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Deploy Lync Client Using Group Policy




In this post I discuss the methods Client installation Lync. 

I will demonstrate the installation script by using the exe client and another distributing the msi file. In both methods needy will use a GPO to start the installation process. 

During execution of the installer exe the following actions are taken:

  • Czech prerequisites for client installation
  • Installs the prerequisite: 
    • Microsoft Visual C + + 2008
    • Microsoft Silverlight 
  • Remove Microsoft Lync Attendee
  • Remove previous versions of Office Communicator Server 

For these reasons it is recommended to install the client by .exe

Installation via Script


Create a folder ClientLync and copy the installation file. Share the folder and add the group  *Everyone * with the right reading.

In the security of NTFS folder add the group  Domain Computers  with read permission on the folder.

Create a bat file to run the exe file. The script was created in the shared folder FQDNDomain \ SYSVOL \ Domain \ Script.

          \ \ Share \ LyncSetup / install / silent

With the script and created the installation files to create a shared lack GPO to apply the script on the machines. 

Open the Group Policy Management and create a new policy Deploy Lync


Edit the new policy,  [Computer Configuration / Policies / Windows Settings / Scripts]


Write a script Statup

Add the script of the SYSVOL

Add the link to this GPO in a OU where the accounts of the machines are.

Restart the machine and verify that the Client Lync 32-bit plugins and Silverlight were installed.



Installation of MSI File

If Lync Client is installed by this method you must manually install the Microsoft Silverlight and Microsoft Visual C + +, preferably via the installation script. If the installation is done by exe dependencies are resolved without any additional configuration.

To get the MSI file and dependencies for client installation, install the client on a machine Lync, and go to the folder C: \ Program Files (x86) \ OCSetup Lync.msi and copy the files, and Silverlight.exe vcredist_x86. exe file to a shared folder.

Edit the group policy in  *[Computer Configuration / Policies / Software Settings] * Right click on  *Software Instalation -> New * and  Package

Add the msi file by configuring your network path UNC

Make the link the GPO in the OU

Using WMI Filters

A filter WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) allow to dynamically determine the scope of GPO's based on attributes of the destination computer. 
When a GPO is linked to a WMI filter and applied on the target computer, the filter is evaluated. If the WMI filter evaluates to false, the GPO will not apply. If the WMI filter evaluates to true, the group policy is applied. 
this step will create two scripts for installing Lync Client 32 and 64 bits, two group policies are created to install each and the creation of WMI filters to apply each script to the operating systems installed in stations. 
Both installation files Lync Client are copied to the folder ClientLync. was also copied the update files for clients to be applied on clients. 
A Cumulative update 4 can be downloaded from the link

Download Package x86.

Download X64 package. 

As the procedure was created a script for silent installation of the client, this time I created two files. bat for a client to a 32-bit and 64-bit client.

\ \ Share \ LyncSetup_ <version> / install / silent 

For installation of Lync Client 32-bit 

To install the Lync Client 64-bit 

The script files were copied to the \ \ HM01 \ SYSVOL \ home.intranet \ scripts 

Run the Group Policy Management folder, click the WMI Filters and add a filter

Add the name of the filter *stations x32, * and description and click *Add * 

Add the filter. 
This filter will be applied to operating systems Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7:

Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType = "1" 

Back in the wizard to add a new filter. 

Add a new filter. This filter is applied to 32-bit operating systems:

Select * from Win32_Processor where AddressWidth = "32" 

Save the filter settings 

Add a new filter to apply the policy to customers with 64-bit operating systems 
Add a new WMI filter 

Set the filter name *Stations x64 * and description and click Add 

Add a new filter.

This filter will be applied to operating systems Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7:

Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType = "1" 

Add a new filter. 

This filter will apply to 64-bit operating systems:

Select * from Win32_Processor where AddressWidth = "64" 

Save the filter settings 

Create two political groups, a policy for operating system 32 and 64 bits. 

Set the name of the two policies, 

The result is the creation of two policies: 

Double-click on the policy, the policy properties and the properties of WMI Filtering select the filter designed for 32-bit operating systems 

Do the same for setting policy for the 64-bit system 

Then configure the scripts in their policies: 
Access policy settings 

Access the settings  Computer Configuration in Policies open the properties of Windows Settings in scripts to access the properties of the Startup folder. 

Click Add to add the script 

Click Broese and select the script of architecture, in which case InstallClientx32 

And apply the settings 

Perform the same settings for the policy to the 64-bit operating systems by selecting the script *InstallClientx64.
With scripts configured policies, apply in the two Organizational Units for workstations 

Select the two policies 

Testing Filters

In the Organizational Unit Computer apply where the two policies have the account of two machines. The HmDesk01 installed with Windows 7 64-bit version and a machine HmDesk02 installed with Windows 7 32-bit version.
After restarting the stations use the command GPResult to generate a report of the filters applied on the machines and GPOs 
The Windows 7 64-bit machine:

WMI Filters: Stations x64 value *True 
gpo Check for 64-bit operating systems has been applied


The Windows 7 32-bit machine:

*WMI Filters: Stations x32 * value  True 
gpo Check for 32-bit operating systems has been applied 

In the Event Viewer of the machines we can see the start of the installation of the client with EventId 1040 

Applying Updates

The same script that was used to install the clients can be modified to include the client updates. Go to the folder where the scripts were saved. 

Open the scripts InstallClientx32.bat and add the line

msiexec / update \ \ HM01 \ ClientLync \ Lync_x32.msp / quiet 

Open the scripts InstallClientx64.bat and add the line

msiexec / update \ \ HM01 \ ClientLync \ Lync_x64.msp / quiet 

With this modification after the client installation of the update file Lync Lync_xxx.msp is applied. If the client machine is already present in the script applies only to update the client.  
To verify that the update has been applied to client version must be equal to 4.0.7577.4051 


article was originally written by:
**Fernando Lugão Veltem 
blog:  ** 
**twitter:  **@ flugaoveltem