Lustre client package to the current version. Upgraded client software is required to connect to an Azure Managed Lustre file system.
If you need to install the client software for the first time, see Install client software for Azure Managed Lustre.
For more information on connecting clients to a cluster, see Connect clients to an Azure Managed Lustre file system.
Upgrade a Lustre client
If your client machine uses an older version of Lustre, you can upgrade the Lustre client package to the current version using the following steps. It's important that you completely uninstall the previous Lustre client's kernel modules, in addition to removing the client software packages.
Follow these steps to upgrade the Lustre client to the current version:
Unmount any containers or mount points that are mounting the Lustre client using the following command:
sudo umount <all Lustre mounts>
Uninstall the existing Lustre client version using the following command:
sudo dnf remove *lustre*
Install the current version of the Lustre client using the following command:
sudo dnf install amlfs-lustre-client-2.15.5_41_gc010524-$(uname -r | sed -e "s/\.$(uname -p)$//" | sed -re 's/[-_]/\./g')-1
Unload the Lustre and Lustre Networking (LNet) kernel modules using the following command:
sudo lustre_rmmod
Verify that old kernel modules are removed using the following command:
cat /sys/module/lustre/version; lsmod | grep -E 'lustre|lnet'
The output should look similar to the following example:
cat: /sys/module/lustre/version: No such file or directory
If the output shows an old version of the Lustre kernel module, rebooting (sudo reboot) the system is recommended.
After performing this procedure, you can mount the client to your Azure Managed Lustre file system.