Validate resiliency of MongoDB cluster on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

After deploying the MongoDB cluster on AKS using the Percona Operator for MongoDB and installing mongo-express on your cluster to interact with MongoDB, you test the resiliency of the MongoDB cluster in several scenarios. This tutorial builds upon the MongoDB cluster deployment and MongoDB cluster validation covered in previous guides.

Build and run a sample client application for MongoDB

The following steps show how to build a sample client application for MongoDB and push the Docker image of the application to an Azure Container Registry. The sample client application uses the Locust load testing framework to simulate a workload on the MongoDB cluster. This application inserts documents into the MongoDB cluster and measures the time taken for each document insertion operation. The application uses Faker library to generate random names and departments for the employee documents. You can expand this class to implement more complex operations.

  1. Create a new directory using the following command:

    mkdir mongodb-locust-client
    cd mongodb-locust-client
  2. Create requirements.txt file in the mongodb-locust-client directory using the following command:

    cat > requirements.txt <<EOF
  3. Create in the mongodb-locust-client directory using the following command:

    cat > <<EOF
    import os
    import random
    import logging
    import time
    import uuid
    from locust import User, task, constant_throughput, events, tag, between
    from pymongo import MongoClient
    from pymongo.errors import ServerSelectionTimeoutError
    from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
    from faker import Faker
    # Set up Faker for generating random names and departments
    fake = Faker()
    # Configure logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    # List of department names for random selection
    department_keywords = [
        "Accounting", "Marketing", "Human Resources", "Sales", "Research and Development",
        "IT", "Customer Support", "Legal", "Operations", "Finance", "Product Management",
        "Public Relations", "Engineering", "Data Science", "Business Development"
    class MongoDBLocust(User):
        # Set constant throughput (requests per second)
        wait_time = constant_throughput(20)
        # MongoDB connection details (make sure these are set correctly in your environment)
        host = "${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}-mongodb-mongos.mongodb.svc.cluster.local"
        port = "27017"
        username = os.getenv('MONGODB_USERNAME')
        password = os.getenv('MONGODB_PASSWORD')
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super(MongoDBLocust, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.client = MongoDBClient(self.username, self.password)  # Initialize MongoDB client
        def on_stop(self):
            """Called when the simulated user stops, to close the MongoDB client."""
        def insert_document(self):
            """Task to insert a document into MongoDB."""
    class MongoDBClient(object):
        """MongoDB client for managing database interactions."""
        def __init__(self, username, password):
            # Set MongoDB connection parameters
   = "${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}-mongodb-mongos.mongodb.svc.cluster.local"
            self.port = "27017"
            self.username = username
            self.password = password
            self.client = MongoClient(f"mongodb://{self.username}:{self.password}@{}:{self.port}/")
            self.db = self.client['employeeDB']
            self.collection = self.db['employees']
            self.document_id = None  # Placeholder for the inserted document ID
        def insert_document(self, task_name, command='INSERT'):
            """Insert a document into MongoDB and measure the time."""
            employee_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            start_time = time.time()
  "{employee_id} - Start Time -> start_time: {start_time}")
                # Create a new fake employee document
                new_document = {
                    'Id': str(uuid.uuid4()),
                    'EmployeeId': employee_id,
                    'FirstName': fake.first_name(),
                    'LastName': fake.last_name(),
                    'Department': random.choice(department_keywords)
                # Insert the document
                result = self.collection.insert_one(new_document)
                self.document_id = str(result.inserted_id)  # Store the document ID for future reads
                # Measure the time taken for the MongoDB operation (in milliseconds)
                total_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000  # Convert to ms
      "{employee_id} - Task - {task_name} -> total_time: {total_time} ms")
                # Fire the event to report the request
                    response_length=len(str(result))  # Length of the result returned by the operation
            except Exception as e:
                total_time = (time.time() - start_time) * 1000  # Time taken with error
                logger.error(f"{employee_id} - Error in {task_name}: {e} -> total_time: {total_time} ms")
                    response_length=0,  # No response in case of error
  "{employee_id} - End Time -> end time: {time.time()}")
        def close(self):
            """Close the MongoDB connection."""
  4. Create a Dockerfile in the mongodb-locust-client directory using the following command. The Dockerfile creates a Docker image for the sample client application, uses the python:3.10-slim-bullseye image as the base image, and installs the required dependencies for the application.

    cat > Dockerfile <<EOF
    # Use a slim Python image as the base
    FROM python:3.10-slim-bullseye
    # Install wget and gnupg
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget gnupg
    # Add MongoDB GPG Key and repository
    RUN wget -qO - | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/mongodb.asc && \
        echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] bullseye/mongodb-org/6.0 main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list
    # Update APT sources and install MongoDB Shell (mongosh)
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y mongodb-mongosh
    # Copy your application files
    COPY requirements.txt ./
    COPY ./
    # Install Python dependencies
    RUN pip install --upgrade pip && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
  5. Build the Docker image for the sample client application using the az acr build command. Make sure you replace $MY_ACR_REGISTRY with the name of your Azure Container Registry.

    az acr build --image mongodb-locust-client --registry $MY_ACR_REGISTRY .

Test the MongoDB cluster on AKS

Create MongoDB Locust client pod

In the following section, you create a MongoDB Locust client pod in your AKS cluster. This pod uses the Docker image you built earlier to simulate a workload on the MongoDB cluster. The following spec uses password and username from the external secret created in the earlier tutorial.

  1. Create the MongoDB Locust client pod using the kubectl apply command.

    kubectl apply -n mongodb -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: mongodb-locust-client
        app: mongodb-locust-client
      replicas: 1
          app: mongodb-locust-client
            app: mongodb-locust-client
   "systempool"  # Ensure pods are scheduled on the system node pool
            - name: mongodb-locust-client
              image: $
              command: ["locust", "-f", "/", "--host=http://${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}-mongodb-mongos.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017/"]
                - name: MONGODB_USERNAME
                      name: ${AKS_MONGODB_SECRETS_NAME}  # Name of your external secret
                      key: MONGODB_DATABASE_ADMIN_USER  # Key for the admin username
                - name: MONGODB_PASSWORD
                      name: ${AKS_MONGODB_SECRETS_NAME}  # Name of your external secret
                      key: MONGODB_DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD  # Key for the admin password

    Example output:

    deployment.apps/mongodb-locust-client created
  2. Get the name of the MongoDB client pod using the kubectl get pods command.

    kubectl get pods -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE

    Example output:

    NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    ... // Additional pods
    mongodb-locust-client-564695f8f-q6745               1/1     Running   0          5d8h
    ... // Additional pods
  3. Make note of the name of the pod with the mongodb-locust-client prefix. This pod connects to the MongoDB cluster to execute the MongoDB commands.

Port forward the MongoDB Locust client pod

  • Port forward the port 8089 to access the Locust web interface on your local machine using the kubectl port-forward command. Make sure you replace mongodb-locust-client-564695f8f-q6745 with the name of the MongoDB client pod you created in the previous section.

    kubectl -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE port-forward mongodb-locust-client-564695f8f-q6745 8089:8089

Access the Locust web interface

  • Access the Locust web interface by navigating to http://localhost:8089 in your web browser. The Locust web interface allows you to configure the number of users and the spawned rate for the load test. You can also view the statistics of the load test in real-time.

    Screenshot of a web page that shows the Locust test dashboard.

Connect to the MongoDB shell and identify the primary member

  1. Connect to the MongoDB client pod using the following command. Make sure you replace mongodb-locust-client-564695f8f-q6745 with the name of the MongoDB client pod you created earlier.

    kubectl -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE exec -it mongodb-locust-client-564695f8f-q6745 -- /bin/bash
  2. Once you're connected to the pod, use the following command to connect to the MongoDB shell. Make sure you replace ${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}, ${databaseAdmin} and ${databaseAdminPassword} with the values you obtained from the previous tutorial.

    mongosh --host ${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}-mongodb-rs0-0.${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local --port 27017 -u ${databaseAdmin} -p ${databaseAdminPassword} --authenticationDatabase admin
  3. Once you're connected to the MongoDB shell, use the following command to identify the primary MongoDB replica set:


    Example output:

      set: 'rs0',
      ... // Additional details
      members: [
          _id: 0,
          name: 'cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-0.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017',
          health: 1,
          state: 2,
          stateStr: 'SECONDARY',
          uptime: 207037,
          ... // Additional details for the first member
          _id: 1,
          name: 'cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-1.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017',
          health: 1,
          state: 1,
          stateStr: 'PRIMARY',
          uptime: 207033,
          ... // Additional details for the second member
          _id: 2,
          name: 'cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-2.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017',
          health: 1,
          state: 2,
          stateStr: 'SECONDARY',
          uptime: 207033,
          ... // Additional details for the third member
  4. From the output, make note of the member with the PRIMARY state. In this example, the member with name: cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-1 is the primary member of the MongoDB replica set. You delete the primary member in the next step to simulate a MongoDB pod failure.

Resiliency testing scenarios

While the database script continues to execute in first terminal window, in the second terminal window, you can use the following scripts to simulate the failure scenarios and observe the behavior of the MongoDB cluster.

Scenario 1: Simulate deletion of statefulSet

  1. List all stateful sets using the kubectl get command.

    kubectl get sts -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE

    Example output:

    NAME                         READY   AGE
    cluster-aks-mongodb-cfg      3/3     5d21h
    cluster-aks-mongodb-mongos   3/3     5d18h
    cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0      3/3     3h26m
  2. Delete the stateful set named cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0 using the kubectl delete command.

    kubectl delete sts -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0
  3. Once the stateful set is deleted, check the Locust test dashboard to observe the behavior of the MongoDB cluster.

    Screenshot of a web page showing the Locust test dashboard when a stateful set is deleted.

  4. Get the logs of the Percona Operator pod using the kubectl logs command. Make sure you replace <percona-operator-pod> with the name of your Percona Operator pod.

    kubectl logs -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE <percona-operator-pod>

    You should see the Percona Operator recreates the stateful set and the MongoDB cluster returns to normal operation, as shown in the following example output:

    2024-11-29T13:48:07.427Z        ERROR   failed to reconcile cluster     {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object": {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID": "2e037504-d213-4bf7-a2b8-5af396b2d16c", "replset": "rs0", "error": "dial: ping mongo: server selection error: context deadline exceeded, current topology: { Type: ReplicaSetNoPrimary, ...
    2024-11-29T13:48:37.678Z        INFO    Warning: Reconciler returned both a non-zero result and a non-nil error. The result will  always be ignored if the error is non-nil and the non-nil error causes reqeueuing with exponential backoff. For more details, see:   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "2e037504-d213-4bf7-a2b8-5af396b2d16c"}
    2024-11-29T13:48:37.678Z        ERROR   Reconciler error        {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "2e037504-d213-4bf7-a2b8-5af396b2d16c", "error": "create pbm object: create PBM connection to cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-0. cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017,cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-1.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster. local:27017,cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-2.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017: create mongo connection: ping: server  selection error: server selection timeout, ...
    2024-11-29T13:48:38.210Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "2d970945-86b2-4c10-a610-7f7c42ad9a9f", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 1}
    2024-11-29T13:48:38.437Z        INFO    Cluster state changed   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "2d970945-86b2-4c10-a610-7f7c42ad9a9f", "previous": "error", "current": "initializing"}
    2024-11-29T13:48:38.955Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "f2f803cb-d5f4-4851-9a05-71d46d95ca6d", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 1}
    2024-11-29T13:48:40.102Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "76accdff-7d7a-4ba8-9914-ff8793226dd5", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 1}
    2024-11-29T13:48:43.964Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "c49f50e7-881e-469c-bdf5-aaf925436097", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 1}
    2024-11-29T13:48:49.736Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "5b52ce2e-e07e-43e8-8ca0-b6850a4d8823", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 1}
    2024-11-29T13:48:55.560Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "95a26aff-b022-4543-a22e-0d50ea292190", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 2}
    2024-11-29T13:48:56.466Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "9f64bdb1-e616-44ab-a480-7eaf813db73e", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 2}
    2024-11-29T13:49:01.279Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "0281130b-b13e-4ab2-bd68-0b4cb6d01c84", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 2}
    2024-11-29T13:49:07.027Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "a3caedd1-ead3-406b-8ce3-056c7cd875dc", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 2}
    2024-11-29T13:49:12.783Z        INFO    Waiting for the pods    {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "8a82eb0c-8b26-4542-a4b5-f7e13e030d1e", "replset": "rs0", "size": 3, "pods": 2}
    2024-11-29T13:49:28.521Z        ERROR   failed to reconcile cluster     {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "22fc8c4d-30d5-4bf6-b405-720533f1d8d2", "replset": "rs0", "error": "dial: ping mongo: server selection error: context deadline  exceeded, current topology: { Type: ReplicaSetNoPrimary, ...
    2024-11-29T13:49:32.472Z        INFO    Fixing member tags      {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "8ff97dc9-b024-4cd9-b411-c3ffaf225e14", "replset": "rs0"}
    2024-11-29T13:49:39.065Z        ERROR   failed to reconcile cluster     {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "28438ddb-77a1-48b0-8390-277c4687a97b", "replset": "rs0", "error": "create system users: failed to get mongo client: ping mongo:  connection() error occurred during connection handshake: dial tcp: lookup cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-1.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb. svc.cluster.local on no such host", ...
    2024-11-29T13:49:40.424Z        ERROR   failed to reconcile cluster     {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "cfec8e33-d0c9-4adf-afe9-bc6dcbf711ba", "replset": "rs0", "error": "dial: ping mongo: connection() error occurred during connection  handshake: ...
    2024-11-29T13:49:45.433Z        INFO    Cluster state changed   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":  {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":  "0765ea5f-52d8-44e2-a680-c7d082dd88e1", "previous": "initializing", "current": "ready"}

Scenario 2: Simulate a MongoDB pod failure

  1. Identify the primary MongoDB replica set and then delete it using the kubectl delete command to simulate a MongoDB pod failure. Make sure you replace cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-1 with the primary member name from the output of the rs.status() command.

    kubectl delete pod cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-1 -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE
  2. The MongoDB replica set should elect a new primary member to continue serving the requests. You can verify the new primary member by connecting to the MongoDB shell and executing the rs.status() command. Connect to the MongoDB client pod using the following command. Make sure you replace mongodb-locust-client-564695f8f-q6745 with the pod name from the output of the previous command.

    kubectl -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE exec -it mongodb-locust-client-564695f8f-q6745 -- /bin/bash
  3. Once you're connected to the pod, connect to the MongoDB shell using the following command. Make sure you replace ${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}, ${databaseAdmin} and ${databaseAdminPassword} with the values you obtained in the previous tutorial.

    mongosh --host ${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}-mongodb-rs0-0.${MY_CLUSTER_NAME}-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local --port 27017 -u ${databaseAdmin} -p ${databaseAdminPassword} --authenticationDatabase admin
  4. Once you're connected to the MongoDB shell, use the following command to identify the primary MongoDB replica set:


    Example output:

      set: 'rs0',
      ... // Additional details
      members: [
          _id: 0,
          name: 'cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-0.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017',
          health: 1,
          state: 2,
          stateStr: 'PRIMARY',
          uptime: 207037,
          ... // Additional details for the first member
          _id: 1,
          name: 'cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-1.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017',
          health: 1,
          state: 1,
          stateStr: 'SECONDARY',
          uptime: 207033,
          ... // Additional details for the second member
          _id: 2,
          name: 'cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0-2.cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:27017',
          health: 1,
          state: 2,
          stateStr: 'SECONDARY',
          uptime: 207033,
          ... // Additional details for the third member

    You should see that the member with the PRIMARY state changed to SECONDARY, and another member with the SECONDARY state changed to PRIMARY:

    Screenshot of a web page showing the Locust test dashboard when a pod is deleted.

  5. Get the logs of the Percona Operator pod using the kubectl logs command. Make sure you replace <percona-operator-pod> with the name of your Percona Operator pod.

    kubectl logs -n $AKS_MONGODB_NAMESPACE <percona-operator-pod>

    You should see the Percona Operator recreates the stateful set and the MongoDB cluster returns to normal operation, as shown in the following example output:

    2024-11-29T14:02:17.151Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object": {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID": "b1b1b1b1-cccc-dddd-eeee-f2f2f2f2f2f2", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:17.189Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "b1b1b1b1-cccc-dddd-eeee-f2f2f2f2f2f2", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:17.405Z        INFO    Cluster state changed   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "b1b1b1b1-cccc-dddd-eeee-f2f2f2f2f2f2", "previous": "ready", "current": "initializing"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:18.448Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "c2c2c2c2-dddd-eeee-ffff-a3a3a3a3a3a3", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:18.489Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "c2c2c2c2-dddd-eeee-ffff-a3a3a3a3a3a3", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:23.359Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "d3d3d3d3-eeee-ffff-aaaa-b4b4b4b4b4b4", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:23.402Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "d3d3d3d3-eeee-ffff-aaaa-b4b4b4b4b4b4", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:29.341Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "e4e4e4e4-ffff-aaaa-bbbb-c5c5c5c5c5c5", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:02:29.377Z        INFO    StatefulSet is not up to date   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "e4e4e4e4-ffff-aaaa-bbbb-c5c5c5c5c5c5", "sts": "cluster-aks-mongodb-rs0"}
    2024-11-29T14:03:01.246Z        INFO    Cluster state changed   {"controller": "psmdb-controller", "object":   {"name":"cluster-aks-mongodb","namespace":"mongodb"}, "namespace": "mongodb", "name": "cluster-aks-mongodb", "reconcileID":   "f5f5f5f5-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-d6d6d6d6d6d6", "previous": "initializing", "current": "ready"}

Next step