Troubleshooting in Application Gateway for Containers

This article provides some guidance to help you troubleshoot common problems in Application Gateway for Containers.

Find the version of ALB Controller

Before you start troubleshooting, determine the version of ALB Controller that is deployed. You can determine which version of ALB Controller is running by using the following kubectl command (ensure you substitute your namespace if not using the default namespace of azure-alb-system):

kubectl get deployment -n azure-alb-system -o wide

Example output:

alb-controller 2/2 2 2 18d alb-controller app=alb-controller
alb-controller-bootstrap 1/1 1 1 18d alb-controller-bootstrap app=alb-controller-bootstrap

In this example, the ALB controller version is 1.4.14.

The ALB Controller version can be upgraded by running the helm upgrade alb-controller command. For more information, see Install the ALB Controller.


The latest ALB Controller version can be found in the ALB Controller release notes.

Collect ALB Controller logs

Logs can be collected from the ALB Controller by using the kubectl logs command referencing the ALB Controller pod.

  1. Get the running ALB Controller pod name

    Run the following kubectl command. Ensure you substitute your namespace if not using the default namespace of azure-alb-system:

    kubectl get pods -n azure-alb-system

    You should see output similar to the following example. Pod names might differ slightly.

    alb-controller-6648c5d5c-sdd9t 1/1 Running 0 4d6h
    alb-controller-6648c5d5c-au234 1/1 Running 0 4d6h
    alb-controller-bootstrap-6648c5d5c-hrmpc 1/1 Running 0 4d6h

    ALB controller uses an election provided by controller-runtime manager to determine an active and standby pod for high availability.

    Copy the name of each alb-controller pod (not the bootstrap pod, in this case: alb-controller-6648c5d5c-sdd9t and alb-controller-6648c5d5c-au234) and run the following command to determine the active pod.

    kubectl logs alb-controller-6648c5d5c-sdd9t -n azure-alb-system -c alb-controller | grep "successfully acquired lease"

    You should see the following if the pod is primary: successfully acquired lease azure-alb-system/alb-controller-leader-election

  2. Collect the logs

    Logs from ALB Controller are returned in JSON format.

    Execute the following kubectl command, replacing the name with the pod name returned in step 1:

    kubectl logs -n azure-alb-system alb-controller-6648c5d5c-sdd9t

    Similarly, you can redirect the output of the existing command to a file by specifying the greater than (>) sign and the filename to write the logs to:

    kubectl logs -n azure-alb-system alb-controller-6648c5d5c-sdd9t > alb-controller-logs.json

Configuration errors

Application Gateway for Containers returns 500 status code

Scenarios in which you would notice a 500-error code on Application Gateway for Containers are as follows:

  1. Invalid backend Entries : A backend is defined as invalid in the following scenarios:

    • It refers to an unknown or unsupported kind of resource. In this case, the HTTPRoute's status has a condition with reason set to InvalidKind and the message explains which kind of resource is unknown or unsupported.
    • It refers to a resource that doesn't exist. In this case, the HTTPRoute's status has a condition with reason set to BackendNotFound and the message explains that the resource doesn't exist.
    • It refers to a resource in another namespace when the reference isn't explicitly allowed by a ReferenceGrant (or equivalent concept). In this case, the HTTPRoute's status has a condition with reason set to RefNotPermitted and the message explains which cross-namespace reference isn't allowed.

    For instance, if an HTTPRoute has two backends specified with equal weights, and one is invalid 50 percent of the traffic must receive a 500.

  2. No endpoints found for all backends: when there are no endpoints found for all the backends referenced in an HTTPRoute, a 500 error code is obtained.

Application Load Balancer custom resource doesn't reflect Ready status


ApplicationLoadBalancer custom resource status message continually says "Application Gateway for Containers resource Application Gateway for Containers-name is undergoing an update."

The following logs are repeated by the primary alb-controller pod.

{"level":"info","version":"x.x.x","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:53.760150719Z","message":"Stream opened for config updates"}
{"level":"info","version":"x.x.x","operationID":"aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:53.760313623Z","message":"Successfully sent config update request"}
{"level":"error","version":"x.x.x","error":"rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = ALB Controller with object id 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb' does not have authorization to perform action on Application Gateway for Containers resource.Please check RBAC delegations to the Application Gateway for Containers resource.","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:53.769444995Z","message":"Unable to capture config update response"}
{"level":"info","version":"x.x.x","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:53.769504489Z","message":"Retrying to open config update stream"}
{"level":"info","version":"x.x.x","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:54.461487406Z","message":"Stream opened up for endpoint updates"}
{"level":"info","version":"x.x.x","operationID":"808825c2-b0a8-476b-b83a-8e7357c55750","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:54.462070039Z","message":"Successfully sent endpoint update request"}
{"level":"error","version":"x.x.x","error":"rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = ALB Controller with object id 'aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb' does not have authorization to perform action on Application Gateway for Containers resource.Please check RBAC delegations to the Application Gateway for Containers resource.","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:54.470728646Z","message":"Unable to capture endpoint update response"}
{"level":"info","version":"x.x.x","Timestamp":"2024-02-26T20:31:54.47077373Z","message":"Retrying to open up endpoint update stream"}

Kubernetes Gateway resource fails to get token from credential chain


No changes to HttpRoutes are being applied to Application Gateway for Containers.

The following error message is returned on the Kubernetes Gateway resource and no changes are reflected for any HttpRoute resources.

  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-04-28T22:08:34Z"
    message: The Gateway is not scheduled
    observedGeneration: 2
    reason: Scheduled
    status: "False"
    type: Scheduled
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-04-28T22:08:34Z"
    message: "No addresses have been assigned to the Gateway : failed to get token
      from credential chain: [FromAssertion(): http call(
      error: reply status code was 401:\n{\"error\":\"unauthorized_client\",\"error_description\":\"AADSTS70021:
      No matching federated identity record found for presented assertion. Assertion
      Issuer: ''.
      Assertion Subject: 'system:serviceaccount:azure-application-lb-system:gateway-controller-sa'.
      Assertion Audience: 'api://AzureADTokenExchange'.\\r\\nTrace
      ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\\r\\nCorrelation ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\\r\\nTimestamp:
      2023-04-28 22:08:46Z\",\"error_codes\":[70021],\"timestamp\":\"2023-04-28 22:08:46Z\",\"trace_id\":\"0000aaaa-11bb-cccc-dd22-eeeeee333333\",\"correlation_id\":\"aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd\",\"error_uri\":\"\"}
      DefaultAzureCredential: failed to acquire a token.\nAttempted credentials:\n\tEnvironmentCredential:
      incomplete environment variable configuration. Only AZURE_TENANT_ID and AZURE_CLIENT_ID
      are set\n\tManagedIdentityCredential: IMDS token request timed out\n\tAzureCLICredential:
      fork/exec /bin/sh: no such file or directory]"
    observedGeneration: 2
    reason: AddressNotAssigned
    status: "False"
    type: Ready


Ensure the federated credentials of the managed identity for the ALB Controller pod to make changes to Application Gateway for Containers are configured in Azure. Instructions on how to configure federated credentials can be found in the quickstart guides: