SharePoint 2010: User Display Name shows “i:0#.f|” using Form Based Authentication
I had to implement Form Based Authentication for my company, but ( there is always a but ^^ ) display names where not showing up correctly for accounts in the Forms Auth using the FBA membership provider.
User Display Name show i:0#.f| using form based authentication
Believe me whatever you do its not picking it up from Active Directory User Display Name instead the user display name is like. I received each time i:0#.F\g.ozcifci
I did get this issue because we ran the command $wa.MigrateUsers($true): BAD CHOISE !! I it will migrate each user from AD to FBA (more info Change SharePoint authentication from classic mode to claims based )
- You would need to run a PowerShell command for the –Web parameter being the SiteCollection URL.
- You would need to login to that Site Collection at least once for the script to update the Display Name. This is something like alerts on a site will work for the user if we would have logged into that site collection at least once.
Set-SPUser “i:0#.f|g.ozcifci” -Web http://sp2010/ -DisplayName "OZCIFCI, Gokan " |
Great Script for Migrating Users from SharePoint 2007 FBA to SharePoint 2010 FBA : Link