Use the diagnostic checker to diagnose and fix environment issues for AKS cluster creation failure (preview)
It can be difficult to identify environment-related issues, such as networking configurations, that can result in an AKS cluster creation failure. The diagnostic checker is a PowerShell-based tool that can help you identify AKS cluster creation failures due to potential issues in the environment.
You can only use the diagnostic checker tool if an AKS cluster was created, but is in a failed state. You can't use the tool if you don't see an AKS cluster on the Azure portal. If the AKS cluster creation fails before an Azure Resource Manager resource is created, file a support request.
Before you begin
Before you begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites. If you don't meet the requirements for running the diagnostic checker tool, file a support request:
- Direct access to the Azure Local cluster where you created the AKS cluster. This access can be through remote desktop (RDP), or you can also sign in to one of the Azure Local physical nodes.
- Review the networking concepts for creating an AKS cluster and the AKS cluster architecture.
- The name of the logical network attached to the AKS cluster.
- An SSH private key for the AKS cluster, used to sign in to the AKS cluster control plane node VM.
Obtain control plane node VM IP of the AKS cluster
Run the following command from any one physical node in your Azure Local cluster. Ensure that you're passing the name, and not the Azure Resource Manager ID of the AKS cluster:
invoke-command -computername (get-clusternode) -script {get-vmnetworkadapter -vmname *} | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$cluster_name*control-plane-*"} | select vmname, ipaddresses
Expected output:
VMName IPAddresses
------ -----------
<cluster-name>-XXXXXX-control-plane-XXXXXX {,, fe80::ec:d3ff:fea0:1}
If you don't see a control plane VM as shown in the previous output, file a support request.
If you see a control plane VM, and it has:
- 0 IPv4 addresses: file a support request.
- 1 IP address: use the IPv4 address as the input for
parameter. - 2 IP addresses: use any one of the IPv4 address as an input for
parameter in the diagnostic checker.
Run the diagnostic checker script
Copy the following PowerShell script run_diagnostic.ps1
into any one node of your Azure Local cluster:
Runs diagnostic checker tool in target cluster control plane VM and returns the result.
This script runs the following tests from target cluster control plane VM:
1. cloud-agent-connectivity-test: Checks whether the DNS server can resolve the Moc cloud agent FQDN and that the cloud agent is reachable from the control plane node VM. Cloud agent is created using one of the IP addresses from the [management IP pool](hci/plan/, on port 55000. The control plane node VM is given an IP address from the Arc VM logical network.
2. gateway-icmp-ping-test: Checks whether the gateway specified in the logical network attached to the AKS cluster is reachable from the AKS cluster control plane node VM.
3. http-connectivity-required-url-test: Checks whether the required URLs are reachable from the AKS cluster control plane node VM.
This script transfers a file from the local machine to a remote server using the SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) command.
The name of the LNET used for the cluster.
The path to the private SSH key for the target cluster.
IP of the target cluster control plane VM.
.\run_diagnostic.ps1 -lnetName lnet1 -sshPath C:\Users\test\.ssh\test-ssh.pem -vmIP ""
This example runs diagnostic checker tool in the VM with IP using ssh key C:\Users\test\.ssh\test-ssh.pem and outputs the result.
param (
$urlArray = @(
$urlList=$urlArray -join ","
# check vm is reachable
try {
$pingResult = Test-Connection -ComputerName $vmIP -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop
if ($pingResult.StatusCode -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Connection to $vmIP succeeded."
} else {
Write-Host "Connection to AKS cluster control plane VM $vmIP failed with status code: $($pingResult.StatusCode). Please make sure AKS cluster control plane VM $vmIP is reachable from the host"
} catch {
Write-Host "Connection to AKS cluster control plane VM $vmIP failed. Please make sure AKS cluster control plane VM $vmIP is reachable from the host"
Write-Host "Exception message: $_"
# retreiving LNET
$lnet=get-mocvirtualnetwork -group Default_Group -name $lnetName
# getting gateway address from LNET
if (-not $gateway) {
Write-Error "Check Gateway address in the AKS logical network $lnetName"
# getting cloudfqdn from archciconfig
$configContent = @"
- metadata:
creationTimestamp: null
name: cloud-agent-connectivity-test
hostnames: <CLOUD_FQDN>
skipeof: "true"
type: HTTPConnectivity
- metadata:
skip-error-on-failure: "true"
creationTimestamp: null
name: gateway-icmp-ping-test
ips: <GATEWAY>
packetLossThreshold: "20"
type: ICMPPing
- metadata:
creationTimestamp: null
name: http-connectivity-required-url-test
hostnames: <URL_LIST>
type: HTTPConnectivity
- metadata:
creationTimestamp: null
filelocation: /home/clouduser/results.yaml
type: FileSystem
creationTimestamp: null
# update config file with the values of cloud fqdn, gateway and dns servers
$configContent = $configContent.replace("<CLOUD_FQDN>", $cloudFqdn)
$configContent = $configContent.replace("<GATEWAY>", $gateway)
$configContent = $configContent.replace("<URL_LIST>", $urlList)
$filePath = "config.yaml"
# Write to config.yaml
Set-Content -Path $filePath -Value $configContent
$dest = 'clouduser@' + $vmIP + ":config.yaml"
# Copy the config file to target cluster VM
Write-Host "Copying test config file to target cluster VM...."
$command = "scp -i $sshPath -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes config.yaml $dest"
try {
$output=invoke-expression $command
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Error "Couldn't ssh to AKS cluster control plane VM $vmIP. Please check the ssh key"
} catch {
Write-Host "Couldn't ssh to AKS cluster control plane VM $vmIP. Please check the ssh key"
Write-Host "Exception message: $_"
Write-Output "Copied config.yaml successfully."
$runScriptContent = @"
sudo su - root -c "/usr/bin/diagnostics-checker -c /home/clouduser/config.yaml"
$filePath = ""
Set-Content -Path $filePath -Value $runScriptContent
$dest = 'clouduser@' + $vmIP + ""
scp -i $sshPath -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes $dest
$dest = 'clouduser@' + $vmIP
ssh -i $sshPath $dest -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes 'chmod +x'
$sedCommand="sed -i -e 's/\r$//'"
ssh -i $sshPath -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes $dest $sedCommand
if (Test-Path -Path "results.yaml") {
Remove-Item results.yaml
ssh -i $sshPath -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes $dest './'
ssh -i $sshPath -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes $dest "sudo su - root -c 'chmod a+r /home/clouduser/results.yaml'"
$src= 'clouduser@' + $vmIP + ":results.yaml"
scp -i $sshPath -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes $src results.yaml
if (-Not (Test-Path -Path "results.yaml")) {
write-host "Test failed to perform"
Install-Module powershell-yaml
$resultContent = Get-Content -path results.yaml | ConvertFrom-Yaml
$testResults = @()
$cloudAgentRecommendation = @"
Make sure that the logical network IP addresses can connect to all the management IP pool addresses on the required ports. Check AKS network port and cross vlan requirements for detailed list of ports that need to be opened.
$gatewayRecommendation = @"
- Ensure gateway is operational
- Verify routing configurations
- Adjust firewall rules to allow ICMP traffic
$urlRecommendation = @"
Ensure that the logical network IP addresses have outbound internet access. If there's a firewall, ensure that AKS required URLs are accessible from Arc VM logical network.
foreach ($check in $resultContent.spec.checks) {
if ($check.result.outcome -like "Success") {
}elseif ($ -like "cloud-agent-connectivity-test") {
}elseif ($ -like "gateway-icmp-ping-test") {
}elseif ($ -like "http-connectivity-required-url-test") {
$testResults += [PSCustomObject]@{
Outcome= $check.result.outcome
Recommendation = $recommendation
$testResults | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize
Sample output:
TestName Outcome Recommendation
-------- ------- --------------
cloud-agent-connectivity-test Success
gateway-icmp-ping-test Success
http-connectivity-required-url-test Failure Ensure that the logical network IP addresses have outbound internet access. If there's a firewall, ensure that AKS required URLs are accessible from Arc VM logical network.
Analyze diagnostic checker output
The following table provides a summary of each test performed by the script, including possible causes for failure and recommendations for mitigation:
Test name | Description | Causes for failure | Mitigation Recommendations |
cloud-agent-connectivity-test | Checks whether the DNS server can resolve the MOC cloud agent FQDN and that the cloud agent is reachable from the control plane node VM. The cloud agent is created using one of the IP addresses from the management IP pool, on port 55000. The control plane node VM is given IP addresses from the Arc VM logical network. | Logical network IP addresses can't connect to management IP pool addresses due to: - Incorrect DNS server resolution. - Firewall rules. - The logical network is in a different vlan than the management IP pool and there's no cross-vlan connectivity. |
Make sure that the logical network IP addresses can connect to all the management IP pool addresses on the required ports. Check the AKS network port and cross vlan requirements for a detailed list of ports that need to be opened. |
gateway-icmp-ping-test | Checks whether the gateway specified in the logical network attached to the AKS cluster is reachable from the AKS cluster control plane node VM. | - Gateway is down or unreachable. - Network routing issues between the AKS cluster control plane node VM and the gateway. - Firewall blocking ICMP traffic. |
- Ensure the gateway is operational. - Verify routing configurations. - Adjust firewall rules to allow ICMP traffic. |
http-connectivity-required-url-test | Checks whether the required URLs are reachable from the AKS cluster control plane node VM. | - Control plane node VM has no outbound internet access. - Required URLs aren't allowed through the firewall. |
Ensure that the logical network IP addresses have outbound internet access. If there's a firewall, ensure that the AKS required URLs are accessible from the Arc VM logical network. |
Next steps
If the problem persists, collect AKS cluster logs before you create a support request.