Troubleshoot K8sVersionValidation error code
This article describes how to identify and resolve the K8sVersionValidation error code that occurs when you try to create and deploy an AKS cluster on Azure Local.
When you try to create an AKS Arc cluster, you receive one of the following error messages:
Kubernetes version 1.27.7 is not ready for use on Linux. Please go to for details of how to check the readiness of Kubernetes versions
Kubernetes version 1.26.12 is not supported. Please go to for details about the supported Kubernetes version on this platform.
Admission webhook \'\' denied the request: Kubernetes version 1.26.12 is not available
Error messages
This section describes the error messages that you might see when you encounter the K8sVersionValidation error code.
Kubernetes version 1.27.7 is not ready for use on Linux
This error message is caused by an incomplete Linux VHD download.
When you install Azure Local, you download a Linux VHD of approximately 4-5 GB in size. This Linux VHD is used to create the underlying VMs for the Kubernetes nodes in your AKS Arc cluster. The error message can occur when your Linux VHD didn't finish downloading. To resolve this issue, you should wait until your internet connection finishes downloading the Linux VHD image.
To check if the image download is in progress or finished, run the following command:
$cl_id = "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/<custom_location_name>"
# Get the kubernetes version using CLI (it automatically creates the **kubernetesVersions/default** Azure resource).
az aksarc get-versions --custom-location $cl_id
If this command says that the K8s versions are ready, and you're running Azure Local release 2411 or newer, file a support request.
If you're running Azure Local release 2408 or older, proceed to the next section. We strongly recommend that you upgrade your Azure Local deployment to the latest version, in order to get the latest bug fixes and security updates.
Recreate kubernetesVersions/default
If you redeploy Azure Local with the same name and parameters, you might have to recreate kubernetesVersions/default. To do so, run the following commands:
$subscription = <subscription_id>
$cl_id = <custom_location_id>
az login --use-device-code
az account set -s $subscription
$token = $(az account get-access-token --query accessToken)
$url = "${cl_id}/providers/Microsoft.HybridContainerService/kubernetesVersions/default?api-version=2024-01-01"
# Get the Kubernetes version Azure resource
az rest --headers "Authorization=Bearer $token" "Content-Type=application/json;charset=utf-8" --uri $url --method GET
# Delete the Kubernetes version Azure resource
az rest --headers "Authorization=Bearer $token" "Content-Type=application/json;charset=utf-8" --uri $url --method DELETE
# Get the Kubernetes version using CLI (it automatically creates the Kubernetes version Azure resource)
az aksarc get-versions --custom-location $cl_id
Can't see the Kubernetes versions or VM size options on the Azure portal
This scenario can happen in Azure Local releases 2408 or older, when the default resource for Kubernetes version (or VM sizes) was not created as a part of the Azure Local deployment.
To resolve this issue, run the following command:
$cl_id = "/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resource_group_name>/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/<custom_location_name>"
# Get the kubernetes version using CLI (it automatically creates the **kubernetesVersions/default** Azure resource).
az aksarc get-versions --custom-location $cl_id
Kubernetes version 1.26.12 is not supported
Azure Local supports specific Kubernetes versions in each of its releases. As stated in the error message, go to
for a list of supported Kubernetes versions based on your deployed Azure Local release.