SignalR API design considerations

By Andrew Stanton-Nurse

This article provides guidance for building SignalR-based APIs.

Use custom object parameters to ensure backwards-compatibility

Adding parameters to a SignalR hub method (on either the client or the server) is a breaking change. This means older clients/servers will get errors when they try to invoke the method without the appropriate number of parameters. However, adding properties to a custom object parameter is not a breaking change. This can be used to design compatible APIs that are resilient to changes on the client or the server.

For example, consider a server-side API like the following:

public int GetTotalLength(string param1)
    return param1.Length;

The JavaScript client calls this method using invoke as follows:

connection.invoke("GetTotalLength", "value1");

If you later add a second parameter to the server method, older clients won't provide this parameter value. For example:

public int GetTotalLength(string param1, string param2)
    return param1.Length + param2.Length;

When the old client tries to invoke this method, it will get an error like this:

Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.HubException: Failed to invoke 'GetTotalLength' due to an error on the server.

On the server, you'll see a log message like this:

System.IO.InvalidDataException: Invocation provides 1 argument(s) but target expects 2.

The old client only sent one parameter, but the newer server API required two parameters. Using custom objects as parameters gives you more flexibility. Let's redesign the original API to use a custom object:

public class TotalLengthRequest
    public string Param1 { get; set; }

public int GetTotalLength(TotalLengthRequest req)
    return req.Param1.Length;

Now, the client uses an object to call the method:

connection.invoke("GetTotalLength", { param1: "value1" });

Instead of adding a parameter, add a property to the TotalLengthRequest object:

public class TotalLengthRequest
    public string Param1 { get; set; }
    public string Param2 { get; set; }

public int GetTotalLength(TotalLengthRequest req)
    var length = req.Param1.Length;
    if (req.Param2 != null)
        length += req.Param2.Length;
    return length;

When the old client sends a single parameter, the extra Param2 property will be left null. You can detect a message sent by an older client by checking the Param2 for null and apply a default value. A new client can send both parameters.

connection.invoke("GetTotalLength", { param1: "value1", param2: "value2" });

The same technique works for methods defined on the client. You can send a custom object from the server side:

public async Task Broadcast(string message)
    await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", new
        Message = message

On the client side, you access the Message property rather than using a parameter:

connection.on("ReceiveMessage", (req) => {

If you later decide to add the sender of the message to the payload, add a property to the object:

public async Task Broadcast(string message)
    await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", new
        Sender = Context.User.Identity.Name,
        Message = message

The older clients won't be expecting the Sender value, so they'll ignore it. A new client can accept it by updating to read the new property:

connection.on("ReceiveMessage", (req) => {
    let message = req.message;
    if (req.sender) {
        message = req.sender + ": " + message;

In this case, the new client is also tolerant of an old server that doesn't provide the Sender value. Since the old server won't provide the Sender value, the client checks to see if it exists before accessing it.

Additional resources